Image descriptions in the Fediverse
I have learned a lot about describing images according to Mastodon's standards, and I want to share my knowledge, but I haven't learned enough
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It must have been two years ago that I've learned about the importance of describing images in the Fediverse.
Now, I'm not someone who's easily satisfied with the absolute bare minimum. If I have to do it, I want to do it right. I want to do it the best I can. "Better than nothing" isn't good enough. In fact, this already holds true for the alt-text police and the Mastodon HOA. And if I have to describe my images, I want to be way ahead of them. I don't want my image descriptions to suddenly be sub-standard because Mastodon has kept raising its standards, but I haven't.
So I've spent these past years educating myself about alt-text and image descriptions and researching about what Mastodon users require, what Mastodon users want, what Mastodon users don't want. "Mastodon users" because, seriously, Mastodon is pretty much the only place in the Fediverse where image descriptions matter. Or used to be until two months ago when people who were on Mastodon and Instagram suddenly started escaping from Meta Platforms, Inc. and flocking to Pixelfed and brought Mastodon's accessibility rules with them. But that was only two months ago.
Until then, just about nobody outside Mastodon knew or cared about image accessibility. But if your content has a chance of ending up on some Mastodon timeline, it's pretty much mandatory.
For my research, I've had lots of sources of information. Various hashtags on, sometimes also on Mastodon instances targetted at disabled users. A whole number of webpages and blog articles about alt-text and image descriptions, even though they're mostly geared towards static commercial websites or HTML-formatted blogs. These webpages and articles keep contradicting what's happening on Mastodon, and what Mastodon users tend to love, but then again, they also contradict each other, e.g. mentioning a person's race vs never mentioning a person's race because that's racist.
Still, I've learned a lot.
Early on during my research, I've learned that Mastodon users love alt-text as sources of additional information on the topic of the image. What really got me to re-think my way of describing images was this toot by @Stormgren:
This mattered. A lot. Because I didn't want to post real-life cat photos.
What I wanted to post images about, and what I actually had already started posting images about, was 3-D virtual worlds. Super-obscure 3-D virtual worlds based on OpenSimulator. Something that only maybe one in 200,000 Fediverse users knows anything about. Everyone else, so I figured, would require tons of explanation to be able to understand my image posts.
Something else I took away from this is that it's better to give people all information they may not have but need to understand your image post on a silver platter right away than to expect them to look up even only some of this information themselves. This goes doubly when you know that they won't even find that information.
And in fact, I also learned that neurodivergent people may require more extensive explanations than neurotypical people. I've actually had a neurodivergent Mastodon user thank me for an absolutely monstrous image description with an absolute info dump of explanations in it.
That early already, I also learned other things. For example, the rule that alt-text must not exceed 200 characters (or even only 125 characters) does not exist on Mastodon. Instead, many Mastodon users love long, extensive, detailed image descriptions. Well, if they want them, they shall have them.
Another thing was that accessibility means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to experience an image as sighted users. There's no arguing that, I guess.
Again, my images are about 3-D virtual worlds. A kind of 3-D virtual worlds that have been referred to by the buzzword "metaverse" or "metaverses" as early as 2007, 14 years before Zuckerberg used that word, and I can prove that. What my images show may be referred to as "metaverse". Not an artistic impression of a metaverse, not an AI rendering of a metaverse, but actually existing, living, breathing 3-D virtual worlds that are being referred to as "metaverses", or whose network is being referred to as "the metaverse".
In short: The metaverse exists. And my images show it. They show the actually, really existing metaverse.
Chances are that this has sighted users on the edges of their seats in excitement. What do they do then? Only look at what matters in the image within the context of the post? Of course not! Instead, they go exploring this exciting, recently discovered, whole new universe by taking in all the big and small details in the image.
Now allow me to re-iterate: Accessibility means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to experience an image as sighted users. Anything else equals ableism.
In this context, it means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to take in all the big and small details in my images just the same as sighted users. But they can't see them. So I have to sit down and describe all the details in the image to them. And explain them, of course, if they don't understand them.
This was when my image descriptions really grew to titanic sizes.
Also, if there is text in an image, it must be transcribed verbatim. My understanding of that is that any and all text that is anywhere within the borders of an image must be transcribed absolutely identically to the original. Now, I'm not talking about what's called flattened copy. I'm talking about signs or posters or logos or box art or the like strewn about the image.
This rule does not cover a number of edge-cases, though. For example, it does not cover text which is unreadable in the image as it is posted, but which whoever posts the image can source and thereby transcribe verbatim nonetheless. I figured that if no exception is explicitly made, then there is no exception for such text. If it can be transcribed, it must be transcribed. So my first long image description ended up with 22 individual text transcripts of various lengths.
The location where an image was taken, so I learned, should be mentioned, too, unless very good reasons speak against it. None of these reasons apply to my images from virtual worlds. Cue me not only mentioning where an image is from, but explaining it in more and more characters so that everyone understands it with no prior special knowledge required.
Now the question was where to put all that information. Into the post itself (which would inflate it to ridiculous lengths)? Into the alt-text like everyone on Mastodon (for which it would be too long at several thousand characters)? Into a reply (which would be inconvenient and stay entirely unnoticed by Mastodon users)?
I actually did a test run in the shape of (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) a thread with four times the same post, but different ways of describing the image in it. I cross-posted it to Lemmy to have people vote on which is the best place to describe an image. The poll wasn't really representative although describing the image in the post itself technically won: It only got five votes.
Then I got into an argument with @Deborah, a user with a physical disability that makes it impossible for her to access alt-text. Money quote from way down this comment thread:
Her point was clear: Information only available in alt-text, but neither in the post text body nor in the image itself, is inaccessible and therefore lost to all those who cannot access alt-text. And not everyone can access alt-text.
From elsewhere, I learned that externally linked information is inconvenient and potentially inaccessible. Conclusion: It's generally best to provide all information necessary for understanding a post in the post itself.
Okay, so when I describe and explain my images at the level of detail that I deem necessary (and that level is sky high), the description, complete with included explanations, must go into the post text body.
But then there was the alt-text police as a department of the Mastodon HOA. At least some of them demand every image in the Fediverse have a useful (as in sufficiently detailed and accurate) alt-text. Yes, even if there's already an image description in the post. That is, if they can't see the image description in the post right off the bat because the post is hidden behind a summary and CW, then of course that image description doesn't count.
When I realised that, I started describing all my original images twice. Once with a long and detailed image description in the post itself. Once with a shorter, but still extensive image description in the alt-text. That said, I often had to cut text transcripts because multiple dozen text transcripts wouldn't all fit into a maximum of 1,500 characters, especially not including the descriptions necessary for people to even find them.
Even though Hubzilla doesn't really have a character limit for alt-text, I have to limit myself because I've long since learned that Mastodon cuts alt-texts from outside off at the 1,500-character mark if they're longer than 1,500 characters. I was told that Misskey does the same. And I figured that all their respective forks do that, too. Also, (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) even Hubzilla can only display so many characters of alt-text.
By the way: I've yet to see anyone on Mastodon sanction someone for an alt-text that's too long or too detailed. As long as I don't, I'll suppose it doesn't happen. I'll suppose that Mastodon is perfectly happy with 1,500-character alt-texts.
As for my long descriptions, they've started humongous already. The first one was already most likely the longest image description in the Fediverse. It started out at over 11,000 characters that took me three hours. More research, one edit and another round about two hours later, it stood at (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) over 13,000 characters. Then came (content warning: eye contact, food, tobacco, weapons, elevated point of view) over 37,000 characters for one image. Then came (content warning: eye contact, food) over 40,000 characters for one image. Then came over 60,000 characters for one image which took me two whole days, morning to evening. And I even consider that image obsolete and insufficient nowadays.
My image descriptions have grown so long that they have headlines, often on multiple levels.
I barely get any feedback for these image descriptions, but it doesn't look like I get more criticism than praise.
Still, my learning process continued.
I learned that it's actually good to have both an alt-text and a long image description.
I learned that "picture of", "image of" and "photo of" are very bad style. The photograph, more specifically the digital photograph, can be considered a default nowadays. All other media, however, must be mentioned. So if I have a shaded, but not ray-traced digital 3-D rendering, I have to say so.
I learned that people may want to know about the camera position (its height above the ground in particular) and orientation. And so I mention both if there are enough references in the image to justify them. (For example, it probably isn't worth mentioning that the camera is oriented a few degrees south of west if the background of the image is plain white and absolutely featureless otherwise.)
I learned that technical terms and jargon which not everyone may be familiar with must be avoided if anyhow possible and explained if not. Since I can't constantly write around any and all terms specific to virtual worlds in general and OpenSim in particular in everyday words, this alone added thousands upon thousands of characters of explanations to my long image descriptions.
I learned that abbreviations of any kind must be avoided like the plague if anyhow possible. At the very least, they must be spelled out in full and then associated with their own abbreviation at first. Then, initialisms that are spelled letter by letter must have their latters separated with full stops whereas acronyms that are pronounced like words must not have these full stops.
For example, the proper way to use "OAR" is by first spelling it out: "OpenSimulator Archive," followed by the initialism in parentheses with full stops between the letters, "(O.A.R.)", then explaining what an OAR is without requiring any prior knowledge except for what has already been explained in the image description. Later on, the initialism "O.A.R." may be used unless it is so far down the image description that it has to be spelled out again to remind people of what it means.
I learned that not only the sizes of objects in the image belong into the image description, but they must be explained using references to either what else is in the image or to what people are easily familiar with like the size of body parts. I only have one image post that actually takes care of this.
I learned that not only colours belong into the image description, but they must be described using a small handful of basic colours plus brightness plus saturation. After all, what does a blind person know what sepia or fuchsia or olive green or Prussian blue or Burgundy red is?
I learned that, when describing a person or anything in the image akin to a person (avatar, non-player character, animesh figure, static figure etc.), their gender must never be mentioned unless either the gender is clearly demonstrated, or it has been verified, or it is clearly and definitely known otherwise. I do mention the gender of my own avatar because I've created him, and I've defined him as male. I also mention @Juno Rowland's gender because I've created her, too, and I've defined her as female.
Similarly, I learned that, when describing a person (etc. etc.), their race or ethnicity must never be mentioned although some sources say otherwise. Rather, the skin tone must be mentioned, more specifically, one out of five (dark, medium-dark, medium, medium-light, light; I may expand this to nine with another four tones in-between).
Beyond that, I learned that the following may belong into the description of a person:
I prefer portraits nowadays, especially with a background that's as minimalist as possible. It's enough of an effort to describe the avatar; it'd go completely out of hand if I also had to describe the entire surrounding.
Similarly, I still avoid having realistic-looking buildings in my images. And the last non-realistic building required up over 40,000 characters of description alone. Granted, it's both gigantic and highly complex, not to mention that it mostly has glass panes for walls so that much of its inside is visible. But if there was a realistic-looking building in one of my images, I'd first have to spend days researching English architectural terms, and then I'd have to explain all these terms for the laypeople who will actually come across the image.
Style-wise, I learned that alt-text must not contain line breaks. Hubzilla and (streams) themselves showed me that using the quotation marks on your keyboard in alt-text is a bad idea, too. I've never done the former, and I've stopped doing the latter.
Other things of which I know that they don't belong into alt-text are hashtags, hyperlinks (both embedded links and plain URLs), emoji, other Unicode characters which screen readers won't necessarily parse as letters, digits or interpunction, image credits and license information (the latter two must be in plain sight if they are required).
I learned that screen readers may or may not misinterpret all-caps. It's actually better to transcribe text in all-caps without the all-caps and mention in the image description that the original text is in all-caps.
I also learned recently that, in fact, extremely long image descriptions are not necessarily bad, not even in social media. Fortunately, I don't have to deal with a character limit for my posts. Only two limits matter: 1,500 characters for alt-text because Mastodon cuts off everything that goes beyond. And the 100,000 characters of post length above which Mastodon probably rejects posts altogether, rendering the image description efforts that has inflated the posts beyond these sizes moot. And yes, I can post over 100,000 characters on Hubzilla.
Whenever I learned something new, I declared all my image descriptions in which I hadn't implemented it yet obsolete.
But I still don't know enough.
I dare say I have learned a whole lot. But it's all more or less basic concepts. What I still don't know enough about is what the general guidelines are when it comes to applying these concepts to such extremely obscure edge-cases as my virtual world images.
What I'm doing is a first. People have posted virtual world images in the Fediverse before, even on Mastodon. It happens all the time. A few have also added basic alt-text. But I'm the first to actually put some thought into how this has to be done if it shall be done properly.
I've still got a lot of unanswered questions. And truth be told, if one person tries to answer them, they're still unanswered. I don't need one answer from one person. I need a general community consensus for an answer.
When I ask a question on how to do a certain thing when describing my virtual world images, I don't want one person to answer. I don't want one person to answer, another person to answer the exact opposite and these two persons not knowing about each other either. But this is Mastodon's standard modus operandi because people generally can't see who has replied what to any given post before or after them.
I want to ask that question, and then I want one or several dozen people to discuss that question. Not only with me, but even more with each other. Mastodon semi-veterans who live and breathe Mastodon's accessibility culture, non-Mastodon Fediverse veterans who can wrap their minds around having no character limit, accessibility experts, actually blind or visually-impaired people, neurodivergent people who need the kind of info dumps that I provide. Plus myself as the only one of the bunch who knows a thing about these virtual worlds.
Alas, this is impossible in the Fediverse. Mastodon is too limited and too much "microblogging" and "social media" for it. And while the Fediverse does have places that are much better for discussions, Mastodon users don't congregate there, and those who do populate these places know nothing about accessibility or Mastodon's culture.
It doesn't help that I rarely post images, and when I do, I rarely get any feedback. The reasons why I rarely post images are because describing them has become such a huge effort, and many motives that I'd like to show are too complex to realistically be described appropriately.
So I have to replace a whole lot of detail knowledge with assumptions based on what I know, what I've experienced, what I can deduce from all this and what appears logical to me.
In fact, a lot of what I do in my image descriptions is based on the idea that if I mention something in an image, and a blind or visually-impaired person doesn't know what it looks like, chances are that they want to know it, and that they expect to be told what it looks like. No matter what it might be. However, it's my assumption that this may actually extend to just about everything in an image.
Still, I think I have amassed a whole lot of knowledge about alt-text in particular and image descriptions in general.
Now I'd really like to share this knowledge with others. For one, I want to give them a chance to have a very big edge over the ever-increasing requirements for good enough alt-text. Besides, I actually keep seeing people making the same glaring mistakes over and over and over again.
On top of all that, what few image description guides there are that touch the Fediverse only cover Mastodon. There are none that disregard post character limits, or at least that don't take triple-digit character limits as a given. This is the only guide for long image descriptions in social media/social networks that deals with long image descriptions at all. But even that guide doesn't take into account the possibility of being able to post tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of characters at once. Being able to describe one image in over 60,000 characters and then drop these over 60,000 characters all into the same post as the image itself. Not needing the extra capacity of alt-text for information that doesn't fit into the post itself anymore.
Most other image description guides are only for static websites and/or blogs. However, not only does most of the Fediverse not have any HTML, and not only do SEO keywords make no sense in Fediverse alt-text, but Mastodon's alt-text culture which dominates the whole Fediverse is vastly different from what accessibility experts and Web designers have cooked up for static websites and blogs. On a website, an alt-text of 300 characters is way too long. On Mastodon, it may actually be too short.
So, after studying various alt-text guides as well as Mastodon's alt-text culture, I felt the need to write down what I know so that others can learn from it.
For a while, I have toyed with the idea of starting yet another wiki on this Hubzilla channel of mine. This would be my first wiki about the Fediverse after two wikis about OpenSim, one of which is still very incomplete. The downside might be that it'd be hard to find unless I keep pointing individual people to it.
Then, a few months ago, I discovered a draft for an article on image descriptions in the Join the Fediverse Wiki. So I started expanding it last week with what I know. But as it seems, most of the information I've added isn't even welcome in the wiki. This was probably meant to be a rather simple alt-text guide.
Now I may actually create that wiki on Hubzilla. What I want to write won't fit onto one single page anyway, and I need some more structure.
I'm also wondering what to do with the knowledge I've gathered about content warnings, including a massive list of things that people may be warned about.
Now, I'm not someone who's easily satisfied with the absolute bare minimum. If I have to do it, I want to do it right. I want to do it the best I can. "Better than nothing" isn't good enough. In fact, this already holds true for the alt-text police and the Mastodon HOA. And if I have to describe my images, I want to be way ahead of them. I don't want my image descriptions to suddenly be sub-standard because Mastodon has kept raising its standards, but I haven't.
Perfectioning image descriptions on Hubzilla because Mastodon requires them
So I've spent these past years educating myself about alt-text and image descriptions and researching about what Mastodon users require, what Mastodon users want, what Mastodon users don't want. "Mastodon users" because, seriously, Mastodon is pretty much the only place in the Fediverse where image descriptions matter. Or used to be until two months ago when people who were on Mastodon and Instagram suddenly started escaping from Meta Platforms, Inc. and flocking to Pixelfed and brought Mastodon's accessibility rules with them. But that was only two months ago.
Until then, just about nobody outside Mastodon knew or cared about image accessibility. But if your content has a chance of ending up on some Mastodon timeline, it's pretty much mandatory.
For my research, I've had lots of sources of information. Various hashtags on, sometimes also on Mastodon instances targetted at disabled users. A whole number of webpages and blog articles about alt-text and image descriptions, even though they're mostly geared towards static commercial websites or HTML-formatted blogs. These webpages and articles keep contradicting what's happening on Mastodon, and what Mastodon users tend to love, but then again, they also contradict each other, e.g. mentioning a person's race vs never mentioning a person's race because that's racist.
Still, I've learned a lot.
Explanations matter
Early on during my research, I've learned that Mastodon users love alt-text as sources of additional information on the topic of the image. What really got me to re-think my way of describing images was this toot by @Stormgren:
Alt-text doesn't just mean accessibility in terms of low -vision or no-vision end users.
Done right also means accessibility for people who might not know much about your image's subject matter either.
This is especially true for technical topic photos. By accurately describing what's in the picture, you give context to non-technical viewers, or newbies, as to exactly what they're looking at, and even describe how it works or why it matters.
#AltText is not just an alternate description to a visual medium, it's an enhancement for everyone if you do it right.
(So I can't find any prior post of mine on this, so if I've actually made this point before, well, you got to hear a version of it again.)
Done right also means accessibility for people who might not know much about your image's subject matter either.
This is especially true for technical topic photos. By accurately describing what's in the picture, you give context to non-technical viewers, or newbies, as to exactly what they're looking at, and even describe how it works or why it matters.
#AltText is not just an alternate description to a visual medium, it's an enhancement for everyone if you do it right.
(So I can't find any prior post of mine on this, so if I've actually made this point before, well, you got to hear a version of it again.)
This mattered. A lot. Because I didn't want to post real-life cat photos.
What I wanted to post images about, and what I actually had already started posting images about, was 3-D virtual worlds. Super-obscure 3-D virtual worlds based on OpenSimulator. Something that only maybe one in 200,000 Fediverse users knows anything about. Everyone else, so I figured, would require tons of explanation to be able to understand my image posts.
Something else I took away from this is that it's better to give people all information they may not have but need to understand your image post on a silver platter right away than to expect them to look up even only some of this information themselves. This goes doubly when you know that they won't even find that information.
And in fact, I also learned that neurodivergent people may require more extensive explanations than neurotypical people. I've actually had a neurodivergent Mastodon user thank me for an absolutely monstrous image description with an absolute info dump of explanations in it.
That early already, I also learned other things. For example, the rule that alt-text must not exceed 200 characters (or even only 125 characters) does not exist on Mastodon. Instead, many Mastodon users love long, extensive, detailed image descriptions. Well, if they want them, they shall have them.
Inclusion means the same chances for everyone, no matter how
Another thing was that accessibility means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to experience an image as sighted users. There's no arguing that, I guess.
Again, my images are about 3-D virtual worlds. A kind of 3-D virtual worlds that have been referred to by the buzzword "metaverse" or "metaverses" as early as 2007, 14 years before Zuckerberg used that word, and I can prove that. What my images show may be referred to as "metaverse". Not an artistic impression of a metaverse, not an AI rendering of a metaverse, but actually existing, living, breathing 3-D virtual worlds that are being referred to as "metaverses", or whose network is being referred to as "the metaverse".
In short: The metaverse exists. And my images show it. They show the actually, really existing metaverse.
Chances are that this has sighted users on the edges of their seats in excitement. What do they do then? Only look at what matters in the image within the context of the post? Of course not! Instead, they go exploring this exciting, recently discovered, whole new universe by taking in all the big and small details in the image.
Now allow me to re-iterate: Accessibility means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to experience an image as sighted users. Anything else equals ableism.
In this context, it means that blind or visually-impaired users must have the very same chances to take in all the big and small details in my images just the same as sighted users. But they can't see them. So I have to sit down and describe all the details in the image to them. And explain them, of course, if they don't understand them.
This was when my image descriptions really grew to titanic sizes.
Text transcripts in edge-cases
Also, if there is text in an image, it must be transcribed verbatim. My understanding of that is that any and all text that is anywhere within the borders of an image must be transcribed absolutely identically to the original. Now, I'm not talking about what's called flattened copy. I'm talking about signs or posters or logos or box art or the like strewn about the image.
This rule does not cover a number of edge-cases, though. For example, it does not cover text which is unreadable in the image as it is posted, but which whoever posts the image can source and thereby transcribe verbatim nonetheless. I figured that if no exception is explicitly made, then there is no exception for such text. If it can be transcribed, it must be transcribed. So my first long image description ended up with 22 individual text transcripts of various lengths.
The location where an image was taken, so I learned, should be mentioned, too, unless very good reasons speak against it. None of these reasons apply to my images from virtual worlds. Cue me not only mentioning where an image is from, but explaining it in more and more characters so that everyone understands it with no prior special knowledge required.
Alt-text for the image plus image description in the post
Now the question was where to put all that information. Into the post itself (which would inflate it to ridiculous lengths)? Into the alt-text like everyone on Mastodon (for which it would be too long at several thousand characters)? Into a reply (which would be inconvenient and stay entirely unnoticed by Mastodon users)?
I actually did a test run in the shape of (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) a thread with four times the same post, but different ways of describing the image in it. I cross-posted it to Lemmy to have people vote on which is the best place to describe an image. The poll wasn't really representative although describing the image in the post itself technically won: It only got five votes.
