Many a modern #
Metaverse comes and goes, often burning millions or even billions in venture capital and in NFTs in the process of going. #
SecondLife, on the other hand, has been running for 20 years. Yes, it's still around. No, it didn't shut down in 2008/2009. And #
OpenSimulator has been growing for 16 years and the technological basis for the first and so far only truly decentralised, distributed, federated network of independent #
VirtualWorlds. All with next to zero advertising and not a single penny of venture capital.
Why is that so?
1) Second Life and #
OpenSim don't require expensive VR goggles. They run on your laptop.
2) They allow for degrees of in-world creativity that are technically impossible to implement in most modern 3-D worlds.
Very modular avatars are only the tip of the iceberg.
3) You can have sex in Second Life and OpenSim.