Then I got into an argument with @Deborah, a user with a physical disability that makes it impossible for her to access alt-text. Money quote from way down this comment thread:
@Jupiter Rowland
I have a disability that prevents me from seeing alt text, because on almost all platforms, seeing the alt requires having a screenreader or working hands. If you post a picture, is there info that you want somebody who CAN see the picture but DOESN’T have working hands to know? Write that in visible text. If you put that in the alt, you are explicitly excluding people like me.
But you don’t have to overthink it. The description of the image itself is a simple concept.
I have a disability that prevents me from seeing alt text, because on almost all platforms, seeing the alt requires having a screenreader or working hands. If you post a picture, is there info that you want somebody who CAN see the picture but DOESN’T have working hands to know? Write that in visible text. If you put that in the alt, you are explicitly excluding people like me.
But you don’t have to overthink it. The description of the image itself is a simple concept.
Her point was clear: Information only available in alt-text, but neither in the post text body nor in the image itself, is inaccessible and therefore lost to all those who cannot access alt-text. And not everyone can access alt-text.
From elsewhere, I learned that externally linked information is inconvenient and potentially inaccessible. Conclusion: It's generally best to provide all information necessary for understanding a post in the post itself.
Okay, so when I describe and explain my images at the level of detail that I deem necessary (and that level is sky high), the description, complete with included explanations, must go into the post text body.
But then there was the alt-text police as a department of the Mastodon HOA. At least some of them demand every image in the Fediverse have a useful (as in sufficiently detailed and accurate) alt-text. Yes, even if there's already an image description in the post. That is, if they can't see the image description in the post right off the bat because the post is hidden behind a summary and CW, then of course that image description doesn't count.
When I realised that, I started describing all my original images twice. Once with a long and detailed image description in the post itself. Once with a shorter, but still extensive image description in the alt-text. That said, I often had to cut text transcripts because multiple dozen text transcripts wouldn't all fit into a maximum of 1,500 characters, especially not including the descriptions necessary for people to even find them.
The longest image descriptions in the Fediverse
Even though Hubzilla doesn't really have a character limit for alt-text, I have to limit myself because I've long since learned that Mastodon cuts alt-texts from outside off at the 1,500-character mark if they're longer than 1,500 characters. I was told that Misskey does the same. And I figured that all their respective forks do that, too. Also, (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) even Hubzilla can only display so many characters of alt-text.
By the way: I've yet to see anyone on Mastodon sanction someone for an alt-text that's too long or too detailed. As long as I don't, I'll suppose it doesn't happen. I'll suppose that Mastodon is perfectly happy with 1,500-character alt-texts.
As for my long descriptions, they've started humongous already. The first one was already most likely the longest image description in the Fediverse. It started out at over 11,000 characters that took me three hours. More research, one edit and another round about two hours later, it stood at (content warning: eye contact, alcohol) over 13,000 characters. Then came (content warning: eye contact, food, tobacco, weapons, elevated point of view) over 37,000 characters for one image. Then came (content warning: eye contact, food) over 40,000 characters for one image. Then came over 60,000 characters for one image which took me two whole days, morning to evening. And I even consider that image obsolete and insufficient nowadays.
My image descriptions have grown so long that they have headlines, often on multiple levels.
I barely get any feedback for these image descriptions, but it doesn't look like I get more criticism than praise.
More things to learn
Still, my learning process continued.
I learned that it's actually good to have both an alt-text and a long image description.
I learned that "picture of", "image of" and "photo of" are very bad style. The photograph, more specifically the digital photograph, can be considered a default nowadays. All other media, however, must be mentioned. So if I have a shaded, but not ray-traced digital 3-D rendering, I have to say so.
I learned that people may want to know about the camera position (its height above the ground in particular) and orientation. And so I mention both if there are enough references in the image to justify them. (For example, it probably isn't worth mentioning that the camera is oriented a few degrees south of west if the background of the image is plain white and absolutely featureless otherwise.)
I learned that technical terms and jargon which not everyone may be familiar with must be avoided if anyhow possible and explained if not. Since I can't constantly write around any and all terms specific to virtual worlds in general and OpenSim in particular in everyday words, this alone added thousands upon thousands of characters of explanations to my long image descriptions.
I learned that abbreviations of any kind must be avoided like the plague if anyhow possible. At the very least, they must be spelled out in full and then associated with their own abbreviation at first. Then, initialisms that are spelled letter by letter must have their latters separated with full stops whereas acronyms that are pronounced like words must not have these full stops.
For example, the proper way to use "OAR" is by first spelling it out: "OpenSimulator Archive," followed by the initialism in parentheses with full stops between the letters, "(O.A.R.)", then explaining what an OAR is without requiring any prior knowledge except for what has already been explained in the image description. Later on, the initialism "O.A.R." may be used unless it is so far down the image description that it has to be spelled out again to remind people of what it means.
I learned that not only the sizes of objects in the image belong into the image description, but they must be explained using references to either what else is in the image or to what people are easily familiar with like the size of body parts. I only have one image post that actually takes care of this.
I learned that not only colours belong into the image description, but they must be described using a small handful of basic colours plus brightness plus saturation. After all, what does a blind person know what sepia or fuchsia or olive green or Prussian blue or Burgundy red is?
How to describe what amounts to people
I learned that, when describing a person or anything in the image akin to a person (avatar, non-player character, animesh figure, static figure etc.), their gender must never be mentioned unless either the gender is clearly demonstrated, or it has been verified, or it is clearly and definitely known otherwise. I do mention the gender of my own avatar because I've created him, and I've defined him as male. I also mention @Juno Rowland's gender because I've created her, too, and I've defined her as female.
Similarly, I learned that, when describing a person (etc. etc.), their race or ethnicity must never be mentioned although some sources say otherwise. Rather, the skin tone must be mentioned, more specifically, one out of five (dark, medium-dark, medium, medium-light, light; I may expand this to nine with another four tones in-between).
Beyond that, I learned that the following may belong into the description of a person:
- the identity of the person if it's of importance
- age range or apparent age range
- body shape
- hair colour
- hair length
- hair shape/texture
- hairstyle
- ditto for a beard if applicable
- clothes, footwear, jewellery and accessories including:
- shape and fit including details such as sleeve length
- colours
- colour patterns and probably also print patterns
- materials (although blind/visually-impaired users commented in this thread that I do not have to describe what certain fabric weave patterns, e.g. herringbone, look like; I'm still not sure whether I should or should not explain what the toe cap of a specific full brogue shoe looks like)
- designer/creator (although not always, plus it'd lead to even more massive explanations if I were to tell people who made which clothes on which avatar because I'd have to explain and often research who they are in the first place)
- facial expression, posture and gestures
I prefer portraits nowadays, especially with a background that's as minimalist as possible. It's enough of an effort to describe the avatar; it'd go completely out of hand if I also had to describe the entire surrounding.
Similarly, I still avoid having realistic-looking buildings in my images. And the last non-realistic building required up over 40,000 characters of description alone. Granted, it's both gigantic and highly complex, not to mention that it mostly has glass panes for walls so that much of its inside is visible. But if there was a realistic-looking building in one of my images, I'd first have to spend days researching English architectural terms, and then I'd have to explain all these terms for the laypeople who will actually come across the image.
Details on alt-texts and image descriptions themselves
Style-wise, I learned that alt-text must not contain line breaks. Hubzilla and (streams) themselves showed me that using the quotation marks on your keyboard in alt-text is a bad idea, too. I've never done the former, and I've stopped doing the latter.
Other things of which I know that they don't belong into alt-text are hashtags, hyperlinks (both embedded links and plain URLs), emoji, other Unicode characters which screen readers won't necessarily parse as letters, digits or interpunction, image credits and license information (the latter two must be in plain sight if they are required).
I learned that screen readers may or may not misinterpret all-caps. It's actually better to transcribe text in all-caps without the all-caps and mention in the image description that the original text is in all-caps.
I also learned recently that, in fact, extremely long image descriptions are not necessarily bad, not even in social media. Fortunately, I don't have to deal with a character limit for my posts. Only two limits matter: 1,500 characters for alt-text because Mastodon cuts off everything that goes beyond. And the 100,000 characters of post length above which Mastodon probably rejects posts altogether, rendering the image description efforts that has inflated the posts beyond these sizes moot. And yes, I can post over 100,000 characters on Hubzilla.
Whenever I learned something new, I declared all my image descriptions in which I hadn't implemented it yet obsolete.
Lack of information and lack of communication lead to assumptions
But I still don't know enough.
I dare say I have learned a whole lot. But it's all more or less basic concepts. What I still don't know enough about is what the general guidelines are when it comes to applying these concepts to such extremely obscure edge-cases as my virtual world images.
What I'm doing is a first. People have posted virtual world images in the Fediverse before, even on Mastodon. It happens all the time. A few have also added basic alt-text. But I'm the first to actually put some thought into how this has to be done if it shall be done properly.
I've still got a lot of unanswered questions. And truth be told, if one person tries to answer them, they're still unanswered. I don't need one answer from one person. I need a general community consensus for an answer.
When I ask a question on how to do a certain thing when describing my virtual world images, I don't want one person to answer. I don't want one person to answer, another person to answer the exact opposite and these two persons not knowing about each other either. But this is Mastodon's standard modus operandi because people generally can't see who has replied what to any given post before or after them.
I want to ask that question, and then I want one or several dozen people to discuss that question. Not only with me, but even more with each other. Mastodon semi-veterans who live and breathe Mastodon's accessibility culture, non-Mastodon Fediverse veterans who can wrap their minds around having no character limit, accessibility experts, actually blind or visually-impaired people, neurodivergent people who need the kind of info dumps that I provide. Plus myself as the only one of the bunch who knows a thing about these virtual worlds.
Alas, this is impossible in the Fediverse. Mastodon is too limited and too much "microblogging" and "social media" for it. And while the Fediverse does have places that are much better for discussions, Mastodon users don't congregate there, and those who do populate these places know nothing about accessibility or Mastodon's culture.
It doesn't help that I rarely post images, and when I do, I rarely get any feedback. The reasons why I rarely post images are because describing them has become such a huge effort, and many motives that I'd like to show are too complex to realistically be described appropriately.
So I have to replace a whole lot of detail knowledge with assumptions based on what I know, what I've experienced, what I can deduce from all this and what appears logical to me.
In fact, a lot of what I do in my image descriptions is based on the idea that if I mention something in an image, and a blind or visually-impaired person doesn't know what it looks like, chances are that they want to know it, and that they expect to be told what it looks like. No matter what it might be. However, it's my assumption that this may actually extend to just about everything in an image.
Educate yourself, then educate others
Still, I think I have amassed a whole lot of knowledge about alt-text in particular and image descriptions in general.
Now I'd really like to share this knowledge with others. For one, I want to give them a chance to have a very big edge over the ever-increasing requirements for good enough alt-text. Besides, I actually keep seeing people making the same glaring mistakes over and over and over again.
On top of all that, what few image description guides there are that touch the Fediverse only cover Mastodon. There are none that disregard post character limits, or at least that don't take triple-digit character limits as a given. This is the only guide for long image descriptions in social media/social networks that deals with long image descriptions at all. But even that guide doesn't take into account the possibility of being able to post tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of characters at once. Being able to describe one image in over 60,000 characters and then drop these over 60,000 characters all into the same post as the image itself. Not needing the extra capacity of alt-text for information that doesn't fit into the post itself anymore.
Most other image description guides are only for static websites and/or blogs. However, not only does most of the Fediverse not have any HTML, and not only do SEO keywords make no sense in Fediverse alt-text, but Mastodon's alt-text culture which dominates the whole Fediverse is vastly different from what accessibility experts and Web designers have cooked up for static websites and blogs. On a website, an alt-text of 300 characters is way too long. On Mastodon, it may actually be too short.
So, after studying various alt-text guides as well as Mastodon's alt-text culture, I felt the need to write down what I know so that others can learn from it.
For a while, I have toyed with the idea of starting yet another wiki on this Hubzilla channel of mine. This would be my first wiki about the Fediverse after two wikis about OpenSim, one of which is still very incomplete. The downside might be that it'd be hard to find unless I keep pointing individual people to it.
Then, a few months ago, I discovered a draft for an article on image descriptions in the Join the Fediverse Wiki. So I started expanding it last week with what I know. But as it seems, most of the information I've added isn't even welcome in the wiki. This was probably meant to be a rather simple alt-text guide.
Now I may actually create that wiki on Hubzilla. What I want to write won't fit onto one single page anyway, and I need some more structure.
I'm also wondering what to do with the knowledge I've gathered about content warnings, including a massive list of things that people may be warned about.
Avatars are always digital twins? How about no?
Surprising revelation: Virtual world users don't necessarily want their avatar to be their digital self. In fact, they don't necessarily only want to have one avatar.
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During the Metaverse hype of 2022, you could often read statements like, "In the future, everyone will have an avatar."
This practically always meant that everyone would have one avatar. This avatar would be their digital twin, as close to their real-life self as possible. And, as New World Notes point out, Horizon is entirely based on this idea.
Mark Zuckerberg had Meta Horizon, what most people think "The Metaverse" refers to, designed around this idea. And with hardly any way to deviate from it. He wants Horizon to be 3-D Facebook with everyone having an avatar on Horizon, only one avatar, and that avatar must be the digital representation of their real-life selves. Just like he wants everyone to be themselves on Facebook by having nicknames banned early on. Horizon was and still is planned to become 3-D Facebook.
This, however, is one out of several signs that Zuckerberg doesn't know anything about virtual worlds. As shown in the link above, Zuckerberg knows that there has been something called Second Life, but I'm not sure whether he knows that Second Life still exists. And he definitely doesn't know what Second Life is like. Even though Cory Ondrejka, who is behind Facebook's acquisition of Oculus, used to be a Linden himself. But Zuck doesn't care what people say. He knows everything better. He isn't the Meta CEO and a multi-billionnaire for nothing. And they aren't.
Of course, if you talk about virtual worlds with people who have never used virtual worlds yet, at least not with avatars of their own, this is generally their idea of how virtual worlds are used. Mass media generally follow the same notion and even amplify it by spreading it. In the future, you'll have a digital twin in the Metaverse. That's how it's done. Could it possibly be any different?
In the virtual worlds which exist today, it is different. Very different.
Perfect places to prove people wrong are Second Life and OpenSim-based worlds. Compared with Roblox or Rec Room or VRChat or other platforms, their avatars are fairly realistic which, you may think, should make life-like digital twins even more life-like.
Now, just get yourself an avatar in Second Life or on some OpenSim grid, preferably one connected to the Hypergrid, but most are. Go to some event where a lot of avatars have gathered like a club party with a DJ. Look at the avatars that are there.
And then ask yourself: "Do all these people look like this in real life?"
Because everyone will look like a combination of a super-model and a dolled-up Instagram influencer. At the very least. Especially the female avatars. They all have big boobs, they all have big butts, they all have big, voluptuous lips. Almost all have long, lush manes. In OpenSim probably more than in Second Life, they're dressed in ways that you couldn't imagine digital avatars to be possible to dress in. Or real-life women, for that matter. Some of the ladies will be dancing on six-inch platforms with twelve-inch spike heels, regardless of the underground.
Also, in OpenSim probably more than in Second Life, female avatars in particular may be outright unnatural. Humongous breasts which nonetheless no gravity seems to be tugging on in spite of the obvious lack of a bra. Hips at least twice as wide as the waist. Thighs that they could fit their heads into.
Male avatars aren't quite as extreme. But if you see male avatars with an open shirt or topless, they always have chiseled abs.
If you really think they're all digital twins of their users, think twice. Especially about the female avatars with the outrageously unrealistic body measurements that are completely impossible in real life. Even disregarding these, the "digital twin" logic means you must have stumbled into some unguarded super-model meet-up. Until you discover that avatars look like this everywhere.
Also, look around again. How many avatars are female, how many are male? You'll notice that female avatars are the majority. Again, if you spend some more time looking around and meeting avatars, you'll discover that female avatars are the majority in general.
So, does this mean that many more women use Second Life and OpenSim than men? But why?
No, they don't.
Here's the truth: Just because an avatar is female, doesn't mean the owner is female.
Second Life is so very very much not 3-D Facebook. It never aimed to be 3-D Facebook, not only because it pre-dates Facebook by several years, but also because the name "Second Life" indicates that your avatar can live a life independent from your real life without being "digital you".
Oh, and by the way:
If you don't believe any of this: I personally know a whole bunch of female OpenSim avatars with guys behind them. In three cases, it's blatantly obvious: Two of them have weekly DJ gigs, the third one DJs on particular occasions, and all three announce by voice. In all three cases, there are guys talking. Only one of them has a male DJ alt, but you have to address to his female main for song requests.
It becomes blatantly obvious that remaking your real-life self in Second Life and OpenSim is not only not the primary goal, but undesired once you start customising your own avatar. Unlike other virtual world platforms, Second Life and OpenSim don't do this in some avatar appearance editor with nothing but switches and sliders, nor do they rely on imported monolithic avatars à la Ready Player Me. There is no way of scanning yourself or even only importing a photograph of your face and using that for your avatar.
Instead, you have to piece your avatar together. And you have to acquire these pieces into your inventory first. Said pieces were all made by users as opposed to being supplied by the same people who develop the worlds.
You need a body. You almost always need a separate head. You need a set of skin textures. You need hair. And that's just the basic building blocks; I'm not talking about clothes and accessories yet.
Now look at what you can get. Everything is geared towards young, beautiful, sexy. Where's the chubbier stuff? Where's the elderly stuff? In fact, where's the normal stuff? You may discover variants of female mesh bodies or add-ons for female mesh bodies with more realistically-sized breasts, usually marketed as something like "petite". But since everyone is used to standard big boobs, many users consider these bodies not realistic, but underage and their users potential paedophiles.
Why is there no more normal stuff? Because there's too little demand for it. It simply isn't worth making. Go figure. And remember that all these bodies, these heads, these skins, this hair and all the clothes and accessories for your avatar come from the community.
In fact, one reason why so many guys have female avatars, often even female main avatars, is because you've got many many more customisation options for female avatars, especially clothes. Both Second Life and OpenSim are full-blown menswear ghettos.
It's partially a vicious circle and partially self-fulfilling. It's commonly said that women basically need a walk-in wardrobe whereas a guy needs one shirt, one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes. But often, the reason why male avatars rarely change their outfits is because they don't have that much to choose from in the first place. Menswear is considered not worth making at such a variety.
So while men are more inclined to outfit their avatars once and then leave them like this for all eternity whereas women are more inclined to "play Barbie" giving their avatars a different outfit each day, there certainly are guys who want to be virtual dressmen. And if they can't "play Ken" with a male avatar the way they want, they resort to "playing Barbie" instead and getting themselves a female avatar.
Of course, there are many other reasons to make an opposite-gender avatar. Women may want to avoid sleazy guys by having a male avatar. Both may want to experiment with how an opposite-gender avatar is made, or they need one to test opposite-gender clothes and outfits before selling them. Just a few examples.
This is actually one of the nice things about virtual worlds: You can be what you want to be. Your avatar doesn't have to be your digital self. You can choose to try and model it after you, but you've also got the choice not to do that. You can even roleplay if you want to. And if you want to play different roles, many worlds let you create multiple avatars with different identities.
It isn't wise for a virtual world to force its users to have only one avatar and make it a digital copy of their real-life selves. Not because the owners of the world "say so". Not because it's their corporate philosophy. Especially not because it's unimaginable to them that virtual world users would not make their avatars their digital twins.
A vital lesson that virtual world companies need to learn from existing virtual worlds instead of disregarding them entirely and re-inventing the wheel from zero again.
This practically always meant that everyone would have one avatar. This avatar would be their digital twin, as close to their real-life self as possible. And, as New World Notes point out, Horizon is entirely based on this idea.
Mark Zuckerberg had Meta Horizon, what most people think "The Metaverse" refers to, designed around this idea. And with hardly any way to deviate from it. He wants Horizon to be 3-D Facebook with everyone having an avatar on Horizon, only one avatar, and that avatar must be the digital representation of their real-life selves. Just like he wants everyone to be themselves on Facebook by having nicknames banned early on. Horizon was and still is planned to become 3-D Facebook.
This, however, is one out of several signs that Zuckerberg doesn't know anything about virtual worlds. As shown in the link above, Zuckerberg knows that there has been something called Second Life, but I'm not sure whether he knows that Second Life still exists. And he definitely doesn't know what Second Life is like. Even though Cory Ondrejka, who is behind Facebook's acquisition of Oculus, used to be a Linden himself. But Zuck doesn't care what people say. He knows everything better. He isn't the Meta CEO and a multi-billionnaire for nothing. And they aren't.
Of course, if you talk about virtual worlds with people who have never used virtual worlds yet, at least not with avatars of their own, this is generally their idea of how virtual worlds are used. Mass media generally follow the same notion and even amplify it by spreading it. In the future, you'll have a digital twin in the Metaverse. That's how it's done. Could it possibly be any different?
In the virtual worlds which exist today, it is different. Very different.
Perfect places to prove people wrong are Second Life and OpenSim-based worlds. Compared with Roblox or Rec Room or VRChat or other platforms, their avatars are fairly realistic which, you may think, should make life-like digital twins even more life-like.
Now, just get yourself an avatar in Second Life or on some OpenSim grid, preferably one connected to the Hypergrid, but most are. Go to some event where a lot of avatars have gathered like a club party with a DJ. Look at the avatars that are there.
And then ask yourself: "Do all these people look like this in real life?"
Because everyone will look like a combination of a super-model and a dolled-up Instagram influencer. At the very least. Especially the female avatars. They all have big boobs, they all have big butts, they all have big, voluptuous lips. Almost all have long, lush manes. In OpenSim probably more than in Second Life, they're dressed in ways that you couldn't imagine digital avatars to be possible to dress in. Or real-life women, for that matter. Some of the ladies will be dancing on six-inch platforms with twelve-inch spike heels, regardless of the underground.
Also, in OpenSim probably more than in Second Life, female avatars in particular may be outright unnatural. Humongous breasts which nonetheless no gravity seems to be tugging on in spite of the obvious lack of a bra. Hips at least twice as wide as the waist. Thighs that they could fit their heads into.
Male avatars aren't quite as extreme. But if you see male avatars with an open shirt or topless, they always have chiseled abs.
If you really think they're all digital twins of their users, think twice. Especially about the female avatars with the outrageously unrealistic body measurements that are completely impossible in real life. Even disregarding these, the "digital twin" logic means you must have stumbled into some unguarded super-model meet-up. Until you discover that avatars look like this everywhere.
Also, look around again. How many avatars are female, how many are male? You'll notice that female avatars are the majority. Again, if you spend some more time looking around and meeting avatars, you'll discover that female avatars are the majority in general.
So, does this mean that many more women use Second Life and OpenSim than men? But why?
No, they don't.
Here's the truth: Just because an avatar is female, doesn't mean the owner is female.
Second Life is so very very much not 3-D Facebook. It never aimed to be 3-D Facebook, not only because it pre-dates Facebook by several years, but also because the name "Second Life" indicates that your avatar can live a life independent from your real life without being "digital you".
Oh, and by the way:
- Second Life avatars have a forename and a surname. But the surname has never been a free-text field. At most, you have a list of surnames to choose one from. So no naming your avatar like yourself unless your family name just happens to be offered in Second Life, and even then only if nobody else has chosen that name before you.
- Second Life lets you have more than one avatar. Linden Lab doesn't really like it when their users create so-called alts for themselves, but it's possible. And it's commonplace.
- Alts are even more commonplace in OpenSim. For starters, you can have multiple avatars with the same name on multiple grids. Besides, there are fewer obstacles in creating alts, even on the same grid. In OpenSim, it's even more common to have alts for various purposes.
- As indicated in the first link, one out of three male users of virtual worlds have female main avatars.
- Also, as indicated in the first link, one out of ten female users of virtual worlds have male main avatars.
- Again, they may always have alts. Just because a guy has a male main, doesn't mean he doesn't have at least one female alt somewhere.
- According to estimations, behind every other female avatar in Second Life and OpenSim, there's a male user.
If you don't believe any of this: I personally know a whole bunch of female OpenSim avatars with guys behind them. In three cases, it's blatantly obvious: Two of them have weekly DJ gigs, the third one DJs on particular occasions, and all three announce by voice. In all three cases, there are guys talking. Only one of them has a male DJ alt, but you have to address to his female main for song requests.
It becomes blatantly obvious that remaking your real-life self in Second Life and OpenSim is not only not the primary goal, but undesired once you start customising your own avatar. Unlike other virtual world platforms, Second Life and OpenSim don't do this in some avatar appearance editor with nothing but switches and sliders, nor do they rely on imported monolithic avatars à la Ready Player Me. There is no way of scanning yourself or even only importing a photograph of your face and using that for your avatar.
Instead, you have to piece your avatar together. And you have to acquire these pieces into your inventory first. Said pieces were all made by users as opposed to being supplied by the same people who develop the worlds.
You need a body. You almost always need a separate head. You need a set of skin textures. You need hair. And that's just the basic building blocks; I'm not talking about clothes and accessories yet.
Now look at what you can get. Everything is geared towards young, beautiful, sexy. Where's the chubbier stuff? Where's the elderly stuff? In fact, where's the normal stuff? You may discover variants of female mesh bodies or add-ons for female mesh bodies with more realistically-sized breasts, usually marketed as something like "petite". But since everyone is used to standard big boobs, many users consider these bodies not realistic, but underage and their users potential paedophiles.
Why is there no more normal stuff? Because there's too little demand for it. It simply isn't worth making. Go figure. And remember that all these bodies, these heads, these skins, this hair and all the clothes and accessories for your avatar come from the community.
In fact, one reason why so many guys have female avatars, often even female main avatars, is because you've got many many more customisation options for female avatars, especially clothes. Both Second Life and OpenSim are full-blown menswear ghettos.
It's partially a vicious circle and partially self-fulfilling. It's commonly said that women basically need a walk-in wardrobe whereas a guy needs one shirt, one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes. But often, the reason why male avatars rarely change their outfits is because they don't have that much to choose from in the first place. Menswear is considered not worth making at such a variety.
So while men are more inclined to outfit their avatars once and then leave them like this for all eternity whereas women are more inclined to "play Barbie" giving their avatars a different outfit each day, there certainly are guys who want to be virtual dressmen. And if they can't "play Ken" with a male avatar the way they want, they resort to "playing Barbie" instead and getting themselves a female avatar.
Of course, there are many other reasons to make an opposite-gender avatar. Women may want to avoid sleazy guys by having a male avatar. Both may want to experiment with how an opposite-gender avatar is made, or they need one to test opposite-gender clothes and outfits before selling them. Just a few examples.
This is actually one of the nice things about virtual worlds: You can be what you want to be. Your avatar doesn't have to be your digital self. You can choose to try and model it after you, but you've also got the choice not to do that. You can even roleplay if you want to. And if you want to play different roles, many worlds let you create multiple avatars with different identities.
It isn't wise for a virtual world to force its users to have only one avatar and make it a digital copy of their real-life selves. Not because the owners of the world "say so". Not because it's their corporate philosophy. Especially not because it's unimaginable to them that virtual world users would not make their avatars their digital twins.
A vital lesson that virtual world companies need to learn from existing virtual worlds instead of disregarding them entirely and re-inventing the wheel from zero again.
What is the Metaverse anyway?
Hint: It is not "Meta's Metaverse" or "Facebook's Metaverse" or "Zuckerberg's Metaverse", officially known as Horizon
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(This is an edited and upgraded version of this post.)
Starting last year, you could read it all over the place: "The Metaverse is dead." Everyone agreed, because for 99% of all people out there, "Metaverse" referred to Horizon, the series of 3-D virtual worlds launched by Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook. And as far as I know, Zuckerberg actually tried to use "Metaverse" as the registered, trademarked, exclusive brand name for his worlds until he learned that he can't trademark something already used in a commercially published novel, namely Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson from 1991.
Thus, he settled for names like Horizon and Horizon Worlds which nobody knows nor cares about because everyone still speaks of Meta's worlds as "the Metaverse". And I guess people would continue to do so even if Snow Crash was turned into a massive Hollywood blockbuster with a budget of $400M that makes $4B in theatres within the first week.
What we can take away from this is that Mark Zuckerberg did, in fact, not invent the term "metaverse".
Oh, and also last year, Linden Lab ran a massive PR campaign for the 20th birthday of Second Life which has also only recently started referring to itself as a "metaverse" to try and jump into the gap that the Horizon leave behind as Meta drops them like they're hot in favour of artificial intelligence.
Many rubbed their eyes in disbelief. Didn't Second Life, like, shut down in, what, 2008 or 2009? Because the rampant news coverage about it died down back then. Yeah, but that was because it was no longer viable for commercial mainstream mass media to have virtual offices in Second Life after what few big corporations had joined it had left again. And when journalists stopped using their avatars (said avatars are still there, only unused), they didn't know what was happening in Second Life anymore. Besides, what was still happening in Second Life was only of interest for Second Life residents, but not for casual mass media consumers.
Nonetheless, Second Life continued to exist, and it does so until today. It even developed and advanced greatly. Today's avatars look nothing like those from 2007 when the hype was the biggest and from when the most images and videos seem to have survived. Oh, and they blow everything that Horizon has ever dared to demonstrate clean out of the water while consisting entirely of user-generated content.
What we can take away from this is that the metaverse (no capital M here) is not dead, and that Horizon is not "The Metaverse" and has never been "The Metaverse".
However, between Snow Crash and the renaming of Facebook (the corporation) into Meta Platforms, the term "metaverse" was still used a lot, only it was used in places which next to nobody even knew, which are still largely unknown today. I'm talking about the worlds based on OpenSimulator, a sort of free and open-source implementation of Second Life, and its community.
To give you a few examples: Alternate Metaverse currently counts as the fifth-biggest OpenSim grid by active users and by land area. It was launched in late 2019 under this name. That already was well before Zuck implied having invented 3-D virtual worlds. And the name wasn't chosen to cash in on Snow Crash, but because the word "metaverse" had been all around OpenSim for years already.
The Infinite Metaverse Alliance is from 2016, if not even older. And it has always been all about OpenSim with two grids of its own, one named Metaverse Depot.
Metropolis, launched in 2008, was one of the first OpenSim grids, it was the first mostly German-speaking OpenSim grid, and when it was shut down for good in July, 2022, it was the third-oldest still existing grid. Its full name was "Metropolis Metaversum" for which there's proof from as early as 2010.
The news blog Hypergrid Business has given its OpenSim category the name "Metaverse". The oldest post in the category is from October 8th, 2010.
The earliest uses of the term "metaverse" in conjunction with OpenSim go back until even earlier, namely in 2007 already, the year that OpenSim itself came out. 2007 was also the year that OSgrid was launched, the first public grid and the oldest grid today. An archived copy of the grid website from November 7th, 2007 refers to OpenSim itself as, quote, "The Open Source Metaverse". It's quite likely that this wasn't even the first time that the word "metaverse" was used by the OpenSim community. Starting in 2008, OSgrid would start referring to itself as "The Open Source Metaverse", and it still does today.
Also in 2008, the Hypergrid was invented which connects OpenSim grids with one another and makes travelling between grids possible. For the first time in the history of virtual worlds, it became possible for avatars to travel between separate worlds with separate operators. Some said the Hypergrid was worth being referred to as a metaverse.
This was when it was increasingly attempted to define what a metaverse or the Metaverse is. Another idea was that "the Metaverse" refers to the entirety of all virtual worlds, regardless of whether they're connected or not. It would include 3-D worlds like Second Life, There or the various OpenSim grids, it would include 2½-D isometric worlds like Furcadia, it would include 2-D worlds and maybe even text-only worlds, and it would include out-right games like Minecraft or World of Warcraft, even if the worlds in the former are created procedurally. Basically, "metaverse" became the new "cyberspace".
And then there were those who had probably read Snow Crash and who knew what the Metaverse in that book is: a centralised, monolithic, corporate-owned walled garden. Essentially, that Metaverse was a vision of an Internet that had evolved into a 3-D world, but in 1991, the Internet itself largely consisted of corporate-owned walled gardens such as AOL and CompuServe itself, and Microsoft tried to establish its own one. That was three years before the World-Wide Web.
So while the requirement of being corporate-run and even a walled garden wasn't pursued further, "metaverse" was defined as being one single world. According to this definition, there isn't "the Metaverse", but there are many metaverses. Each OpenSim grid would be its own metaverse. No wonder not few grids actually refer to themselves as metaverses.
Sometimes, another criterium is added to the definition: It's only truly a metaverse when it's possible to move between separate locations (rooms, spaces, lands, call them whatever) by natural means. Usually, a virtual world has to be divided into smaller units, especially if these smaller units can be run by someone else than the creators/owners of the whole world. Now, this criterium means that these units have to at least be able to directly border on one another. An avatar standing near the border between two units must be able to look into the neighbouring unit. And in order to enter the neighbouring unit, the avatar must be able to walk or ride a vehicle that's actually moving instead of being a teleporter in disguise (I've seen both in OpenSim). Teleportation must not be a requirement out of basic technological limitations.
Now, imagine a virtual world that's IRC or Discord ported to 3-D just like the Metaverse in Snow Crash is AOL ported to 3-D, a world that only consists of separate, enclosed chatrooms which are built in-world as virtual conference rooms which you enter by logging into them and leave by logging out again. It probably doesn't have any windows. It definitely doesn't have a door working as such; either there is no door, or the door is decoration, or the door is the logout button, but there's nothing outside that door. If your avatar runs into that door, provided your avatar can walk and isn't bound to a chair at the conference table (yes, there are virtual worlds in which avatars can't walk around), it'll log out of that conference room and back into a kind of lobby. By the above criterium, this cannot be a metaverse.
However, if the door actually opens, and your avatar can look and walk through it into a hallway, from there into the lobby and even leave the building, then we're getting closer to a metaverse, probably even more so if the conference room is actually a separate virtual location operated by someone else than the lobby and the hallways.
Second Life fulfills this definition. You can walk around the mainland for hours, constantly crossing from one sim into another, all rented and designed by different residents, even though they all run on the same server cluster under Linden Lab' control. Sure, you can teleport, but that's only necessary if there's no other way to get somewhere. That might be because your current location and/or your destination is too remote, i.e. isolated by empty regions with no sims running in them which can't be crossed, or out of convenience because your destination is too far away.
OpenSim grids fulfill it, too, while the Hypergrid doesn't. The Hypergrid requires teleportation because it connects separate worlds and not different places within the same world. Otherwise, it's like Second Life while sometimes taking the "separate places with separate owners" part even further: Between renting land on grids and running a whole grid of your own, you can host your own sims and have them attached to certain existing grids. As a visitor, it might actually happen that you walk not only from one sim to another, but onto someone else's machine.
Still, if you look around, if you look at the various platforms that have "metaverse" painted on them, whether they're operational or only vague concepts, each one of their creators has a different definition of what a metaverse or the Metaverse is, always corresponding on what they plan their worlds to be like. Corporations that place all their bets on virtual reality claim that "pancake" worlds which can be accessed through conventional devices with 2-D screens like Second Life or the OpenSim grids can't be metaverses. Those who want to include the real life and augmented reality or mixted reality claim that this is part of the very definition of "metaverse" so that they can also deny VR-only platforms such as VRChat or Rec Room any metaverse status. At the same time, even companies that offer nothing more than e.g. concerts in virtual reality claim that their secluded concert venues make up a metaverse, too.
Corporate definitions of "metaverse" almost always amount to, "A metaverse is what we call a metaverse; all metaverse definitions by our competitors are false, they don't have/work on true metaverses." Exceptions are limited to Meta ("We're inventing the Metaverse from scratch. Wait, what do you mean, we can't trademark that word?") and Linden Lab ("We've had a metaverse before any of you even had computers. And our very own Philip Rosedale has actually read Snow Crash. Your arguments are invalid.").
Sometimes the definition of "metaverse" even goes hand-in-hand with a declaration of what makes a virtual world, and what's necessary to build and operate one. Cryptobros, for example, insist that the Metaverse/metaverses/virtual worlds can impossibly function without a blockchain, a cryptocurrency and NFTs. Others who invest in AI currently state that virtual worlds won't and can't be possible without AI. Second Life has been proving them all wrong by successfully and continually running a virtual world without a blockchain, without crypto, without NFTs and without AI for over two decades now, but they build their business model on their customers either never having even heard of Second Life or believing it was shut down before summer 2009.
The IEEE even has a scientific paper on the definition of "metaverse". No, really.
This leads us to a set of criteria for the Metaverse or a metaverse that may or may not be valid.
The first one is that it's 3-D. This is easy to agree upon unless pre-3-D worlds protest against that definition.
Persistence is another criterium. The world must not only exist on your end-user device and start up when you join it and shut down again when you leave. This is generally fulfilled. Generally because many OpenSim users run their own grids based on the DreamGrid distribution on Windows computers at home. Some do leave them running 24/7, others only start them up when they're at home and awake. And then there are those who only own one functional computer which therefore serves as both the machine they run their viewer on and their grid server. Now, the typical Windows user starts up their machine when they need it and shuts it down when they're done. So there are actually public grids that are only online when their grid owners are, even if that's only two or three hours a day. But this only applies to a limited number of grids and not OpenSim as a whole. That said, even grid servers in data centres running larger public grids have to be restarted every once in a while.
Thirdly, some make a functioning economy an absolute requirement for a virtual world to call itself a metaverse. Second Life has one that works so well that Linden Lab makes more money per user and month than Meta, all without privacy breaches. It helps that nearly all in-world content is made by users, and Linden Lab doesn't take offering free content in larger quantities kindly.
Its younger open-source sibling, OpenSim, however, which has been referred to as a metaverse or multiple metaverses would fail this definition. It's technically impossible to implement an in-world economy both with "monopoly money" and with virtual currencies that can be exchanged with real money, either grid-independently (Gloebit, Podex) or grid-specific (like Kitely or Wolf Territories handle it). But the vast majority of grids has chosen not to include any method of payment for anything. OpenSim in general doesn't even need an economy because most grids by far are run by hobbyists in their spare time. And openly for-profit grids are not only suspicious, but usually not very long-lived. In the meantime, OSgrid, the first, oldest and largest of all grids, celebrates its 16th birthday next month (I guess), and it's non-commercial and running on donations.
By the way, OpenSim also took over Second Life's set of item permissions. But since so many avatars in OpenSim have access to admin mode ("god mode") which can override them, they're symbolic at best and useless at worst.
Immersion is a point that's being debated. However, this lastly depends not only on the underlying technology, but also on how in-world places are designed. Immersion is something that I personally am very very interested in. But most OpenSim users neither know what it is, nor do they care, especially not if it stands in the way of convenience. For example, building an in-door club with no doors to the outside saves the sim owner the effort of a) cutting a hole into the walls of the building and b) scripting and configuring a door. Sim owners tend to believe that if they wouldn't use such a door, nobody would. But a building with no doors is not very credible and realistic, and having to teleport to get into it and back out is not very immersive.
If we're talking about "the Metaverse" instead of single virtual worlds as metaverses, decentralisation is of course important. Now, by this definition, everything else from Second Life to Roblox to Fortnite to Horizon Worlds is just a bunch of centralised walled gardens and not even close to being part of the Metaverse. The few exceptions are all not corporate-owned; they include the High Fidelity fork Vircadia, the Vircadia fork Overte and OpenSim's Hypergrid. The latter is made up from hundreds, if not thousands of separate grids, and very very rarely do even two have the same owner. On top of that, there isn't even an "official grid" run by the developers; lead dev Ubit Umarov only owns one standard region that's externally attached to OSgrid.
On the other hand, OpenSim entirely runs on one and the same software product. Even if various versions and even a number of forks are in use, it's only one platform and not several. And besides, how can the Hypergrid be "the Metaverse" if only a tiny minority of the grids that make it up pass the "metaverse litmus test" themselves because they don't have an economy?
Not even Vircadia could comply with this definition. It's decentralised, and it's commercial. Also, it's said to be fully compatible with Overte, so we already have two different virtual world platforms interacting. But for one, Overte is still a Vircadia fork, a soft fork even, so they aren't as different as Second Life and Third Room, and Overte messes with the economy requirement by being decidedly non-commercial at platform level already.
But seriously, debating such details is kind of futile as long as it's even unclear if it's "a metaverse/multiple metaverses" or "the Metaverse". So no, nobody has the privilege of having that one single "official" definition of "metaverse".
Starting last year, you could read it all over the place: "The Metaverse is dead." Everyone agreed, because for 99% of all people out there, "Metaverse" referred to Horizon, the series of 3-D virtual worlds launched by Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook. And as far as I know, Zuckerberg actually tried to use "Metaverse" as the registered, trademarked, exclusive brand name for his worlds until he learned that he can't trademark something already used in a commercially published novel, namely Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson from 1991.
Thus, he settled for names like Horizon and Horizon Worlds which nobody knows nor cares about because everyone still speaks of Meta's worlds as "the Metaverse". And I guess people would continue to do so even if Snow Crash was turned into a massive Hollywood blockbuster with a budget of $400M that makes $4B in theatres within the first week.
What we can take away from this is that Mark Zuckerberg did, in fact, not invent the term "metaverse".
Oh, and also last year, Linden Lab ran a massive PR campaign for the 20th birthday of Second Life which has also only recently started referring to itself as a "metaverse" to try and jump into the gap that the Horizon leave behind as Meta drops them like they're hot in favour of artificial intelligence.
Many rubbed their eyes in disbelief. Didn't Second Life, like, shut down in, what, 2008 or 2009? Because the rampant news coverage about it died down back then. Yeah, but that was because it was no longer viable for commercial mainstream mass media to have virtual offices in Second Life after what few big corporations had joined it had left again. And when journalists stopped using their avatars (said avatars are still there, only unused), they didn't know what was happening in Second Life anymore. Besides, what was still happening in Second Life was only of interest for Second Life residents, but not for casual mass media consumers.
Nonetheless, Second Life continued to exist, and it does so until today. It even developed and advanced greatly. Today's avatars look nothing like those from 2007 when the hype was the biggest and from when the most images and videos seem to have survived. Oh, and they blow everything that Horizon has ever dared to demonstrate clean out of the water while consisting entirely of user-generated content.
What we can take away from this is that the metaverse (no capital M here) is not dead, and that Horizon is not "The Metaverse" and has never been "The Metaverse".
However, between Snow Crash and the renaming of Facebook (the corporation) into Meta Platforms, the term "metaverse" was still used a lot, only it was used in places which next to nobody even knew, which are still largely unknown today. I'm talking about the worlds based on OpenSimulator, a sort of free and open-source implementation of Second Life, and its community.
To give you a few examples: Alternate Metaverse currently counts as the fifth-biggest OpenSim grid by active users and by land area. It was launched in late 2019 under this name. That already was well before Zuck implied having invented 3-D virtual worlds. And the name wasn't chosen to cash in on Snow Crash, but because the word "metaverse" had been all around OpenSim for years already.
The Infinite Metaverse Alliance is from 2016, if not even older. And it has always been all about OpenSim with two grids of its own, one named Metaverse Depot.
Metropolis, launched in 2008, was one of the first OpenSim grids, it was the first mostly German-speaking OpenSim grid, and when it was shut down for good in July, 2022, it was the third-oldest still existing grid. Its full name was "Metropolis Metaversum" for which there's proof from as early as 2010.
The news blog Hypergrid Business has given its OpenSim category the name "Metaverse". The oldest post in the category is from October 8th, 2010.
The earliest uses of the term "metaverse" in conjunction with OpenSim go back until even earlier, namely in 2007 already, the year that OpenSim itself came out. 2007 was also the year that OSgrid was launched, the first public grid and the oldest grid today. An archived copy of the grid website from November 7th, 2007 refers to OpenSim itself as, quote, "The Open Source Metaverse". It's quite likely that this wasn't even the first time that the word "metaverse" was used by the OpenSim community. Starting in 2008, OSgrid would start referring to itself as "The Open Source Metaverse", and it still does today.
Also in 2008, the Hypergrid was invented which connects OpenSim grids with one another and makes travelling between grids possible. For the first time in the history of virtual worlds, it became possible for avatars to travel between separate worlds with separate operators. Some said the Hypergrid was worth being referred to as a metaverse.
This was when it was increasingly attempted to define what a metaverse or the Metaverse is. Another idea was that "the Metaverse" refers to the entirety of all virtual worlds, regardless of whether they're connected or not. It would include 3-D worlds like Second Life, There or the various OpenSim grids, it would include 2½-D isometric worlds like Furcadia, it would include 2-D worlds and maybe even text-only worlds, and it would include out-right games like Minecraft or World of Warcraft, even if the worlds in the former are created procedurally. Basically, "metaverse" became the new "cyberspace".
And then there were those who had probably read Snow Crash and who knew what the Metaverse in that book is: a centralised, monolithic, corporate-owned walled garden. Essentially, that Metaverse was a vision of an Internet that had evolved into a 3-D world, but in 1991, the Internet itself largely consisted of corporate-owned walled gardens such as AOL and CompuServe itself, and Microsoft tried to establish its own one. That was three years before the World-Wide Web.
So while the requirement of being corporate-run and even a walled garden wasn't pursued further, "metaverse" was defined as being one single world. According to this definition, there isn't "the Metaverse", but there are many metaverses. Each OpenSim grid would be its own metaverse. No wonder not few grids actually refer to themselves as metaverses.
Sometimes, another criterium is added to the definition: It's only truly a metaverse when it's possible to move between separate locations (rooms, spaces, lands, call them whatever) by natural means. Usually, a virtual world has to be divided into smaller units, especially if these smaller units can be run by someone else than the creators/owners of the whole world. Now, this criterium means that these units have to at least be able to directly border on one another. An avatar standing near the border between two units must be able to look into the neighbouring unit. And in order to enter the neighbouring unit, the avatar must be able to walk or ride a vehicle that's actually moving instead of being a teleporter in disguise (I've seen both in OpenSim). Teleportation must not be a requirement out of basic technological limitations.
Now, imagine a virtual world that's IRC or Discord ported to 3-D just like the Metaverse in Snow Crash is AOL ported to 3-D, a world that only consists of separate, enclosed chatrooms which are built in-world as virtual conference rooms which you enter by logging into them and leave by logging out again. It probably doesn't have any windows. It definitely doesn't have a door working as such; either there is no door, or the door is decoration, or the door is the logout button, but there's nothing outside that door. If your avatar runs into that door, provided your avatar can walk and isn't bound to a chair at the conference table (yes, there are virtual worlds in which avatars can't walk around), it'll log out of that conference room and back into a kind of lobby. By the above criterium, this cannot be a metaverse.
However, if the door actually opens, and your avatar can look and walk through it into a hallway, from there into the lobby and even leave the building, then we're getting closer to a metaverse, probably even more so if the conference room is actually a separate virtual location operated by someone else than the lobby and the hallways.
Second Life fulfills this definition. You can walk around the mainland for hours, constantly crossing from one sim into another, all rented and designed by different residents, even though they all run on the same server cluster under Linden Lab' control. Sure, you can teleport, but that's only necessary if there's no other way to get somewhere. That might be because your current location and/or your destination is too remote, i.e. isolated by empty regions with no sims running in them which can't be crossed, or out of convenience because your destination is too far away.
OpenSim grids fulfill it, too, while the Hypergrid doesn't. The Hypergrid requires teleportation because it connects separate worlds and not different places within the same world. Otherwise, it's like Second Life while sometimes taking the "separate places with separate owners" part even further: Between renting land on grids and running a whole grid of your own, you can host your own sims and have them attached to certain existing grids. As a visitor, it might actually happen that you walk not only from one sim to another, but onto someone else's machine.
Still, if you look around, if you look at the various platforms that have "metaverse" painted on them, whether they're operational or only vague concepts, each one of their creators has a different definition of what a metaverse or the Metaverse is, always corresponding on what they plan their worlds to be like. Corporations that place all their bets on virtual reality claim that "pancake" worlds which can be accessed through conventional devices with 2-D screens like Second Life or the OpenSim grids can't be metaverses. Those who want to include the real life and augmented reality or mixted reality claim that this is part of the very definition of "metaverse" so that they can also deny VR-only platforms such as VRChat or Rec Room any metaverse status. At the same time, even companies that offer nothing more than e.g. concerts in virtual reality claim that their secluded concert venues make up a metaverse, too.
Corporate definitions of "metaverse" almost always amount to, "A metaverse is what we call a metaverse; all metaverse definitions by our competitors are false, they don't have/work on true metaverses." Exceptions are limited to Meta ("We're inventing the Metaverse from scratch. Wait, what do you mean, we can't trademark that word?") and Linden Lab ("We've had a metaverse before any of you even had computers. And our very own Philip Rosedale has actually read Snow Crash. Your arguments are invalid.").
Sometimes the definition of "metaverse" even goes hand-in-hand with a declaration of what makes a virtual world, and what's necessary to build and operate one. Cryptobros, for example, insist that the Metaverse/metaverses/virtual worlds can impossibly function without a blockchain, a cryptocurrency and NFTs. Others who invest in AI currently state that virtual worlds won't and can't be possible without AI. Second Life has been proving them all wrong by successfully and continually running a virtual world without a blockchain, without crypto, without NFTs and without AI for over two decades now, but they build their business model on their customers either never having even heard of Second Life or believing it was shut down before summer 2009.
The IEEE even has a scientific paper on the definition of "metaverse". No, really.
This leads us to a set of criteria for the Metaverse or a metaverse that may or may not be valid.
The first one is that it's 3-D. This is easy to agree upon unless pre-3-D worlds protest against that definition.
Persistence is another criterium. The world must not only exist on your end-user device and start up when you join it and shut down again when you leave. This is generally fulfilled. Generally because many OpenSim users run their own grids based on the DreamGrid distribution on Windows computers at home. Some do leave them running 24/7, others only start them up when they're at home and awake. And then there are those who only own one functional computer which therefore serves as both the machine they run their viewer on and their grid server. Now, the typical Windows user starts up their machine when they need it and shuts it down when they're done. So there are actually public grids that are only online when their grid owners are, even if that's only two or three hours a day. But this only applies to a limited number of grids and not OpenSim as a whole. That said, even grid servers in data centres running larger public grids have to be restarted every once in a while.
Thirdly, some make a functioning economy an absolute requirement for a virtual world to call itself a metaverse. Second Life has one that works so well that Linden Lab makes more money per user and month than Meta, all without privacy breaches. It helps that nearly all in-world content is made by users, and Linden Lab doesn't take offering free content in larger quantities kindly.
Its younger open-source sibling, OpenSim, however, which has been referred to as a metaverse or multiple metaverses would fail this definition. It's technically impossible to implement an in-world economy both with "monopoly money" and with virtual currencies that can be exchanged with real money, either grid-independently (Gloebit, Podex) or grid-specific (like Kitely or Wolf Territories handle it). But the vast majority of grids has chosen not to include any method of payment for anything. OpenSim in general doesn't even need an economy because most grids by far are run by hobbyists in their spare time. And openly for-profit grids are not only suspicious, but usually not very long-lived. In the meantime, OSgrid, the first, oldest and largest of all grids, celebrates its 16th birthday next month (I guess), and it's non-commercial and running on donations.
By the way, OpenSim also took over Second Life's set of item permissions. But since so many avatars in OpenSim have access to admin mode ("god mode") which can override them, they're symbolic at best and useless at worst.
Immersion is a point that's being debated. However, this lastly depends not only on the underlying technology, but also on how in-world places are designed. Immersion is something that I personally am very very interested in. But most OpenSim users neither know what it is, nor do they care, especially not if it stands in the way of convenience. For example, building an in-door club with no doors to the outside saves the sim owner the effort of a) cutting a hole into the walls of the building and b) scripting and configuring a door. Sim owners tend to believe that if they wouldn't use such a door, nobody would. But a building with no doors is not very credible and realistic, and having to teleport to get into it and back out is not very immersive.
If we're talking about "the Metaverse" instead of single virtual worlds as metaverses, decentralisation is of course important. Now, by this definition, everything else from Second Life to Roblox to Fortnite to Horizon Worlds is just a bunch of centralised walled gardens and not even close to being part of the Metaverse. The few exceptions are all not corporate-owned; they include the High Fidelity fork Vircadia, the Vircadia fork Overte and OpenSim's Hypergrid. The latter is made up from hundreds, if not thousands of separate grids, and very very rarely do even two have the same owner. On top of that, there isn't even an "official grid" run by the developers; lead dev Ubit Umarov only owns one standard region that's externally attached to OSgrid.
On the other hand, OpenSim entirely runs on one and the same software product. Even if various versions and even a number of forks are in use, it's only one platform and not several. And besides, how can the Hypergrid be "the Metaverse" if only a tiny minority of the grids that make it up pass the "metaverse litmus test" themselves because they don't have an economy?
Not even Vircadia could comply with this definition. It's decentralised, and it's commercial. Also, it's said to be fully compatible with Overte, so we already have two different virtual world platforms interacting. But for one, Overte is still a Vircadia fork, a soft fork even, so they aren't as different as Second Life and Third Room, and Overte messes with the economy requirement by being decidedly non-commercial at platform level already.
But seriously, debating such details is kind of futile as long as it's even unclear if it's "a metaverse/multiple metaverses" or "the Metaverse". So no, nobody has the privilege of having that one single "official" definition of "metaverse".
Mastodon vs Facebook alternatives
Comparison between Mastodon, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams)
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Mobile apps | Mastodon | Friendica | Hubzilla | (streams) |
Official iOS app | Yes | No | No | No |
Official Android app | Yes | No | No | No |
3rd-party iOS apps | Yes | Closed beta | No | No |
3rd-party Android apps | Yes | Yes | Outdated, F-Droid only, uses the Web interface | No |
Works with Mastodon apps | Yes | Very limited features | No | No |
Can be installed as a Progressive Web App | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Web interface adapts to mobile | Yes | Yes | Yes + optional zoom | Yes + optional zoom |
Interconnectivity | Mastodon | Friendica | Hubzilla | (streams) |
ActivityPub federation | Yes | Yes | Optional, off by default | Optional; on by default |
diaspora* federation | No | Optional, off by default | Optional, off by default | No |
Nomad federation | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Bluesky connection | Bridgy Fed | Native Optional, off by default | Bridgy Fed | Bridgy Fed |
Feeds | RSS | Atom | Atom | Atom |
Subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Identity and profile | Mastodon | Friendica | Hubzilla | (streams) |
Account equals identity | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Multiple independent identities (channels) per account/login | No | Subaccounts | Independent channels | Independent channels |
Switch between your identities on the same instance without logging out and back in | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Move your identity to another instance | Limited | Limited | Within Hubzilla, leaving no dead channel behind | Within (streams), leaving no dead channel behind |
Nomadic identity (clone your identity between multiple instances) | No | No | Within Hubzilla | Within (streams) |
OpenWebAuth magic single sign-on | No | Client only | Yes | Yes |
Verify external identities | Yes | No | Yes | |
Multiple profiles per account/channel which can be assigned to connections | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Variable-use text fields | 4 | No | No | No |
Dedicated keyword/hashtag field | No | Keywords | Keywords | Keywords |
Birthday field which generated birthday events | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Location and contact information fields | No | Optional, off by default | Optional, off by default | |
Gender field | No | 14 pre-defined entries + blank | 13 pre-defined entries + blank | |
Sexual preference/orientation field | No | 13 pre-defined entires + blank | 9 pre-defined entires + blank | |
Other preference/interest fields | No | Optional, off by default | Optional, off by default | |
Opt into your (public default) profile being published | Search | Directory | Directory | Directory |
Opt into being suggested as a new contact | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Flag your account/channel not safe for work | No | Yes | Yes |
Security and privacy | Mastodon | Friendica | Hubzilla | (streams) |
Account/channel types | None | Yes | Public Private Community forum Custom (with 17 individual permission settings) | Social - Public Social - Restricted Group - Normal Group - Limited Group - Moderated Group - Restricted + various individual channel-wide permissions setings |
Permissions | Very limited | Basic | Advanced | Advanced |
Limit access to your profile | No | Yes | Anybody on the internet; anybody in the Fediverse; anybody on Hubzilla or (streams); anybody on your hub; unapproved and approved connections; approved connections; only those you specifically allow by contact role; only yourself | Public; approved connections Depends on channel type |
Limit access to your connections | Show or hide | Yes | Anybody on the internet; anybody in the Fediverse; anybody on Hubzilla or (streams); anybody on your hub; unapproved and approved connections; approved connections; only those you specifically allow by contact role; only yourself | Public; identified Fediverse users; approved connections; only yourself Override either with individual connection permissions and connection roles |
Limit access to your timeline/stream | No | Yes | Anybody on the internet; anybody in the Fediverse; anybody on Hubzilla or (streams); anybody on your hub; unapproved and approved connections; approved connections; only those you specifically allow by contact role; only yourself | Public; approved connections; depends on channel type Override either with individual connection permissions and connection roles |
Limit searching your timeline/stream | No per-account timeline search available | No | No | Public; identified Fediverse users; approved connections; only yourself Override either with individual connection permissions and connection roles |
Individual permissions for contacts | No | Contact roles | Individual permission settings Permission roles | |
Grant/deny individual permission to send you posts | No | Yes, depending on channel role | Yes, depending on channel settings | |
Grant/deny individual permission to send you boosts | No | By filter syntax | Yes | |
Grant/deny individual permission to send you private messages | No | Yes, depending on channel role | Yes, depending on channel settings | |
Post audience | Public; unlisted; followers only; mentioned only Set either of the first three as your default audience | Public; only yourself; all members of a privacy group; whoever is assigned a certain non-default profile; a group/forum; custom selection of contacts Select either Public or a privacy group as your default audience | Public; connections only; all members of an access list; a group/forum; custom selection of contacts; only yourself Select either of these as your default audience | |
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@Jupiter Rowland
By the way, does this post just not allow reshares at all, or am I somehow missing how to get to the right screen for that?
By the way, does this post just not allow reshares at all, or am I somehow missing how to get to the right screen for that?
@dynamic_hubzilla No idea; I've got the UI elements for both sharing and repeating it.
Maybe it's because it's an article and not a post?
Maybe it's because it's an article and not a post?
Will they go after OpenSim copybotters now?
Linden Lab's announcement of more legal action against content theft, and what it could mean for OpenSim
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This will be interesting. Especially for OpenSimulator.
Metasocieties schrieb den folgenden Beitrag Tue, 28 Jan 2025 01:14:08 +0100
For about a decade, the greater OpenSim community has largely been relying on Second Life content that was illegally exported and then offered all over the Hypergrid as freebies, sometimes even declared original creations by the importers. While some people nowadays buy content from the Marketplace and then use copybot viewers to export it, others still can't even be bothered to do that and do what was the standard in the second half of the 2010s: copybot the stuff in-world. Some Second Life creators' works are available as full-perm freebies in OpenSim in huge numbers because their entire in-world stores were copybotted wholesale when they still deemed it safe to have the actual items in in-world sales boxes.
I guess over 95% of all content in OpenSim are stolen from Second Life, as are at least 98% of all items offered in freebie stores. If a new freebie store appears in OpenSim, you can be certain that not only absolutely all content in it was stolen from Second Life, but that the only legal item on the entire sim is the OpenSimWorld beacon. In fact, this applies to the vast majority of all new sims created nowadays, also because it's so bloody easy and convenient to get all the premium Second Life stuff you need from R. Lion and/or Darkhearts.
Many people who come to OpenSim never get in touch with legal content at all, other than happening to come by legal items installed on sims. Some go as far as staunchly insisting that legal content made in and for OpenSim does not exist, full stop. Others say that legal content only exists in the shape of Linda Kellie's non-mesh works from up until 2013.
Generally, those who acknowledge the existence of legal content in OpenSim also consider it vastly sub-par in comparison with the expensive premium luxury content that's being copybotted in Second Life. And that's even though this copybotted content is often slapped back together in a haphazard way with not nearly all the bells and whistles of the Second Life originals. Originally scripted content isn't re-scripted unless it's either a mesh body or furniture with AVsitter. Buildings are tossed into boxes with static, unscripted doors. Blinn-Phong is almost never supported. Before there was PBR, the importers couldn't be bothered to add normal and specular maps to save time and churn out more content in the same time. Now that there is PBR, I guess many won't add Blinn-Phong textures at all.
The main differences between the 2010s and today are that there were only few entryways for copybotted content in the 2010s, the copybotters didn't import the content themselves, all copybotted content was full-perm, and "Sharing is Caring" meant that freebie store owners were expected to pick up boxes of copybotted content from these few entryways and put it into their own stores to obscure how the content got into OpenSim. Also, "Stuff" boxes with copybotting by-catch are no longer a thing.
Nowadays, the copybotter, the importer and the store owner is one and the same person. Everything is no-transfer because the freebie stores are in direct competition with each other for the top "popularity" ranks on OpenSimWorld. The Legacy female body must have stolen and imported at least ten times already due to how many freebie dealers wanted to have their own copy of it next to their Legacy clothes. And that doesn't count those who have god-moded and reboxed already imported no-transfer bodies.
I dare say that much more content is copybotted in Second Life to be offered as freebies in OpenSim than to be sold by the thieves in Second Life for money. This may make the various OpenSim grids a more likely target for legal action than other Second Life users, maybe even than other virtual worlds.
In 2015 already, when the copybotting craze had really picked up after it had become possible to copybot mesh, and OpenSim's own creativity was almost entirely killed off because it couldn't compete with the copybotted content, legal action against targets in OpenSim was already considered. But it was difficult to hold the copybotters themselves liable. They didn't run their own grids. At best, they had sims on other grids. Some even only had free stores on other people's freebie sims. And it wasn't possible to hold these sim owners liable either.
So the legal action was to be targetted at the grids because grid owners can be identified outside of OpenSim, especially the owners of big grids. And in early 2015, all big grids had users who imported copybotted Second Life content and offered it as freebies. OSgrid, Kitely, Metropolis (shut down in 2022) and so forth.
The idea was to tell grid owners to have at least certain illegal content removed from in-world stores, otherwise their entire grids with thousands of active users would be shut down by the authorities. Again, I'm talking about all the biggest and most important grids. The grid owners would then have to tell the sim owners on whose sims this illegal content was offered to remove it or have it removed, otherwise their sims would be deleted. In turn, freebie sim owners who rented stores to importers or resellers of copybotted content threatened these store owners to throw them out if they don't remove any and all illegal content from their stores.
Copybotters were chased off the big grids. But they found a new home at Sacrarium, a grid run by a Kazakh admin on a machine in his flat at home, but registered in Russia. This would make legal action against copybotters and against the spread of illegal content more difficult in several ways. Also, imported content was now renamed, and all Second Life brand names were removed. Besides, the copybotters no longer imported the stolen content themselves anymore. They just sent the exported assets to someone else who imported, re-assembled and boxed them. Lastly, everything was first offered on the same sim, and so "Sharing is Caring" became more important than ever.
Alas, none of the threats ever led to anything. It would have involved Second Life creators and Linden Lab taking legal action together. Most importantly, however, it would have involved legal action by each creator involved against quite a number of grids.
Nowadays, names are only changed if whoever offers stolen content can get away with making clueless people believe they've created it themselves. Big, famous brand names, especially those of certain avatar suppliers, remain unchanged. Maitreya Lara is "Athena" in OpenSim, but LaraX is "LaraX". OpenSim freebie store owners steal and often actually copybot their own store content and import it directly onto grids hosted in the USA or the EU. They brazenly offer Legacy, Signature and eBody mesh bodies, LeLutka heads, Doux hair etc. under their original brand names, so certain are they that they've got nothing to fear.
The freebie store owners are in a perpetual race for having the most, the best and the newest exclusive content before everyone else. Even freebie sims that don't operate on the classic "I've found all this stuff on the Hypergrid, no idea where it comes from" have tens of thousands of Euros worth of Second Life content available as no-transfer freebies, and that doesn't include the sim decoration which, more often than not, is entirely copybotted, too, with the sole exception of the inevitable OpenSimWorld beacon. They all feel like they've got nothing to fear.
Now, the question is whether Linden Lab will now target OpenSim as well. They'd certainly find plenty of targets.
The one line that makes this questionable is, "Collaboration with external platforms to address cross-platform content theft." Whom would they collaborate with on OpenSim's side?
OpenSim itself? There is no company or corporation behind OpenSim, only four or five spare-time hobbyist developers who struggle with keeping up with the development of Second Life in order to stay compatible with third-party Second Life viewers. There isn't any money involved in OpenSim, there is no business behind OpenSim.
The grids? Well, if anything, most grids would not be collaborators, but targets of said legal action.
Only very few grids would collaborate. The major commercial grids certainly would. Kitely, DigiWorldz, the Utopia Skye Grid, probably also @Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid, just to name four. So would OSgrid. As far as I know, they all don't tolerate the import and offering of stolen Second Life assets anyway.
At least the former three don't allow the offering of stolen Second Life content found on other grids either. So all this would only matter to these three if Linden Lab even decided to go against illegal decoration on sims and illegal body parts, clothes and accessories worn by avatars. What makes matters more complicated is that it's often unknown whether something is legal or not, and that it's almost impossible to deck out avatars with only legal content, especially without making them look like 2010.
But many non-commercial grids feel safer from the law. There are big, well-known grids hosted in Western countries which offer avatar accessories stolen from Second Life on their official landing sims, gathered somewhere on the Hypergrid and placed there by official grid staff. Sure, ZetaWorlds wouldn't tolerate another big entryway for stolen Second Life assets like Port ShenZhen which gave the grid a reputation of being a pirate den in the early 2020s. But stolen Second Life content that someone brought in from the Hypergrid seems to be okay.
I'm seriously wondering if these grids were interested in collaborating with Linden Lab in even wiping out the "found somewhere on the Hypergrid" content from the various big and small freebie stores. Granted, I'm wondering if Linden Lab is actually interested in the effort of going that far, also seeing as a lot of stolen sim decoration can be copied straight from where it's placed, too.
My guess is that, when it comes to illegal content that has been in-world for years already, both freebie merchants and grid owners will come with the same excuses:
Well, and then there are the most egregious offenders. The young but immensely popular freebie sims whose owners and merchants steal and import Second Life content themselves. As this is no longer tolerated on most of the bigger grids, all this happens on small grids with sometimes not even half a dozen sims. These grids are usually DreamGrids that run on a Windows computer at the grid owner's home. The grid owner is either friends with the copybotters who run stores on their grid, or they are copybotters and store owners themselves.
There's no way they'll collaborate with Linden Lab. Content theft and piracy is what their grids are living on, maybe with the grid owners' and merchants' private sims and an event location as side-projects. Linden Lab could just as well have the authorities of wherever the grids are hosted send a Cease & Desist letter to the grid owners that force them to shut down these grids. But even then they'll be back half an hour later with a new grid, but with the same sims on it. Or with the exact same grid under a new name. And I wouldn't count on Linden Lab going as far as having e.g. German or Italian police forces raid these grid owners' dwelling-places and seize all digital devices and then going into international lawsuits against them.
Then again, if popular freebie sims on tiny grids do disappear, OpenSimWorld suddenly reports them as offline, and it turns out that the rozzers have come and seized the grid server, and the grid owner as well as all freebie merchants on the grid are facing criminal investigations, all just for copybotting Second Life content, if this happens, I think the OpenSim community will get quite nervous again.
Addendum: Ava Delaney has published a blog post on her blog that gives some more details.
Let's just say that OpenSim can only hope that going after thousands of grids and their owners as well as thousands of freebie sims and their owners is too much of an effort for both the Lab and the authorities, considering there's no money involved in this. For one thing is certain: If it turns out that the Lab does actually take real-life legal action against all kinds of people in OpenSim who have to do with illegal content in this or that way, then OpenSim users will use the new support ticket category as a weapon against other OpenSim users and against entire grids. Wars between grids will likely end in the total destruction both of all grids on at least one side and their entire staff. Especially if it also turns out that the Lab has the power to have such action taken not only in the USA, but also in the EU.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Copybotting #Piracy
»Linden Lab Announces Plans to Escalate Legal Action Against Egregious Content Theft in Second Life« #Metasocieties #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #SecondLife
For about a decade, the greater OpenSim community has largely been relying on Second Life content that was illegally exported and then offered all over the Hypergrid as freebies, sometimes even declared original creations by the importers. While some people nowadays buy content from the Marketplace and then use copybot viewers to export it, others still can't even be bothered to do that and do what was the standard in the second half of the 2010s: copybot the stuff in-world. Some Second Life creators' works are available as full-perm freebies in OpenSim in huge numbers because their entire in-world stores were copybotted wholesale when they still deemed it safe to have the actual items in in-world sales boxes.
I guess over 95% of all content in OpenSim are stolen from Second Life, as are at least 98% of all items offered in freebie stores. If a new freebie store appears in OpenSim, you can be certain that not only absolutely all content in it was stolen from Second Life, but that the only legal item on the entire sim is the OpenSimWorld beacon. In fact, this applies to the vast majority of all new sims created nowadays, also because it's so bloody easy and convenient to get all the premium Second Life stuff you need from R. Lion and/or Darkhearts.
Many people who come to OpenSim never get in touch with legal content at all, other than happening to come by legal items installed on sims. Some go as far as staunchly insisting that legal content made in and for OpenSim does not exist, full stop. Others say that legal content only exists in the shape of Linda Kellie's non-mesh works from up until 2013.
Generally, those who acknowledge the existence of legal content in OpenSim also consider it vastly sub-par in comparison with the expensive premium luxury content that's being copybotted in Second Life. And that's even though this copybotted content is often slapped back together in a haphazard way with not nearly all the bells and whistles of the Second Life originals. Originally scripted content isn't re-scripted unless it's either a mesh body or furniture with AVsitter. Buildings are tossed into boxes with static, unscripted doors. Blinn-Phong is almost never supported. Before there was PBR, the importers couldn't be bothered to add normal and specular maps to save time and churn out more content in the same time. Now that there is PBR, I guess many won't add Blinn-Phong textures at all.
The main differences between the 2010s and today are that there were only few entryways for copybotted content in the 2010s, the copybotters didn't import the content themselves, all copybotted content was full-perm, and "Sharing is Caring" meant that freebie store owners were expected to pick up boxes of copybotted content from these few entryways and put it into their own stores to obscure how the content got into OpenSim. Also, "Stuff" boxes with copybotting by-catch are no longer a thing.
Nowadays, the copybotter, the importer and the store owner is one and the same person. Everything is no-transfer because the freebie stores are in direct competition with each other for the top "popularity" ranks on OpenSimWorld. The Legacy female body must have stolen and imported at least ten times already due to how many freebie dealers wanted to have their own copy of it next to their Legacy clothes. And that doesn't count those who have god-moded and reboxed already imported no-transfer bodies.
I dare say that much more content is copybotted in Second Life to be offered as freebies in OpenSim than to be sold by the thieves in Second Life for money. This may make the various OpenSim grids a more likely target for legal action than other Second Life users, maybe even than other virtual worlds.
In 2015 already, when the copybotting craze had really picked up after it had become possible to copybot mesh, and OpenSim's own creativity was almost entirely killed off because it couldn't compete with the copybotted content, legal action against targets in OpenSim was already considered. But it was difficult to hold the copybotters themselves liable. They didn't run their own grids. At best, they had sims on other grids. Some even only had free stores on other people's freebie sims. And it wasn't possible to hold these sim owners liable either.
So the legal action was to be targetted at the grids because grid owners can be identified outside of OpenSim, especially the owners of big grids. And in early 2015, all big grids had users who imported copybotted Second Life content and offered it as freebies. OSgrid, Kitely, Metropolis (shut down in 2022) and so forth.
The idea was to tell grid owners to have at least certain illegal content removed from in-world stores, otherwise their entire grids with thousands of active users would be shut down by the authorities. Again, I'm talking about all the biggest and most important grids. The grid owners would then have to tell the sim owners on whose sims this illegal content was offered to remove it or have it removed, otherwise their sims would be deleted. In turn, freebie sim owners who rented stores to importers or resellers of copybotted content threatened these store owners to throw them out if they don't remove any and all illegal content from their stores.
Copybotters were chased off the big grids. But they found a new home at Sacrarium, a grid run by a Kazakh admin on a machine in his flat at home, but registered in Russia. This would make legal action against copybotters and against the spread of illegal content more difficult in several ways. Also, imported content was now renamed, and all Second Life brand names were removed. Besides, the copybotters no longer imported the stolen content themselves anymore. They just sent the exported assets to someone else who imported, re-assembled and boxed them. Lastly, everything was first offered on the same sim, and so "Sharing is Caring" became more important than ever.
Alas, none of the threats ever led to anything. It would have involved Second Life creators and Linden Lab taking legal action together. Most importantly, however, it would have involved legal action by each creator involved against quite a number of grids.
Nowadays, names are only changed if whoever offers stolen content can get away with making clueless people believe they've created it themselves. Big, famous brand names, especially those of certain avatar suppliers, remain unchanged. Maitreya Lara is "Athena" in OpenSim, but LaraX is "LaraX". OpenSim freebie store owners steal and often actually copybot their own store content and import it directly onto grids hosted in the USA or the EU. They brazenly offer Legacy, Signature and eBody mesh bodies, LeLutka heads, Doux hair etc. under their original brand names, so certain are they that they've got nothing to fear.
The freebie store owners are in a perpetual race for having the most, the best and the newest exclusive content before everyone else. Even freebie sims that don't operate on the classic "I've found all this stuff on the Hypergrid, no idea where it comes from" have tens of thousands of Euros worth of Second Life content available as no-transfer freebies, and that doesn't include the sim decoration which, more often than not, is entirely copybotted, too, with the sole exception of the inevitable OpenSimWorld beacon. They all feel like they've got nothing to fear.
Now, the question is whether Linden Lab will now target OpenSim as well. They'd certainly find plenty of targets.
The one line that makes this questionable is, "Collaboration with external platforms to address cross-platform content theft." Whom would they collaborate with on OpenSim's side?
OpenSim itself? There is no company or corporation behind OpenSim, only four or five spare-time hobbyist developers who struggle with keeping up with the development of Second Life in order to stay compatible with third-party Second Life viewers. There isn't any money involved in OpenSim, there is no business behind OpenSim.
The grids? Well, if anything, most grids would not be collaborators, but targets of said legal action.
Only very few grids would collaborate. The major commercial grids certainly would. Kitely, DigiWorldz, the Utopia Skye Grid, probably also @Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid, just to name four. So would OSgrid. As far as I know, they all don't tolerate the import and offering of stolen Second Life assets anyway.
At least the former three don't allow the offering of stolen Second Life content found on other grids either. So all this would only matter to these three if Linden Lab even decided to go against illegal decoration on sims and illegal body parts, clothes and accessories worn by avatars. What makes matters more complicated is that it's often unknown whether something is legal or not, and that it's almost impossible to deck out avatars with only legal content, especially without making them look like 2010.
But many non-commercial grids feel safer from the law. There are big, well-known grids hosted in Western countries which offer avatar accessories stolen from Second Life on their official landing sims, gathered somewhere on the Hypergrid and placed there by official grid staff. Sure, ZetaWorlds wouldn't tolerate another big entryway for stolen Second Life assets like Port ShenZhen which gave the grid a reputation of being a pirate den in the early 2020s. But stolen Second Life content that someone brought in from the Hypergrid seems to be okay.
I'm seriously wondering if these grids were interested in collaborating with Linden Lab in even wiping out the "found somewhere on the Hypergrid" content from the various big and small freebie stores. Granted, I'm wondering if Linden Lab is actually interested in the effort of going that far, also seeing as a lot of stolen sim decoration can be copied straight from where it's placed, too.
My guess is that, when it comes to illegal content that has been in-world for years already, both freebie merchants and grid owners will come with the same excuses:
- "We haven't stolen anything, we've found all this as full-perm freebies on the Hypergrid." Hahaha. Nice try.
- "As long as you don't come up with rock-solid proof for every single one of these items that it was stolen from Second Life, we'll consider them all legal and your accusations false."
- "Athena is not Maitreya Lara. It wasn't taken from Second Life. It's an original OpenSim creation." Well, then how come Onyx LeShelle has asked all freebie merchants in OpenSim to delete all her creations and derivatives thereof from their stores, explicitly including all current and past versions of Athena, effective immediately, in an open letter back in 2015?
- "Athena has been modified from the original Maitreya Lara so much that it has become an original OpenSim creation."
- "Onyx LeShelle has stolen Maitreya Lara herself." Cue the same freebie store owners whining about other people stealing their stolen no-transfer stuff.
- "SLink is out of business, and so Adonis and Decadence-HG are legal now." Yeah, but Maitreya, Signature, Belleza, Catwa, LeLutka etc. are still in business as far as I know.
- "I've bought this myself on the Second Life Marketplace. It's mine, and I can do with it whatever I want." How about no?
- "Linden Lab can't do anything as long as I don't make any real money with this stuff."
- "There literally isn't any other content in OpenSim. OpenSim depends on this."
- "We don't tolerate 'drama' here," followed by a kick and permanent ban.
Well, and then there are the most egregious offenders. The young but immensely popular freebie sims whose owners and merchants steal and import Second Life content themselves. As this is no longer tolerated on most of the bigger grids, all this happens on small grids with sometimes not even half a dozen sims. These grids are usually DreamGrids that run on a Windows computer at the grid owner's home. The grid owner is either friends with the copybotters who run stores on their grid, or they are copybotters and store owners themselves.
There's no way they'll collaborate with Linden Lab. Content theft and piracy is what their grids are living on, maybe with the grid owners' and merchants' private sims and an event location as side-projects. Linden Lab could just as well have the authorities of wherever the grids are hosted send a Cease & Desist letter to the grid owners that force them to shut down these grids. But even then they'll be back half an hour later with a new grid, but with the same sims on it. Or with the exact same grid under a new name. And I wouldn't count on Linden Lab going as far as having e.g. German or Italian police forces raid these grid owners' dwelling-places and seize all digital devices and then going into international lawsuits against them.
Then again, if popular freebie sims on tiny grids do disappear, OpenSimWorld suddenly reports them as offline, and it turns out that the rozzers have come and seized the grid server, and the grid owner as well as all freebie merchants on the grid are facing criminal investigations, all just for copybotting Second Life content, if this happens, I think the OpenSim community will get quite nervous again.
Addendum: Ava Delaney has published a blog post on her blog that gives some more details.
Let's just say that OpenSim can only hope that going after thousands of grids and their owners as well as thousands of freebie sims and their owners is too much of an effort for both the Lab and the authorities, considering there's no money involved in this. For one thing is certain: If it turns out that the Lab does actually take real-life legal action against all kinds of people in OpenSim who have to do with illegal content in this or that way, then OpenSim users will use the new support ticket category as a weapon against other OpenSim users and against entire grids. Wars between grids will likely end in the total destruction both of all grids on at least one side and their entire staff. Especially if it also turns out that the Lab has the power to have such action taken not only in the USA, but also in the EU.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #SecondLife #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Copybotting #Piracy
The highly xenophobic "Fediverse equals Mastodon" sect and the Friendica-centred resistance against it
How a small bunch of German-speaking non-Mastodon Fediverse users is fighting back against the spreading sectarian belief that the Fediverse is or at least should be only Mastodon
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Mastodon can't be growing that slowly. After all, it's turning into a "Fediverse equals Mastodon" echo chamber more and more. This can only mean that there are many more newbies coming on board who have learned prior to joining that the Fediverse is "the Mastodon network" than there are Mastodon users who learn, or rather are taught, that this is not the case.
Because this is not the case. There is no Mastodon network. Oh, and what I've just linked to is in the Fediverse itself. It's on a Hubzilla channel, (manually gave this "mention" a more traditional look). Hubzilla is part of the Fediverse, and it has been federated with Mastodon for as long as Mastodon has been around.
Now, there are two more phenomena going on in the Fediverse concerning this.
On the one hand, there is a resistance movement forming against the spreading "Fediverse equals Mastodon" notion. Interestingly, it consists entirely of native German speakers. Most of them are primarily on Friendica which likely suffers the most from obnoxious Mastodon users who insist in the Fediverse being Mastodon and only Mastodon and nothing else.
If you spot some post or comment that explains that the Fediverse is, in fact, not only Mastodon, you can almost count on the user being on Friendica. And usually a native German speaker. Unless it's one of the few "usual suspects" on Pleroma, Akkoma, Calckey or Hubzilla.
Interestingly, however, you hardly ever see someone whose mother tongue is not German telling Mastodon users that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon. Mastodon users doing so are even rarer occurrences.
On the other hand, it's crazy how Mastodon users resist being told about the Fediverse not being Mastodon. It isn't only journalists who have outright stated in news articles that the Fediverse is "the Mastodon network" or not even mentioned the Fediverse and presented Mastodon as a decentralised walled garden, and who fight tooth and nail to defend themselves being right and everyone else being wrong when being confronted by non-Mastodon users.
It's even more completely normal users. They use "Mastodon" and "Fediverse" mutually synonymously and fully exchangeably, or they openly claim that Mastodon is the Fediverse, and most replies are from more Mastodon users who like and thereby confirm what they've posted. And the more Mastodon users post like the Fediverse was only Mastodon or directly claim just this, the more Mastodon users believe it.
Mass media and tech media never even mentioning the existence of the Fediverse and only ever talking about Mastodon contribute their part, also because journalists don't like to admit that they're wrong even when they're clearly wrong. It doesn't help that those very few journos who write about Mastodon while being Mastodon have only ever dipped one toe into Mastodon and still largely use it like Twitter otherwise.
Also, maybe it's because we're growing more sensitive, but for one, it seems like those who have joined during the second Twitter migration wave, the one in late 2022, and who still think the Fediverse is only Mastodon are coming out of the woodwork now. And besides, just about all newbies joining the Fediverse nowadays "know" that the Fediverse is only Mastodon.
At best, it's hard for them to wrap their minds around this not being the case. At worst, they resist this notion. Yes, they resist the fact that the Fediverse is not only Mastodon.
First, they seem to go into full denial. They try to convince themselves that what that other user has just written is not true because it'd be very uncomfortable to them to have to share the Fediverse with something that is not their beloved, nice, friendly, cosy, fluffy woolly mammoth. That's when they don't say anything.
Then, when they come to the realisation that there is no denying it, especially when more and more users chime in, they try to fight back. They claim it doesn't matter. They claim nobody needs to know that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon, and one of their key points is that this information makes matters even more difficult for newbies than they already are.
If all this fails, they press their hands onto their ears like little children and chant out loud, "Lalala, I don't want to hear it!" They generously deal out mutes and blocks. They believe that by silencing everyone who tries to educate them about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, it goes away again.
For they believe that the Fediverse actually was only Mastodon until recently. They believe that the non-Mastodon Fediverse stuff has emerged just recently because they hadn't heard of any of it before, just like they believe that Mastodon was launched shortly before they've joined because they hadn't heard of it before. That's why they want to hear or read even less about Friendica and Hubzilla having been there before Mastodon.
At least parts of Mastodon are turning more and more into a religious cult, a sect. Facts don't matter anymore. Belief and faith not only replace facts, but they turn into "alternative facts" in a sense. Amongst this is that the Fediverse started with Mastodon, Gargron is the God of the Fediverse who created it, and everything that isn't Mastodon is an add-on to Mastodon. According to them, the Mastodon users are the rulers, and the non-Mastodon users are the peasants.
The fundamentalists in this sect are those who haven't even heard of Pixelfed, who haven't heard of Flipboard, WordPress, Medium etc. having implemented ActivityPub and joined the Fediverse either. For them, there is nothing in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon. Any claim otherwise is heresy. Anything that doesn't behave exactly like vanilla Mastodon is regarded a rogue Mastodon instance that needs to be corrected.
Now you may say, "Let them be, they're harmless." But they aren't. It isn't like they ignore the non-Mastodon parts of the Fediverse. They fight them to make the Fediverse only Mastodon or as close to being only Mastodon as possible. They've defined their own "Fediquette" which is geared towards only vanilla Mastodon, and they try hard to force it upon everyone outside and make them give up their own culture and all features they have that Mastodon doesn't have. Or they actually try to chase non-Mastodon users out of the Fediverse.
You may say I'm kidding. I wish I was. But I'm not.
Ask @crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose Kwalitätsposts, he is on Calckey. A Mastodon user told him to either keep all his posts at 500 characters or fewer or get the fsck out of the Fediverse. That's only the tip of the iceberg for him.
Ask @jakob 🇦🇹 ✅, he is on Friendica. After telling a Mastodon user that he is not on Mastodon, but on something that is connected to Mastodon, said Mastodon user blocked him for being an evil hacker who used an evil hacker tool to illegally hack himself into the Mastodon Fediverse.
Ask @Hamiller Friendica and @Matthias, both on Friendica, about obnoxious and ignorant Mastodon users.
All this only happens because aspiring Mastodon users apparently have to be mollycoddled to no end. And this mollycoddling absolutely must include not telling them about the existence of a Fediverse beyond Mastodon. They're already inundated to no end by the concept of decentrality and instances, not to mention the prospect of having to pick a Mastodon instance in spite of actually being railroaded to So apparently, telling them that there's even more stuff connected to all those many Mastodon instances, stuff which isn't even Mastodon, would overload them completely.
What's even worse is that many Mastodon users are in a competition-against-Bluesky mode now. They want Mastodon to beat Bluesky in user numbers at all costs. And this must include making Mastodon even more newbie-friendly, i.e. mollycoddling them even more than already now. This would inevitably involve telling them even less about the true nature of the Fediverse than already now.
The Fediverse is already growing more and more hostile towards non-Mastodon server applications and non-Mastodon users day by day. Cranking up the mollycoddling and the shielding of new users from the mere existence of a Fediverse outside of Mastodon will accelerate this disturbing process more and more.
Because this is not the case. There is no Mastodon network. Oh, and what I've just linked to is in the Fediverse itself. It's on a Hubzilla channel, (manually gave this "mention" a more traditional look). Hubzilla is part of the Fediverse, and it has been federated with Mastodon for as long as Mastodon has been around.
Now, there are two more phenomena going on in the Fediverse concerning this.
On the one hand, there is a resistance movement forming against the spreading "Fediverse equals Mastodon" notion. Interestingly, it consists entirely of native German speakers. Most of them are primarily on Friendica which likely suffers the most from obnoxious Mastodon users who insist in the Fediverse being Mastodon and only Mastodon and nothing else.
If you spot some post or comment that explains that the Fediverse is, in fact, not only Mastodon, you can almost count on the user being on Friendica. And usually a native German speaker. Unless it's one of the few "usual suspects" on Pleroma, Akkoma, Calckey or Hubzilla.
Interestingly, however, you hardly ever see someone whose mother tongue is not German telling Mastodon users that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon. Mastodon users doing so are even rarer occurrences.
On the other hand, it's crazy how Mastodon users resist being told about the Fediverse not being Mastodon. It isn't only journalists who have outright stated in news articles that the Fediverse is "the Mastodon network" or not even mentioned the Fediverse and presented Mastodon as a decentralised walled garden, and who fight tooth and nail to defend themselves being right and everyone else being wrong when being confronted by non-Mastodon users.
It's even more completely normal users. They use "Mastodon" and "Fediverse" mutually synonymously and fully exchangeably, or they openly claim that Mastodon is the Fediverse, and most replies are from more Mastodon users who like and thereby confirm what they've posted. And the more Mastodon users post like the Fediverse was only Mastodon or directly claim just this, the more Mastodon users believe it.
Mass media and tech media never even mentioning the existence of the Fediverse and only ever talking about Mastodon contribute their part, also because journalists don't like to admit that they're wrong even when they're clearly wrong. It doesn't help that those very few journos who write about Mastodon while being Mastodon have only ever dipped one toe into Mastodon and still largely use it like Twitter otherwise.
Also, maybe it's because we're growing more sensitive, but for one, it seems like those who have joined during the second Twitter migration wave, the one in late 2022, and who still think the Fediverse is only Mastodon are coming out of the woodwork now. And besides, just about all newbies joining the Fediverse nowadays "know" that the Fediverse is only Mastodon.
At best, it's hard for them to wrap their minds around this not being the case. At worst, they resist this notion. Yes, they resist the fact that the Fediverse is not only Mastodon.
First, they seem to go into full denial. They try to convince themselves that what that other user has just written is not true because it'd be very uncomfortable to them to have to share the Fediverse with something that is not their beloved, nice, friendly, cosy, fluffy woolly mammoth. That's when they don't say anything.
Then, when they come to the realisation that there is no denying it, especially when more and more users chime in, they try to fight back. They claim it doesn't matter. They claim nobody needs to know that the Fediverse is more than Mastodon, and one of their key points is that this information makes matters even more difficult for newbies than they already are.
If all this fails, they press their hands onto their ears like little children and chant out loud, "Lalala, I don't want to hear it!" They generously deal out mutes and blocks. They believe that by silencing everyone who tries to educate them about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, it goes away again.
For they believe that the Fediverse actually was only Mastodon until recently. They believe that the non-Mastodon Fediverse stuff has emerged just recently because they hadn't heard of any of it before, just like they believe that Mastodon was launched shortly before they've joined because they hadn't heard of it before. That's why they want to hear or read even less about Friendica and Hubzilla having been there before Mastodon.
At least parts of Mastodon are turning more and more into a religious cult, a sect. Facts don't matter anymore. Belief and faith not only replace facts, but they turn into "alternative facts" in a sense. Amongst this is that the Fediverse started with Mastodon, Gargron is the God of the Fediverse who created it, and everything that isn't Mastodon is an add-on to Mastodon. According to them, the Mastodon users are the rulers, and the non-Mastodon users are the peasants.
The fundamentalists in this sect are those who haven't even heard of Pixelfed, who haven't heard of Flipboard, WordPress, Medium etc. having implemented ActivityPub and joined the Fediverse either. For them, there is nothing in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon. Any claim otherwise is heresy. Anything that doesn't behave exactly like vanilla Mastodon is regarded a rogue Mastodon instance that needs to be corrected.
Now you may say, "Let them be, they're harmless." But they aren't. It isn't like they ignore the non-Mastodon parts of the Fediverse. They fight them to make the Fediverse only Mastodon or as close to being only Mastodon as possible. They've defined their own "Fediquette" which is geared towards only vanilla Mastodon, and they try hard to force it upon everyone outside and make them give up their own culture and all features they have that Mastodon doesn't have. Or they actually try to chase non-Mastodon users out of the Fediverse.
You may say I'm kidding. I wish I was. But I'm not.
Ask @crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose Kwalitätsposts, he is on Calckey. A Mastodon user told him to either keep all his posts at 500 characters or fewer or get the fsck out of the Fediverse. That's only the tip of the iceberg for him.
Ask @jakob 🇦🇹 ✅, he is on Friendica. After telling a Mastodon user that he is not on Mastodon, but on something that is connected to Mastodon, said Mastodon user blocked him for being an evil hacker who used an evil hacker tool to illegally hack himself into the Mastodon Fediverse.
Ask @Hamiller Friendica and @Matthias, both on Friendica, about obnoxious and ignorant Mastodon users.
All this only happens because aspiring Mastodon users apparently have to be mollycoddled to no end. And this mollycoddling absolutely must include not telling them about the existence of a Fediverse beyond Mastodon. They're already inundated to no end by the concept of decentrality and instances, not to mention the prospect of having to pick a Mastodon instance in spite of actually being railroaded to So apparently, telling them that there's even more stuff connected to all those many Mastodon instances, stuff which isn't even Mastodon, would overload them completely.
What's even worse is that many Mastodon users are in a competition-against-Bluesky mode now. They want Mastodon to beat Bluesky in user numbers at all costs. And this must include making Mastodon even more newbie-friendly, i.e. mollycoddling them even more than already now. This would inevitably involve telling them even less about the true nature of the Fediverse than already now.
The Fediverse is already growing more and more hostile towards non-Mastodon server applications and non-Mastodon users day by day. Cranking up the mollycoddling and the shielding of new users from the mere existence of a Fediverse outside of Mastodon will accelerate this disturbing process more and more.
"Chirper": A perfect Twitter clone in the Fediverse for those on 𝕏 afraid of the Fediverse
The key to getting more 𝕏 users to join the Fediverse is to give them a super-faithful Twitter clone in the Fediverse of which they don't even notice that it isn't another silo
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There's a whole lot of whining going on on Mastodon that millions of people are leaving 𝕏 for Bluesky. And not for the Fediverse Mastodon. They should all come to the Fediverse Mastodon instead. Or, yes, the Fediverse. For way too many people, it's exactly the same.
Everyone's wondering why all these people prefer Bluesky over Mastodon. Some say that Mastodon's on-boarding is still too clunky. 𝕏-to-Bluesky converts state that getting into Mastodon is too complicated, what with having to choose an instance, something that Mastodon users can't understand. At least not those who were able to join without being railroaded to
Wanna know why people prefer Bluesky over Mastodon?
They. Want. Twitter.
Without Musk. But otherwise Twitter. Not something entirely different. Something that they already know. Something that they don't have to get used to.
Bluesky gives them pretty much exactly that. A clone of early-2010s Twitter. Including the Web UI, including the mobile app. And including allegedly not having to choose an instance. Apparently, the official Bluesky app has an instance selector now, but otherwise, Bluesky hides the fact that it is actually decentralised now so well that next to nobody even in the Fediverse knows.
For that's the other point: Bluesky doesn't seem to force people to choose an instance because it appears to be the same kind of monolithic, centralist, walled-garden silo as 𝕏. And it's exactly that what people want.
So, bad news: Mastodon will never be as popular as Bluesky. It's too complicated. It doesn't look like Twitter, it doesn't feel like Twitter, and the having-to-choose-an-instance cat is out of the bag.
If we want people to escape from 𝕏 to the Fediverse, we need a new Fediverse project for them to join. This time, it has to be an exact copy of early 2020s Twitter, right before Musk bought it out. Only the branding and branding-related terms ("tweet") must be replaced, everything else must be absolutely identical. It must be closer to Twitter than Bluesky. It actually must not have any features that pre-Musk Twitter didn't have.
For simplicity reasons, let's give it the working title "Chirper".
Of course, being in the Fediverse, Chirper should be decentralised itself, and it must be federated with everything else in the Fediverse.
However: The users must not notice any of this. At least not on the lighthouse instance which has to be the project website at the same time, and which needs a capacity of at least 3 billion users.
The users on must be mollycoddled much, much more than even on Mastodon. The fact that Chirper itself is decentralised must be hidden from them. If a post comes from Mastodon, it must appear to be from If a post comes from Hubzilla, it must appear to be from If it can't be made to look like from, it must be rejected.
Chirper's Fediverse connection must be hidden from the users on by all means, including content censorship. Nothing that hints at Chirper being part of the Fediverse must appear on their timelines. Posts about the Fediverse are allowed, but posts about Chirper being connected to the Fediverse must be automatically rejected server-side. Everything that can possibly be done must be done to hide users moving from one Fediverse instance to another while keeping their name from the users on
If need be, Chirper, its developers and the admins and mods on must lie to the general public as well as the users on this instance. It's for the latter's own good. Mass media, tech media and bloggers outside of Chirper must be told that Chirper is a centralised, walled-up silo.
Now, if someone is deemed "ready", especially if they really wish Chirper was decentralised itself, they will secretly be offered the opportunity to "go down the rabbit hole". If they do so, they'll be given the chance to move to another Chirper instance, a full move based on nomadic identity which their connections on won't notice. From then on, their posts will be monitored and censored just the same as everything else from outside If they choose to move to another instance, their mobile app will unlock decentrality features. Mind you, at this point, they'll still be made believe that Chirper is a walled garden. A decentralised walled garden, but a walled garden.
The next step, again, when they're "ready", will be to "go deeper down the rabbit hole". Not before this point will they learn about Chirper being connected to the Fediverse. They'll learn that some of their connections have never been on Chirper in the first place, that they've always communicated with the Fediverse outside of Chirper, even when they were still on If, at this point, nomadic identity via ActivityPub has spread in the Fediverse, and a significant number of projects has implemented it, and these Chirper users desire to get to know other places in the Fediverse, they will be presented an easy UI to clone their Chirper ID to someplace else.
Of course, this will upset Mastodon users. Why didn't all these people join Mastodon instead? Why don't they even know about Mastodon? Why are they intentionally kept unaware that they're connected to Mastodon?
Guess what: This is exactly how many people in the non-Mastodon Fediverse feel like right now already.
Everyone's wondering why all these people prefer Bluesky over Mastodon. Some say that Mastodon's on-boarding is still too clunky. 𝕏-to-Bluesky converts state that getting into Mastodon is too complicated, what with having to choose an instance, something that Mastodon users can't understand. At least not those who were able to join without being railroaded to
People want another Twitter
Wanna know why people prefer Bluesky over Mastodon?
They. Want. Twitter.
Without Musk. But otherwise Twitter. Not something entirely different. Something that they already know. Something that they don't have to get used to.
Bluesky gives them pretty much exactly that. A clone of early-2010s Twitter. Including the Web UI, including the mobile app. And including allegedly not having to choose an instance. Apparently, the official Bluesky app has an instance selector now, but otherwise, Bluesky hides the fact that it is actually decentralised now so well that next to nobody even in the Fediverse knows.
For that's the other point: Bluesky doesn't seem to force people to choose an instance because it appears to be the same kind of monolithic, centralist, walled-garden silo as 𝕏. And it's exactly that what people want.
So, bad news: Mastodon will never be as popular as Bluesky. It's too complicated. It doesn't look like Twitter, it doesn't feel like Twitter, and the having-to-choose-an-instance cat is out of the bag.
How to get more 𝕏 users into the Fediverse
If we want people to escape from 𝕏 to the Fediverse, we need a new Fediverse project for them to join. This time, it has to be an exact copy of early 2020s Twitter, right before Musk bought it out. Only the branding and branding-related terms ("tweet") must be replaced, everything else must be absolutely identical. It must be closer to Twitter than Bluesky. It actually must not have any features that pre-Musk Twitter didn't have.
For simplicity reasons, let's give it the working title "Chirper".
Of course, being in the Fediverse, Chirper should be decentralised itself, and it must be federated with everything else in the Fediverse.
However: The users must not notice any of this. At least not on the lighthouse instance which has to be the project website at the same time, and which needs a capacity of at least 3 billion users.
A new level of mollycoddling and fooling users
The users on must be mollycoddled much, much more than even on Mastodon. The fact that Chirper itself is decentralised must be hidden from them. If a post comes from Mastodon, it must appear to be from If a post comes from Hubzilla, it must appear to be from If it can't be made to look like from, it must be rejected.
Chirper's Fediverse connection must be hidden from the users on by all means, including content censorship. Nothing that hints at Chirper being part of the Fediverse must appear on their timelines. Posts about the Fediverse are allowed, but posts about Chirper being connected to the Fediverse must be automatically rejected server-side. Everything that can possibly be done must be done to hide users moving from one Fediverse instance to another while keeping their name from the users on
If need be, Chirper, its developers and the admins and mods on must lie to the general public as well as the users on this instance. It's for the latter's own good. Mass media, tech media and bloggers outside of Chirper must be told that Chirper is a centralised, walled-up silo.
Enlightening users who are ready
Now, if someone is deemed "ready", especially if they really wish Chirper was decentralised itself, they will secretly be offered the opportunity to "go down the rabbit hole". If they do so, they'll be given the chance to move to another Chirper instance, a full move based on nomadic identity which their connections on won't notice. From then on, their posts will be monitored and censored just the same as everything else from outside If they choose to move to another instance, their mobile app will unlock decentrality features. Mind you, at this point, they'll still be made believe that Chirper is a walled garden. A decentralised walled garden, but a walled garden.
The next step, again, when they're "ready", will be to "go deeper down the rabbit hole". Not before this point will they learn about Chirper being connected to the Fediverse. They'll learn that some of their connections have never been on Chirper in the first place, that they've always communicated with the Fediverse outside of Chirper, even when they were still on If, at this point, nomadic identity via ActivityPub has spread in the Fediverse, and a significant number of projects has implemented it, and these Chirper users desire to get to know other places in the Fediverse, they will be presented an easy UI to clone their Chirper ID to someplace else.
Of course, this will upset Mastodon users. Why didn't all these people join Mastodon instead? Why don't they even know about Mastodon? Why are they intentionally kept unaware that they're connected to Mastodon?
Guess what: This is exactly how many people in the non-Mastodon Fediverse feel like right now already.
The Fediverse has social networking apps, but Mastodon isn't one
If you approach the Fediverse as a social network, it has places with much better onboarding than Mastodon because Mastodon isn't a social network after all
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I've come to the realisation that one big onboarding issue in the Fediverse appears after actually getting on board: It's getting connections. For you Mastodon users, that's people to follow first of all so your timeline is no longer silent and then followers so you yourself are being heard.
And I've come to another realisation: Of all server applications in the Fediverse, it's the ones that count as mind-warpingly difficult to use that have an edge over Mastodon here. Mike Macgirvin's creations. Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and the fledgling Forte.
Mastodon makes it unnecessarily hard to get your first connections by largely aping 𝕏 or rather pre-Musk Twitter. But 𝕏 is not about connections. 𝕏 is not a social network. It actually has never been. 𝕏 is a microblogging platform. 𝕏 is all about content, and it uses "The Algorithm" to serve this content to all its users on a silver platter. It's a murky, unfair, biased algorithm, but it does what it's supposed to do.
Mastodon largely apes 𝕏 all the way to some of its shortcomings from a tight character limit to no concept of conversations, and it apes 𝕏's microblogging platform architecture. But this architecture depends on that very algorithm that Mastodon so staunchly and proudly refuses to implement. On Mastodon, like in most of the Fediverse, if you don't have any contacts, you've pretty much got nothing.
But Mastodon is not about finding contacts. Mastodon is too much of an 𝕏-aping microblogging platform to actually be a social network.
Early Mastodon mostly managed to strive because Mastodon users told other Mastodon users about their Mastodon accounts outside of Mastodon. At the climax of the Twitter migration, new Mastodon users had tools that could help them find those whom they had followed on Twitter on Mastodon. But even these tools weren't known by all newbies, and they were too cumbersome to use for those who were used to the Twitter app.
And nowadays, not even these tools exist anymore. People leave Mastodon not because it doesn't look and feel like Twitter, but because it feels dead, because it's so hard to get content on your timeline. Others resort to spending a while indiscriminately following everyone whom they encounter on their federated timeline to at least have the same uninteresting background noise as on 𝕏. But many don't even manage to come up with this idea, or they simply don't know what a "federated timeline" is because 𝕏 has none. And even then, nothing interesting happens on their timeline.
Sure, you can follow hashtags. But newbies and even generally not-so-advanced users don't even know you can do that. You can't do that on 𝕏 either, after all, so the very idea that this should be possible on Mastodon eludes them because no Mastodon UI actively advertises this feature.
Sure, you can use the search to try and find people with your interests. But that requires active searching. That's cumbersome. On top of it, it requires thinking in hashtags because it only works with hashtags. The vast majority of people coming over from 𝕏 to Mastodon have never in their lives used hashtags before. That's also why they fail to find an audience, and that's another reason why they don't follow hashtags. They go on using Mastodon like 𝕏, but this would only work if there was an "Algorithm" forwarding content to users.
If you want content on Mastodon, if you want to be seen on Mastodon, you have to use it like a social network. But Mastodon isn't, technically speaking, a social network. The only reason why people try so hard to use it as a social network is the same reason why people try to use Mastodon as a whole lot of things that Mastodon isn't: because Mastodon is all they know in the Fediverse.
But fortunately, the Fediverse is not only Mastodon. It has a whole lot more to offer. For example, actual social networking.
What's the world's biggest and most well-known social network? No, not 𝕏. It's Facebook. Say about Facebook what you want, but it has social networking down pat. Unlike 𝕏 which is about content, Facebook is about contacts or, as it calls them, "friends". Whereas 𝕏 is a soapbox, and whereas Mastodon, by aping 𝕏, is a soapbox, too, Facebook has the "social" aspect deeply engrained in its very DNA.
Now, some of you may say that it'd be great if someone made Facebook for the Fediverse.
But there already is Facebook in the Fediverse. There has been Facebook in the Fediverse since long before Twitter was cloned.
First and foremost, it's Friendica, the oldest surviving Fediverse project. Launched in summer of 2010 when even diaspora* was nothing more than a wild dream and an even wilder crowdfunding campaign, it was designed to be a Facebook alternative. Hubzilla is an all-powerful content management system blistering with features that can be expanded even further. But at its core, it's still the same Friendica fork that it was in 2012 when it was still the Red Matrix. The two newest members of the family, officially nameless (streams) and fledgling Forte, are back to mostly social networking, but give it a more advanced spin while still carrying Friendica's DNA within them.
Unlike Mastodon which has always been an attempt at mimicking Twitter, albeit an incomplete one, Friendica and its descendants have never tried to ape Facebook. Neither did they clone the unnecessary cruft that Facebook had already then, nor did they clone Facebook's data harvesting.
Instead, Friendica added sensible new features, and its descendants kept them. These included enough text and post formatting capabilities to rival not only bulletin-board forums, but full-blown blogging engines, including the use of BBcode markup instead of hiding everything behind a mandatory WYSIWYG interface.
At the same time, they all took over certain features because it made sense to take them over. One was the conversation structure which is the same on Facebook as on Tumblr, on Reddit, in the Usenet, on every blog out there with a comments section and in every Web forum. It draws a distinction between the (start) post and its follow-ups which are considered comments.
Another one was discussion groups which were implemented on Friendica not as a wholly separate feature, but as user accounts with special settings. Hubzilla took them over as channels, and (streams) and Forte still have them. They make discussing certain topics a whole lot easier than Mastodon's fumbling around with hashtags, hoping someone follows them, and murky and unmoderated Guppe groups.
But what really helps in onboarding is another feature that Friendica took over from Facebook: contact suggestions. Since you start out with no contacts, you also start out with no content and no interactions. But Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte suggest people to you whom you may want to connect to. If you've taken some time to fill out your profile, especially the keywords field (it's actually a separate profile field on all four), they'll suggest users who have the same keywords as you in their profiles.
Oh, and they can suggest groups or, as they're called from Hubzilla on, forums just the same.
On Mastodon, you have to learn to use the search to find people with e.g. certain interests. Or you have to shout into the void and hope someone hears it. Or you have to indiscriminately follow hundreds or thousands of people on the local or federated timeline and hope there's someone interesting among them. It's you who has to take action.
On the other hand, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte serve you potential new contacts on a silver platter. All you have to do is go where they're being suggested and look through the list. If you like one suggestion, you can connect to them with one click. (At least on Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte, you'll still have to configure the connection to your liking, but you don't have to jump through hoops and use search or copy-paste URLs or IDs to connect in the first place.) And just like on Facebook, if you don't like a suggestion, you also have a button to remove that suggestion from the list. But unlike on Facebook, you won't see that suggestion forced back on you after some time.
Granted, you only get accounts or channels suggested which are known to your home server. And your home server does not know everyone everywhere in the Fediverse. Still, it's a good start, your timeline or stream becomes busy, and you may get some exposure yourself if you're followed back. By the way, users on Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte are more likely to follow you back than Mastodon users because they have to follow you back to let you follow them. As I've said: Connections on these four are always mutual, just like Facebook "friends".
Also, on Hubzilla, this feature is kind of limited. Hubzilla only suggests channels using the one protocol that Hubzilla has built into its core, Zot6. This means that Hubzilla only suggests Hubzilla and (streams) channels. It can't suggest connections using e.g. ActivityPub or the diaspora* protocol, even of you have them enabled.
(streams), on the other hand, has ActivityPub built into its core and on by default for new channels. It suggests ActivityPub-using accounts as well, so you do have e.g. Mastodon users among your suggestions. And Forte is based on ActivityPub itself, so that's a given. It doesn't exclude Hubzilla or (streams) channels because these communicate with Forte via ActivityPub themselves.
Getting to the suggestions is easy enough. On Hubzilla, you first have to go to your connections. Unlike Mastodon, they haven't been stashed away in the settings. They've got their own menu item, and if you want to, you can add the icon to the navigation bar as well. And there you have a link to the suggestions. Each suggestion shows you a bunch of profile fields, more than Mastodon has altogether, including the keywords which are even clickable to filter the list. There's also an estimation on how many connections you have in common with that suggested contact, another Facebook feature. In addition, there's a keyword cloud that can be used for filtering. Also, you can remove channels flagged not safe for work, you can limit your suggestions to channels on your home hub, and you can limit it to public forums.
(streams) and forte make it even easier: They have a small connection suggestions box with two suggestions on the stream page which is the default landing page and akin to Mastodon's personal timeline. (It's possible to add them to Hubzilla's stream page as well, but that isn't exactly what a newbie would do.) The same box can also be found on the connections page, taking the place of Hubzilla's simple link to the connections.
The suggestions themselves are different, too. Even though (streams) and Forte only know mutual connections, they list followers and followed separately on suggested ActivityPub connections. Hashtags in the main profile text are converted to and used as keywords. In addition, keywords that you have in common with a suggested connection are shown in bold type.
In all these cases, connection suggestions are actually a sub-feature of the so-called directory. The directory contains and lists all Fediverse actors known to a server instance, so you can feel free to go and browse these as well. Again, they can be limited to only SFW and/or only local channels and/or only forums. Speaking of forums or groups: (streams) and most likely also Forte even recognise Friendica groups, Guppe groups, Lemmy communities, /kbin and Mbin magazines, NodeBB forums, Flipboard magazines, the Social Web Foundation website etc. as discussion groups. Not even Facebook does anything similar.
A wide-spread attitude among people who are used to Mastodon is that Mastodon is the Fediverse gold standard, and everything in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon should become more like Mastodon.
But the Fediverse is widely regarded one big social network. And if there's something in the Fediverse that has actual social networking down pat, that isn't Mastodon. Mastodon is still what it has always been: a Twitter-mimicking microblogging platform. And it's every bit as bad at finding new connections as 𝕏 which, by the way, has never been meant to be a social network either.
Sorry to all you Mastodon fans, but: Just like 𝕏, Mastodon is not about people and connections. It is all about content. It has always been all about content.
Still sorry, but: Finding your first connections is vastly easier and more convenient in those places in the Fediverse that are actual social networks, that are Facebook alternatives rather than 𝕏 alternatives. And that's Friendica and its nomadic descendants, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte.
And I've come to another realisation: Of all server applications in the Fediverse, it's the ones that count as mind-warpingly difficult to use that have an edge over Mastodon here. Mike Macgirvin's creations. Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and the fledgling Forte.
Why Mastodon actually isn't a social network after all
Mastodon makes it unnecessarily hard to get your first connections by largely aping 𝕏 or rather pre-Musk Twitter. But 𝕏 is not about connections. 𝕏 is not a social network. It actually has never been. 𝕏 is a microblogging platform. 𝕏 is all about content, and it uses "The Algorithm" to serve this content to all its users on a silver platter. It's a murky, unfair, biased algorithm, but it does what it's supposed to do.
Mastodon largely apes 𝕏 all the way to some of its shortcomings from a tight character limit to no concept of conversations, and it apes 𝕏's microblogging platform architecture. But this architecture depends on that very algorithm that Mastodon so staunchly and proudly refuses to implement. On Mastodon, like in most of the Fediverse, if you don't have any contacts, you've pretty much got nothing.
But Mastodon is not about finding contacts. Mastodon is too much of an 𝕏-aping microblogging platform to actually be a social network.
Early Mastodon mostly managed to strive because Mastodon users told other Mastodon users about their Mastodon accounts outside of Mastodon. At the climax of the Twitter migration, new Mastodon users had tools that could help them find those whom they had followed on Twitter on Mastodon. But even these tools weren't known by all newbies, and they were too cumbersome to use for those who were used to the Twitter app.
And nowadays, not even these tools exist anymore. People leave Mastodon not because it doesn't look and feel like Twitter, but because it feels dead, because it's so hard to get content on your timeline. Others resort to spending a while indiscriminately following everyone whom they encounter on their federated timeline to at least have the same uninteresting background noise as on 𝕏. But many don't even manage to come up with this idea, or they simply don't know what a "federated timeline" is because 𝕏 has none. And even then, nothing interesting happens on their timeline.
Sure, you can follow hashtags. But newbies and even generally not-so-advanced users don't even know you can do that. You can't do that on 𝕏 either, after all, so the very idea that this should be possible on Mastodon eludes them because no Mastodon UI actively advertises this feature.
Sure, you can use the search to try and find people with your interests. But that requires active searching. That's cumbersome. On top of it, it requires thinking in hashtags because it only works with hashtags. The vast majority of people coming over from 𝕏 to Mastodon have never in their lives used hashtags before. That's also why they fail to find an audience, and that's another reason why they don't follow hashtags. They go on using Mastodon like 𝕏, but this would only work if there was an "Algorithm" forwarding content to users.
If you want content on Mastodon, if you want to be seen on Mastodon, you have to use it like a social network. But Mastodon isn't, technically speaking, a social network. The only reason why people try so hard to use it as a social network is the same reason why people try to use Mastodon as a whole lot of things that Mastodon isn't: because Mastodon is all they know in the Fediverse.
Enter the Facebook alternatives
But fortunately, the Fediverse is not only Mastodon. It has a whole lot more to offer. For example, actual social networking.
What's the world's biggest and most well-known social network? No, not 𝕏. It's Facebook. Say about Facebook what you want, but it has social networking down pat. Unlike 𝕏 which is about content, Facebook is about contacts or, as it calls them, "friends". Whereas 𝕏 is a soapbox, and whereas Mastodon, by aping 𝕏, is a soapbox, too, Facebook has the "social" aspect deeply engrained in its very DNA.
Now, some of you may say that it'd be great if someone made Facebook for the Fediverse.
But there already is Facebook in the Fediverse. There has been Facebook in the Fediverse since long before Twitter was cloned.
First and foremost, it's Friendica, the oldest surviving Fediverse project. Launched in summer of 2010 when even diaspora* was nothing more than a wild dream and an even wilder crowdfunding campaign, it was designed to be a Facebook alternative. Hubzilla is an all-powerful content management system blistering with features that can be expanded even further. But at its core, it's still the same Friendica fork that it was in 2012 when it was still the Red Matrix. The two newest members of the family, officially nameless (streams) and fledgling Forte, are back to mostly social networking, but give it a more advanced spin while still carrying Friendica's DNA within them.
Unlike Mastodon which has always been an attempt at mimicking Twitter, albeit an incomplete one, Friendica and its descendants have never tried to ape Facebook. Neither did they clone the unnecessary cruft that Facebook had already then, nor did they clone Facebook's data harvesting.
Instead, Friendica added sensible new features, and its descendants kept them. These included enough text and post formatting capabilities to rival not only bulletin-board forums, but full-blown blogging engines, including the use of BBcode markup instead of hiding everything behind a mandatory WYSIWYG interface.
At the same time, they all took over certain features because it made sense to take them over. One was the conversation structure which is the same on Facebook as on Tumblr, on Reddit, in the Usenet, on every blog out there with a comments section and in every Web forum. It draws a distinction between the (start) post and its follow-ups which are considered comments.
Another one was discussion groups which were implemented on Friendica not as a wholly separate feature, but as user accounts with special settings. Hubzilla took them over as channels, and (streams) and Forte still have them. They make discussing certain topics a whole lot easier than Mastodon's fumbling around with hashtags, hoping someone follows them, and murky and unmoderated Guppe groups.
New contacts on a silver platter
But what really helps in onboarding is another feature that Friendica took over from Facebook: contact suggestions. Since you start out with no contacts, you also start out with no content and no interactions. But Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte suggest people to you whom you may want to connect to. If you've taken some time to fill out your profile, especially the keywords field (it's actually a separate profile field on all four), they'll suggest users who have the same keywords as you in their profiles.
Oh, and they can suggest groups or, as they're called from Hubzilla on, forums just the same.
On Mastodon, you have to learn to use the search to find people with e.g. certain interests. Or you have to shout into the void and hope someone hears it. Or you have to indiscriminately follow hundreds or thousands of people on the local or federated timeline and hope there's someone interesting among them. It's you who has to take action.
On the other hand, Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte serve you potential new contacts on a silver platter. All you have to do is go where they're being suggested and look through the list. If you like one suggestion, you can connect to them with one click. (At least on Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte, you'll still have to configure the connection to your liking, but you don't have to jump through hoops and use search or copy-paste URLs or IDs to connect in the first place.) And just like on Facebook, if you don't like a suggestion, you also have a button to remove that suggestion from the list. But unlike on Facebook, you won't see that suggestion forced back on you after some time.
Granted, you only get accounts or channels suggested which are known to your home server. And your home server does not know everyone everywhere in the Fediverse. Still, it's a good start, your timeline or stream becomes busy, and you may get some exposure yourself if you're followed back. By the way, users on Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte are more likely to follow you back than Mastodon users because they have to follow you back to let you follow them. As I've said: Connections on these four are always mutual, just like Facebook "friends".
Also, on Hubzilla, this feature is kind of limited. Hubzilla only suggests channels using the one protocol that Hubzilla has built into its core, Zot6. This means that Hubzilla only suggests Hubzilla and (streams) channels. It can't suggest connections using e.g. ActivityPub or the diaspora* protocol, even of you have them enabled.
(streams), on the other hand, has ActivityPub built into its core and on by default for new channels. It suggests ActivityPub-using accounts as well, so you do have e.g. Mastodon users among your suggestions. And Forte is based on ActivityPub itself, so that's a given. It doesn't exclude Hubzilla or (streams) channels because these communicate with Forte via ActivityPub themselves.
Getting to the suggestions is easy enough. On Hubzilla, you first have to go to your connections. Unlike Mastodon, they haven't been stashed away in the settings. They've got their own menu item, and if you want to, you can add the icon to the navigation bar as well. And there you have a link to the suggestions. Each suggestion shows you a bunch of profile fields, more than Mastodon has altogether, including the keywords which are even clickable to filter the list. There's also an estimation on how many connections you have in common with that suggested contact, another Facebook feature. In addition, there's a keyword cloud that can be used for filtering. Also, you can remove channels flagged not safe for work, you can limit your suggestions to channels on your home hub, and you can limit it to public forums.
(streams) and forte make it even easier: They have a small connection suggestions box with two suggestions on the stream page which is the default landing page and akin to Mastodon's personal timeline. (It's possible to add them to Hubzilla's stream page as well, but that isn't exactly what a newbie would do.) The same box can also be found on the connections page, taking the place of Hubzilla's simple link to the connections.
The suggestions themselves are different, too. Even though (streams) and Forte only know mutual connections, they list followers and followed separately on suggested ActivityPub connections. Hashtags in the main profile text are converted to and used as keywords. In addition, keywords that you have in common with a suggested connection are shown in bold type.
In all these cases, connection suggestions are actually a sub-feature of the so-called directory. The directory contains and lists all Fediverse actors known to a server instance, so you can feel free to go and browse these as well. Again, they can be limited to only SFW and/or only local channels and/or only forums. Speaking of forums or groups: (streams) and most likely also Forte even recognise Friendica groups, Guppe groups, Lemmy communities, /kbin and Mbin magazines, NodeBB forums, Flipboard magazines, the Social Web Foundation website etc. as discussion groups. Not even Facebook does anything similar.
A wide-spread attitude among people who are used to Mastodon is that Mastodon is the Fediverse gold standard, and everything in the Fediverse that isn't Mastodon should become more like Mastodon.
But the Fediverse is widely regarded one big social network. And if there's something in the Fediverse that has actual social networking down pat, that isn't Mastodon. Mastodon is still what it has always been: a Twitter-mimicking microblogging platform. And it's every bit as bad at finding new connections as 𝕏 which, by the way, has never been meant to be a social network either.
Sorry to all you Mastodon fans, but: Just like 𝕏, Mastodon is not about people and connections. It is all about content. It has always been all about content.
Still sorry, but: Finding your first connections is vastly easier and more convenient in those places in the Fediverse that are actual social networks, that are Facebook alternatives rather than 𝕏 alternatives. And that's Friendica and its nomadic descendants, Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte.
AI superiority at describing images, not so alleged?
Could it be that AI can image-describe circles even around me? And that the only ones whom my image descriptions satisfy are Mastodon's alt-text police?
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I think I've reached a point at which I only describe my images for the alt-text police anymore. At which I only keep ramping up my efforts, increasing my description quality and declaring all my previous image descriptions obsolete and hopelessly outdated only to have an edge over those who try hard to enforce quality image descriptions all over the Fediverse, and who might stumble upon one of my image posts in their federated timelines by chance.
For blind or visually-impaired people, my image descriptions ought to fall under "better than nothing" at best and even that only if they have the patience to have them read out in their entirety. But even my short descriptions in the alt-text are too long already, often surpassing the 1,000-character mark. And they're often devoid of text transcripts due to lack of space.
My full descriptions that go into the post are probably mostly ignored, also because nobody on Mastodon actually expects an image description anywhere that isn't alt-text. But on top of that, they're even longer. Five-digit character counts, image descriptions longer than dozens of Mastodon toots, are my standard. Necessarily so because I can't see it being possible to sufficiently describe the kind of images I post in significantly fewer characters, so I can't help it.
But it isn't only about the length. It also seems to be about quality. As @Robert Kingett, blind points out in this Mastodon post and this blog post linked in the same Mastodon post, blind or visually-impaired people generally prefer AI-written image descriptions over human-written image descriptions. Human-written image descriptions lack effort, they lack details, they lack just about everything. AI descriptions, in comparison, are highly detailed and informative. And I guess when they talk about human-written image descriptions, they mean all of them.
I can upgrade my description style as often as I want. I can try to make it more and more inclusive by changing the way I describe colours or dimensions as much as I want. I can spend days describing one image, explaining it, researching necessary details for the description and explanation. But from a blind or visually-impaired user's point of view, AI can apparently write circles around that in every way.
AI can apparently describe and even explain my own images about an absolutely extreme niche topic more accurately and in greater detail than I can. In all details that I describe and explain, with no exception, plus even more on top of that.
If I take two days to describe an image in over 60,000 characters, it's still sub-standard in terms of quality, informativity and level of detail. AI only takes a few seconds to generate a few hundred characters which apparently describe and explain the self-same image at a higher quality, more informatively and at a higher level of detail. It may even be able to not only identify where exactly an image was created, even if that place is only a few days old, but also explain that location to someone who doesn't know anything about virtual worlds within no more than 100 characters or so.
Whenever I have to describe an image, I always have to throw someone in front of the bus. I can't perfectly satisfy everyone all the same at the same time. My detailed image descriptions are too long for many people, be it people with a short attention span, be it people with little time. But if I shortened them dramatically, I'd have to cut information to the disadvantage of not only neurodiverse people who need things explained in great detail, but also blind or visually-impaired users who want to explore a new and previously unknown world through only that one image, just like sighted people can let their eyes wander around the image.
Apparently, AI is fully capable of actually perfectly satisfying everyone all the same at the same time because it can convey more information with only a few hundred characters.
Sure, AI makes mistakes. But apparently, AI still makes fewer mistakes than I do.
#AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI #AIVsHuman #HumanVsAI
For blind or visually-impaired people, my image descriptions ought to fall under "better than nothing" at best and even that only if they have the patience to have them read out in their entirety. But even my short descriptions in the alt-text are too long already, often surpassing the 1,000-character mark. And they're often devoid of text transcripts due to lack of space.
My full descriptions that go into the post are probably mostly ignored, also because nobody on Mastodon actually expects an image description anywhere that isn't alt-text. But on top of that, they're even longer. Five-digit character counts, image descriptions longer than dozens of Mastodon toots, are my standard. Necessarily so because I can't see it being possible to sufficiently describe the kind of images I post in significantly fewer characters, so I can't help it.
But it isn't only about the length. It also seems to be about quality. As @Robert Kingett, blind points out in this Mastodon post and this blog post linked in the same Mastodon post, blind or visually-impaired people generally prefer AI-written image descriptions over human-written image descriptions. Human-written image descriptions lack effort, they lack details, they lack just about everything. AI descriptions, in comparison, are highly detailed and informative. And I guess when they talk about human-written image descriptions, they mean all of them.
I can upgrade my description style as often as I want. I can try to make it more and more inclusive by changing the way I describe colours or dimensions as much as I want. I can spend days describing one image, explaining it, researching necessary details for the description and explanation. But from a blind or visually-impaired user's point of view, AI can apparently write circles around that in every way.
AI can apparently describe and even explain my own images about an absolutely extreme niche topic more accurately and in greater detail than I can. In all details that I describe and explain, with no exception, plus even more on top of that.
If I take two days to describe an image in over 60,000 characters, it's still sub-standard in terms of quality, informativity and level of detail. AI only takes a few seconds to generate a few hundred characters which apparently describe and explain the self-same image at a higher quality, more informatively and at a higher level of detail. It may even be able to not only identify where exactly an image was created, even if that place is only a few days old, but also explain that location to someone who doesn't know anything about virtual worlds within no more than 100 characters or so.
Whenever I have to describe an image, I always have to throw someone in front of the bus. I can't perfectly satisfy everyone all the same at the same time. My detailed image descriptions are too long for many people, be it people with a short attention span, be it people with little time. But if I shortened them dramatically, I'd have to cut information to the disadvantage of not only neurodiverse people who need things explained in great detail, but also blind or visually-impaired users who want to explore a new and previously unknown world through only that one image, just like sighted people can let their eyes wander around the image.
Apparently, AI is fully capable of actually perfectly satisfying everyone all the same at the same time because it can convey more information with only a few hundred characters.
Sure, AI makes mistakes. But apparently, AI still makes fewer mistakes than I do.
#AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta #AI #AIVsHuman #HumanVsAI
The teleport between virtual world systems (that actually never happened)
How Linden Lab managed to fool almost everyone with a spectacular tech stunt in 2008
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In mid-2008, at the peak of the Second Life hype, a remarkable project went live which, until today, is unprecedented: the attempt at connecting 3-D virtual worlds from two different developers and sending avatars from one world to another. Some may remember the story of people teleporting from Second Life to OpenSim and the project being abandoned not much later.
Just recently, Wagner James "Hamlet" Au published a new post on his New World Notes blog and took the opportunity again to show OpenSim in a bad light again. His wording even makes it look like OpenSim has long since vanished when it's actually growing faster than Second Life with more than four times of the latter's landmass.
But there's more to the whole story.
Let's look back in time first. Second Life, one of the most successful 3-D virtual worlds ever, was launched in 2002 and opened to the general public in 2003. Being operated by a for-profit, however, it had to make money. It started with pay-to-play, but eventually switched to a revenue model based on land rentals. Plus an increasing number of taxes.
It didn't take long for the Second Life API to be reverse-engineered and alternative 3rd-party viewers to be developed. But eventually, someone who was disgruntled with Second Life's rampantly capitalist system decided to build something against the other side of the API, a free, open-source virtual-world server application similar to Second Life. It was first released the same month that Linden Lab open-sourced the official viewer, January, 2007. At first, it was named "OpenSecondLife", but it was eventually renamed "OpenSimulator".
In July, half a year later, the first public OpenSim grid went online, OSgrid. It is not only the oldest, but one of the two biggest of probably over 4,000 OpenSim grids, having recently surpassed even Second Life's landmass.
At first, all OpenSim grids were stand-alones. If you wanted to visit a certain place in a certain grid, you needed an avatar on that grid. This changed in 2008 when OpenSim developer Diva Kanto introduced the concept of the Hypergrid which connected OpenSim grids in such a way that avatars could travel between them, looks, inventory and all. Like many things in early OpenSim, it was very buggy. But it worked.
The invention of the Hypergrid, the first interconnection between separate virtual worlds, coincided with the Second Life hype. In those days, Second Life was all over tech media. Some media outlets, even including mainstream mass media, had offices in Second Life to be able to see things from up-close and interview avatars and such. Second Life was that big. And the announcement that an open-source Second Life spin-off had just made it possible to travel from one grid to another caught quite a lot of people's attention.
IBM was particularly interested. The Hypergrid looked like the future of virtual worlds to them, especially with the mindset of those days that virtual worlds are the future. And OpenSim was still very close to Second Life in technology. It had to because it depended on third-party Second Life viewers since it had no development capacities for its own viewer.
And so the idea came up to create a network of virtual worlds that should include not only OpenSim grids, but Second Life as well.
In general, IBM got very interested in OpenSim. They offered the OpenSim devs to collaborate and set a few dozen paid developers aside to improve the OpenSim code, especially the fledgling Hypergrid. They also got into contact with Linden Lab to launch a project named Open Grid, a connection between Second Life and the Hypergrid.
On June 30th, 2008, the cooperation between IBM, Linden Lab and the OpenSim developers appeared to come to fruition: A bunch of "gridnauts", both Lindens and IBM developer avatars, "teleported from Second Life to OpenSim". That's the short version of the story.
But first of all, they did not start from the Second Life main grid. A special beta grid was created and even partly decorated for this occasion. For the time being, it was declared impossible to teleport from the Second Life main grid because changes had to be done to the beta grid to make this connection possible. Some of the "gridnauts" kept their avatars as standard Ruths, but a few did some modifications on their looks. Of course, not being on the main grid, they had no access to the assets on the main grid such as clothes.
In addition, this could not be done with the official Second Life viewer. Linden Lab provided a special viewer named the Open Grid Beta Viewer.
The destination of the trip was not, however, an OpenSim grid specifically created for the Open Grid project. It was bone-stock OSgrid. Granted, OSgrid has been running development code since its creation, but there must have been precious little Open-Grid-specific code in it, if any. "IBM's modified code", as cited in the official Second Life wiki article linked above, was probably almost entirely bugfixes plus a few new features that everyone in OpenSim could profit from. This could have included the possibility to register new avatars in a viewer rather than only on the website of a grid.
Torely Linden captured the event on video and edited the footage into a two-minute clip called "Across the Metaverse". Yes, Torely Linden spoke of "the Metaverse" 13 years before Mark Zuckerberg did. But the OSgrid founders did so another year earlier.
When the "gridnauts" arrived on OSgrid, their inventories were empty. Linden Lab explained this was the case because it was technologically impossible to transfer an inventory from Second Life to OpenSim or vice versa.
What few people know: It was all show. A Second Life user and former Open Grid beta-tester called it "smoke and mirrors" on the official Second Life forum.
Linden Lab fooled the public, and Linden Lab probably also fooled both the IBM devs, the beta testers and maybe even some official Lindens until they understood what was actually happening. All that the IBM devs had to do was make OpenSim fit for the event and iron out bugs that might have ended up awkward. IBM was probably working entirely on the OpenSim side of things. Linden Lab took care of the Second Life side, the beta grid and especially the beta viewer, alone without IBM having any insight. Thus, the IBM devs probably never really knew what Linden Lab did, and that the alleged teleportation from Second Life to OpenSim was nothing but a lie.
At no point did any avatar ever actually teleport from a Second Life grid to an OpenSim grid.
What the Open Grid Beta Viewer really did was log the Second Life beta grid avatar out and an OSgrid avatar with the same name in. On the way back, the OSgrid avatar was logged out, and the Second Life beta grid avatar was logged in. When logged into OpenSim, "_EXTERNAL" was added to the name tag after the avatar name.
So what people actually saw during the OpenSim segment of the video footage of this trip weren't Second Life avatars stripped of their inventories. They were OSgrid avatars.
At first glance, this was not too obvious. An avatar from the same grid as the one logged in usually doesn't show its home grid in the name tag above its head. So there was no "" above the heads of the "gridnauts".
Also, as the video footage shows, the whole trip was restricted to a piece of hilly, barren land rather than one of the OSgrid Plazas. Only a few signs had been placed. Otherwise, nothing had been done, nothing had been built. It was obviously a sim created for this specific purpose. Access to this sim was probably limited to a specific group which the OSgrid avatars of the "gridnauts" were added to immediately after their creation. No group names are shown, though; it's either because the Open Grid Beta Viewer had group-showing code removed, or Torley Linden had switched group tags off.
By the way, notice how the name of the sim is censored in the video. Also, notice the absence of OSgrid avatars. Or OpenSim avatars in general. There was no welcome committee.
If you know a thing or two about OpenSim or even only Second Life, however, a few things make painfully obvious that the whole show was just that, a show.
The best sign is Torely's empty inventory. I've seen empty OpenSim inventories. And believe me when I say they're never completely blank. Even if there are no assets in the inventory, even if a grid does not add a pre-filled library with a few things to new avatars' inventories, there's always the basic directory structure. But Torely's video doesn't even show that.
Instead, it says, "No matching items found in inventory." It only says that and looks that blank when something has been searched for and not found. Either the Open Grid Beta Viewer was hard-coded to search for something that would definitely never be in Torely's inventory. Or it reset the search field while being closed and re-opened, but not the search itself. Either way, some search was used to artifically wipe Torely's inventory view clear.
Either Linden Lab thought it'd be easier for clueless casuals watching the video to understand that the inventory is empty when it's actually completely blank, or Torely had something to hide.
It gets even better. Pay close attention to the avatars in the video. Pause it if necessary. Yes, Torely's avatar looks like a standard Ruth on OSgrid. But Torely's avatar on the beta grid is a standard Ruth, too.
Now look at Hamilton Linden. He is wearing a dark top on the beta grid, prior to departure. This top is actually one of the few clothing items whose texture manages to load during the OSgrid segment in spite of the corrupted cache. It's the same dark top as on the beta grid. Everything an avatar wears when teleporting from one grid to another must be in the inventory and remain there. This means that Hamilton Linden has his dark top readily available in OSgrid. Thus, it has to be in his inventory. But if transferring content from a Second Life grid to an OpenSim grid is not possible, how did it get there?
Better yet: Zero Linden is wearing a skirt. On a Second Life or OpenSim classic avatar, it's just another texture layer, but it has to be there. It's grey on Zero Linden, but completely absent from all the other avatars, so it has to be there. Again, how could it possibly have gotten there?
I'll tell you how: At least Hamilton and Zero, just like Torely, knew from the get-go that the whole shindig was as fake as it could ever get. In order to make their avatars recognisable on both sides, they wanted to redo their beta grid look in OSgrid. So they logged into both grids and redid the few changes on their beta grid avatars in comparison to standard Ruth on their OSgrid avatars. All "gridnauts" who were filled in on the scam had previously created avatars on OSgrid. And at least these two couldn't help but customise their avatars. The uninformed "gridnauts" had their OSgrid avatars created for them and probably also had to keep their beta grid avatars stock Ruths.
Torely was right about the inventory not being carried over, though. What the "gridnauts" had in their inventories on OSgrid was either supplied by OSgrid or remade by hand.
It's obvious that Linden Lab had precautions taken to make it more credible. Torely's artificially "blanked" inventory was one part of it.
Another part was the "gridnauts" landing on almost barren land, all alone. There weren't even OSgrid officials present to welcome them and interact with them, at least not in Torely's video edit. The "gridnauts" needed to have this unwelcoming piece of land for themselves for a short while. If OSgrid officials arrived later to greet the "gridnauts", this must intentionally have been left out. Most likely, if they had been there, the Open Grid Beta Viewer would have slapped "_EXTERNAL" on their names as well because it couldn't distinguish between OSgrid avatars owned by admins and OSgrid avatars owned by "gridnauts".
It's even more likely that this sim was not only group access-only, but that the "gridnaut" avatars were the only ones in the group. Even OSgrid officials weren't allowed in. Linden Lab could not risk the presence of non-"gridnaut" avatars. For one, a fully decked-out OSgrid official avatar with "_EXTERNAL" behind the name would have ruined everything. Even worse, OSgrid or other visitors could have made their own video of the whole show. And it would have looked a whole lot different without the trickery demanded by Linden Lab. Don't forget that YouTube already existed in 2008, and much more than today, it was a place where everyone could upload self-made videos.
With all those precautions in place, it's interesting how none were taken to trick OpenSim users into taking this for genuine. They were probably considered too few to be a real danger because nobody outside their own little bubble would even notice them. And with no chance to prove Linden Lab's manipulation with a video of their own, there was little they could do anyway.
For the vast majority of the target audience of Torely's video, the precautions were sufficient. At least Hamilton and Zero re-doing their avatar looks on OSgrid was allowed in order to make them recognisable to people who don't know that an avatar's look is stored in the inventory. Only the few OpenSim users who had already Hypergridded back then knew what that meant. Everyone else, maybe even including some Second Life users, didn't see how this contradicted Torely's tall tale of empty inventories.
Now you may ask yourself: Why did Linden Lab even take all this effort upon themselves?
I can only speculate. But I guess it's because, in stark contrast to IBM, they never really wanted Second Life and OpenSim to fully connect. They wanted to present it as "technically possible, but too unfeasible to continue working on it".
Linden Lab and Second Life would have had nothing to gain from such a connection if it had ever gone fully functional but a whole lot to lose. "Fully functional" would have required taking your entire inventory with you in both directions.
First of all, this would have required adding support for there being more than one grid to Second Life, just so that it could identify avatars from other grids, assets from other grids et cetera. For OpenSim, any Second Life grid would only have been one more grid. Second Life, AnSky, 3rd Rock Grid, Metropolis, it would have been pretty much all the same, only with different names and maybe with different quirks.
At first glance, this connection would have been a dream coming true for businesspeople. OpenSim would have opened up Second Life's markets to more customers. In theory.
In practice, it wouldn't.
OpenSim never had an official inter-grid payment system. In fact, it was only in 2008 that 3rd Rock Grid was launched as the very first grid to implement payment beyond "Monopoly money". And that was an in-world currency that could be bought from real money, but not sold back. And that currency was only available on 3rd Rock Grid. It would have been impossible to introduce the Linden Dollar to OpenSim in general, much less force it upon all grids.
It wouldn't have been worth the effort anyway, seeing as how few users OpenSim had in 2008, especially considering how many users Second Life had. After all, it was Second Life's heyday in full effect.
It also wouldn't have been worth the effort because next to nobody in OpenSim would have bought anything in Second Life anyway. Why should they? Early OpenSim's everyone-for-themselves, all-rights-reserved culture carried over from Second Life was fading away with the arrival of freebies being shared with full permissions. The Queen of Freebies was Linda Kellie, formerly known as Karra Baker in Second Life where she attempted the same thing before Linden Lab kicked her out. She made and released more and more free stuff, and in 2008, she opened up her first freebie sim, Linda Kellie Designs. Everything on that sim was made by her, and everything on that sim could be copied, modified and shared freely.
There simply wasn't much of an incentive to go to Second Life and buy stuff if you could get your stuff for free, full-perm and under a public-domain-like CC0 license in OpenSim. And by 2008's standards, Linda's stuff wasn't even bad. When she still was Karra Baker in Second Life, she was actually considered unfair competition for the commercial creators. And after LK Designs had been launched, an increasing number of OpenSim users started creating stuff and offering it for free and often even full-perm.
And if assets could have been transferred both ways, there would have been a great lot more incentive for Second Life users to go "shopping" in OpenSim. For free. Some may even have taken Linda's CC0 stuff to the Second Life Marketplace and tried to sell it for money until someone else would have come and offered the self-same stuff for free.
Introducing the Linden Dollar and access to the Second Life Marketplace to OpenSim would have led to disaster itself. That's simply because Second Life's permission system isn't nearly as effective in OpenSim as it is in Second Life. After all, anyone can set up their own grid and connect it to the Hypergrid. In this case, even connect it to the Open Grid network and thus to Second Life.
On your own grid, however, you're your own boss, your own Linden. And you have Linden-like powers. In fact, your powers may even exceed those of an average Linden. You have god-mode. Third-party viewers for Second Life that were also compatible with OpenSim provided you with it. And this god-mode not only lets you circumvent permissions, but even manipulate them.
So in theory, an OpenSim user with an own grid and enough money could have gone to Second Life and bought all the hottest stuff in-world. Or they could have bought it on the Marketplace and, if necessary, just picked it up in Second Life. Of course, all this content would have been either no-copy or no-transfer and usually also no-modify. But not for long.
For then they could have rezzed that content in-world, maybe even still in the shape of sales boxes. Then they could have used their god-mode to set all that content to full-perm. And then they could have hung it up in their own store and offered it for free. Even to Second Life users. In fact, they could have gone one step further, made new box art and made themselves the "creators" of this content. And Linden Lab could have tried to DMCA them all they wanted, but to no avail if that grid and its owner were located someplace where U.S. laws don't apply.
In addition, the Open Grid connection would have been bad for Second Life's land rentals, one of Second Life's main sources of revenue. In order to visit friends in Second Life or attend events in Second Life, you would no longer have had to live in Second Life. You could have had not only your avatar in OpenSim, but also your land. More land area and a much higher prim allowance for a fraction of the costs in comparison with Second Life. And in fact, even the friends and the events might have moved to OpenSim, the events particularly because event locations could have been built bigger with more prims on cheaper land.
Creators would have set up at least second homes in OpenSim. There, they would have been able to create and experiment without paying upload fees to Linden Lab. Once their creations would have been done, they simply could have sent them to their Second Life avatars that would have adjusted the permissions and offered them for sale.
All in all, the Open Grid connection was probably recognised to be costly for Linden Lab in various ways. It would have cost a fortune to implement and make stable, also because Second Life would require the majority of changes. Unlike OpenSim, it was not designed to connect to other grids. And after its implementation, Second Life's revenue would have tanked because OpenSim would have provided cheaper or free alternatives to almost everything.
I'm pretty sure that Linden Lab was well aware of at least some of these potential consequences, if not all of them. Under no circumstances was any of this allowed to happen. But IBM wanted it to happen. They didn't know about these consequences because, truth be told, they didn't know much about Second Life and OpenSim in general. And just telling IBM, "We don't want to do it because it'll ruin our revenues," would have looked bad.
At the same time, IBM not having have a realistic idea about what was possible and what wasn't, especially not what was possible or not for Linden Lab, turned out to be an advantage. And so Linden Lab put up a show that demonstrated that what IBM wanted was allegedly basically possible (to satisfy IBM a little), but not very feasible (to disappoint them just enough that they wouldn't follow the Open Grid idea any further). It must have been convincing enough that IBM changed their plans.
That is, IBM didn't drop out of virtual worlds entirely. They continued to support and even develop OpenSim until 2011, hoping to create a free, open, decentralised metaverse without Second Life, only based on OpenSim. I'm not sure what caused this to end. Maybe it was IBM losing interest. Maybe it was IBM not making any money off of it.
If Linden Lab could actually foresee what terrible consequences an Open Grid connection to OpenSim's Hypergrid would bring with itself, it's strange how they could not foresee the consequences when they published the Copybot source code in 2009.
Just recently, Wagner James "Hamlet" Au published a new post on his New World Notes blog and took the opportunity again to show OpenSim in a bad light again. His wording even makes it look like OpenSim has long since vanished when it's actually growing faster than Second Life with more than four times of the latter's landmass.
But there's more to the whole story.
A bit of history
Let's look back in time first. Second Life, one of the most successful 3-D virtual worlds ever, was launched in 2002 and opened to the general public in 2003. Being operated by a for-profit, however, it had to make money. It started with pay-to-play, but eventually switched to a revenue model based on land rentals. Plus an increasing number of taxes.
It didn't take long for the Second Life API to be reverse-engineered and alternative 3rd-party viewers to be developed. But eventually, someone who was disgruntled with Second Life's rampantly capitalist system decided to build something against the other side of the API, a free, open-source virtual-world server application similar to Second Life. It was first released the same month that Linden Lab open-sourced the official viewer, January, 2007. At first, it was named "OpenSecondLife", but it was eventually renamed "OpenSimulator".
In July, half a year later, the first public OpenSim grid went online, OSgrid. It is not only the oldest, but one of the two biggest of probably over 4,000 OpenSim grids, having recently surpassed even Second Life's landmass.
At first, all OpenSim grids were stand-alones. If you wanted to visit a certain place in a certain grid, you needed an avatar on that grid. This changed in 2008 when OpenSim developer Diva Kanto introduced the concept of the Hypergrid which connected OpenSim grids in such a way that avatars could travel between them, looks, inventory and all. Like many things in early OpenSim, it was very buggy. But it worked.
Industry interest
The invention of the Hypergrid, the first interconnection between separate virtual worlds, coincided with the Second Life hype. In those days, Second Life was all over tech media. Some media outlets, even including mainstream mass media, had offices in Second Life to be able to see things from up-close and interview avatars and such. Second Life was that big. And the announcement that an open-source Second Life spin-off had just made it possible to travel from one grid to another caught quite a lot of people's attention.
IBM was particularly interested. The Hypergrid looked like the future of virtual worlds to them, especially with the mindset of those days that virtual worlds are the future. And OpenSim was still very close to Second Life in technology. It had to because it depended on third-party Second Life viewers since it had no development capacities for its own viewer.
And so the idea came up to create a network of virtual worlds that should include not only OpenSim grids, but Second Life as well.
In general, IBM got very interested in OpenSim. They offered the OpenSim devs to collaborate and set a few dozen paid developers aside to improve the OpenSim code, especially the fledgling Hypergrid. They also got into contact with Linden Lab to launch a project named Open Grid, a connection between Second Life and the Hypergrid.
The publicity stunt
On June 30th, 2008, the cooperation between IBM, Linden Lab and the OpenSim developers appeared to come to fruition: A bunch of "gridnauts", both Lindens and IBM developer avatars, "teleported from Second Life to OpenSim". That's the short version of the story.
But first of all, they did not start from the Second Life main grid. A special beta grid was created and even partly decorated for this occasion. For the time being, it was declared impossible to teleport from the Second Life main grid because changes had to be done to the beta grid to make this connection possible. Some of the "gridnauts" kept their avatars as standard Ruths, but a few did some modifications on their looks. Of course, not being on the main grid, they had no access to the assets on the main grid such as clothes.
In addition, this could not be done with the official Second Life viewer. Linden Lab provided a special viewer named the Open Grid Beta Viewer.
The destination of the trip was not, however, an OpenSim grid specifically created for the Open Grid project. It was bone-stock OSgrid. Granted, OSgrid has been running development code since its creation, but there must have been precious little Open-Grid-specific code in it, if any. "IBM's modified code", as cited in the official Second Life wiki article linked above, was probably almost entirely bugfixes plus a few new features that everyone in OpenSim could profit from. This could have included the possibility to register new avatars in a viewer rather than only on the website of a grid.
Torely Linden captured the event on video and edited the footage into a two-minute clip called "Across the Metaverse". Yes, Torely Linden spoke of "the Metaverse" 13 years before Mark Zuckerberg did. But the OSgrid founders did so another year earlier.
When the "gridnauts" arrived on OSgrid, their inventories were empty. Linden Lab explained this was the case because it was technologically impossible to transfer an inventory from Second Life to OpenSim or vice versa.
It was all show
What few people know: It was all show. A Second Life user and former Open Grid beta-tester called it "smoke and mirrors" on the official Second Life forum.
Linden Lab fooled the public, and Linden Lab probably also fooled both the IBM devs, the beta testers and maybe even some official Lindens until they understood what was actually happening. All that the IBM devs had to do was make OpenSim fit for the event and iron out bugs that might have ended up awkward. IBM was probably working entirely on the OpenSim side of things. Linden Lab took care of the Second Life side, the beta grid and especially the beta viewer, alone without IBM having any insight. Thus, the IBM devs probably never really knew what Linden Lab did, and that the alleged teleportation from Second Life to OpenSim was nothing but a lie.
At no point did any avatar ever actually teleport from a Second Life grid to an OpenSim grid.
What the Open Grid Beta Viewer really did was log the Second Life beta grid avatar out and an OSgrid avatar with the same name in. On the way back, the OSgrid avatar was logged out, and the Second Life beta grid avatar was logged in. When logged into OpenSim, "_EXTERNAL" was added to the name tag after the avatar name.
So what people actually saw during the OpenSim segment of the video footage of this trip weren't Second Life avatars stripped of their inventories. They were OSgrid avatars.
At first glance, this was not too obvious. An avatar from the same grid as the one logged in usually doesn't show its home grid in the name tag above its head. So there was no "" above the heads of the "gridnauts".
Also, as the video footage shows, the whole trip was restricted to a piece of hilly, barren land rather than one of the OSgrid Plazas. Only a few signs had been placed. Otherwise, nothing had been done, nothing had been built. It was obviously a sim created for this specific purpose. Access to this sim was probably limited to a specific group which the OSgrid avatars of the "gridnauts" were added to immediately after their creation. No group names are shown, though; it's either because the Open Grid Beta Viewer had group-showing code removed, or Torley Linden had switched group tags off.
By the way, notice how the name of the sim is censored in the video. Also, notice the absence of OSgrid avatars. Or OpenSim avatars in general. There was no welcome committee. obvious show even
If you know a thing or two about OpenSim or even only Second Life, however, a few things make painfully obvious that the whole show was just that, a show.
The best sign is Torely's empty inventory. I've seen empty OpenSim inventories. And believe me when I say they're never completely blank. Even if there are no assets in the inventory, even if a grid does not add a pre-filled library with a few things to new avatars' inventories, there's always the basic directory structure. But Torely's video doesn't even show that.
Instead, it says, "No matching items found in inventory." It only says that and looks that blank when something has been searched for and not found. Either the Open Grid Beta Viewer was hard-coded to search for something that would definitely never be in Torely's inventory. Or it reset the search field while being closed and re-opened, but not the search itself. Either way, some search was used to artifically wipe Torely's inventory view clear.
Either Linden Lab thought it'd be easier for clueless casuals watching the video to understand that the inventory is empty when it's actually completely blank, or Torely had something to hide.
It gets even better. Pay close attention to the avatars in the video. Pause it if necessary. Yes, Torely's avatar looks like a standard Ruth on OSgrid. But Torely's avatar on the beta grid is a standard Ruth, too.
Now look at Hamilton Linden. He is wearing a dark top on the beta grid, prior to departure. This top is actually one of the few clothing items whose texture manages to load during the OSgrid segment in spite of the corrupted cache. It's the same dark top as on the beta grid. Everything an avatar wears when teleporting from one grid to another must be in the inventory and remain there. This means that Hamilton Linden has his dark top readily available in OSgrid. Thus, it has to be in his inventory. But if transferring content from a Second Life grid to an OpenSim grid is not possible, how did it get there?
Better yet: Zero Linden is wearing a skirt. On a Second Life or OpenSim classic avatar, it's just another texture layer, but it has to be there. It's grey on Zero Linden, but completely absent from all the other avatars, so it has to be there. Again, how could it possibly have gotten there?
I'll tell you how: At least Hamilton and Zero, just like Torely, knew from the get-go that the whole shindig was as fake as it could ever get. In order to make their avatars recognisable on both sides, they wanted to redo their beta grid look in OSgrid. So they logged into both grids and redid the few changes on their beta grid avatars in comparison to standard Ruth on their OSgrid avatars. All "gridnauts" who were filled in on the scam had previously created avatars on OSgrid. And at least these two couldn't help but customise their avatars. The uninformed "gridnauts" had their OSgrid avatars created for them and probably also had to keep their beta grid avatars stock Ruths.
Torely was right about the inventory not being carried over, though. What the "gridnauts" had in their inventories on OSgrid was either supplied by OSgrid or remade by hand.
Obvious precautions
It's obvious that Linden Lab had precautions taken to make it more credible. Torely's artificially "blanked" inventory was one part of it.
Another part was the "gridnauts" landing on almost barren land, all alone. There weren't even OSgrid officials present to welcome them and interact with them, at least not in Torely's video edit. The "gridnauts" needed to have this unwelcoming piece of land for themselves for a short while. If OSgrid officials arrived later to greet the "gridnauts", this must intentionally have been left out. Most likely, if they had been there, the Open Grid Beta Viewer would have slapped "_EXTERNAL" on their names as well because it couldn't distinguish between OSgrid avatars owned by admins and OSgrid avatars owned by "gridnauts".
It's even more likely that this sim was not only group access-only, but that the "gridnaut" avatars were the only ones in the group. Even OSgrid officials weren't allowed in. Linden Lab could not risk the presence of non-"gridnaut" avatars. For one, a fully decked-out OSgrid official avatar with "_EXTERNAL" behind the name would have ruined everything. Even worse, OSgrid or other visitors could have made their own video of the whole show. And it would have looked a whole lot different without the trickery demanded by Linden Lab. Don't forget that YouTube already existed in 2008, and much more than today, it was a place where everyone could upload self-made videos.
With all those precautions in place, it's interesting how none were taken to trick OpenSim users into taking this for genuine. They were probably considered too few to be a real danger because nobody outside their own little bubble would even notice them. And with no chance to prove Linden Lab's manipulation with a video of their own, there was little they could do anyway.
For the vast majority of the target audience of Torely's video, the precautions were sufficient. At least Hamilton and Zero re-doing their avatar looks on OSgrid was allowed in order to make them recognisable to people who don't know that an avatar's look is stored in the inventory. Only the few OpenSim users who had already Hypergridded back then knew what that meant. Everyone else, maybe even including some Second Life users, didn't see how this contradicted Torely's tall tale of empty inventories.
But why?
Now you may ask yourself: Why did Linden Lab even take all this effort upon themselves?
I can only speculate. But I guess it's because, in stark contrast to IBM, they never really wanted Second Life and OpenSim to fully connect. They wanted to present it as "technically possible, but too unfeasible to continue working on it".
Linden Lab and Second Life would have had nothing to gain from such a connection if it had ever gone fully functional but a whole lot to lose. "Fully functional" would have required taking your entire inventory with you in both directions.
First of all, this would have required adding support for there being more than one grid to Second Life, just so that it could identify avatars from other grids, assets from other grids et cetera. For OpenSim, any Second Life grid would only have been one more grid. Second Life, AnSky, 3rd Rock Grid, Metropolis, it would have been pretty much all the same, only with different names and maybe with different quirks.
At first glance, this connection would have been a dream coming true for businesspeople. OpenSim would have opened up Second Life's markets to more customers. In theory.
In practice, it wouldn't.
Unfair advantage for OpenSim
OpenSim never had an official inter-grid payment system. In fact, it was only in 2008 that 3rd Rock Grid was launched as the very first grid to implement payment beyond "Monopoly money". And that was an in-world currency that could be bought from real money, but not sold back. And that currency was only available on 3rd Rock Grid. It would have been impossible to introduce the Linden Dollar to OpenSim in general, much less force it upon all grids.
It wouldn't have been worth the effort anyway, seeing as how few users OpenSim had in 2008, especially considering how many users Second Life had. After all, it was Second Life's heyday in full effect.
It also wouldn't have been worth the effort because next to nobody in OpenSim would have bought anything in Second Life anyway. Why should they? Early OpenSim's everyone-for-themselves, all-rights-reserved culture carried over from Second Life was fading away with the arrival of freebies being shared with full permissions. The Queen of Freebies was Linda Kellie, formerly known as Karra Baker in Second Life where she attempted the same thing before Linden Lab kicked her out. She made and released more and more free stuff, and in 2008, she opened up her first freebie sim, Linda Kellie Designs. Everything on that sim was made by her, and everything on that sim could be copied, modified and shared freely.
There simply wasn't much of an incentive to go to Second Life and buy stuff if you could get your stuff for free, full-perm and under a public-domain-like CC0 license in OpenSim. And by 2008's standards, Linda's stuff wasn't even bad. When she still was Karra Baker in Second Life, she was actually considered unfair competition for the commercial creators. And after LK Designs had been launched, an increasing number of OpenSim users started creating stuff and offering it for free and often even full-perm.
And if assets could have been transferred both ways, there would have been a great lot more incentive for Second Life users to go "shopping" in OpenSim. For free. Some may even have taken Linda's CC0 stuff to the Second Life Marketplace and tried to sell it for money until someone else would have come and offered the self-same stuff for free.
Introducing the Linden Dollar and access to the Second Life Marketplace to OpenSim would have led to disaster itself. That's simply because Second Life's permission system isn't nearly as effective in OpenSim as it is in Second Life. After all, anyone can set up their own grid and connect it to the Hypergrid. In this case, even connect it to the Open Grid network and thus to Second Life.
On your own grid, however, you're your own boss, your own Linden. And you have Linden-like powers. In fact, your powers may even exceed those of an average Linden. You have god-mode. Third-party viewers for Second Life that were also compatible with OpenSim provided you with it. And this god-mode not only lets you circumvent permissions, but even manipulate them.
So in theory, an OpenSim user with an own grid and enough money could have gone to Second Life and bought all the hottest stuff in-world. Or they could have bought it on the Marketplace and, if necessary, just picked it up in Second Life. Of course, all this content would have been either no-copy or no-transfer and usually also no-modify. But not for long.
For then they could have rezzed that content in-world, maybe even still in the shape of sales boxes. Then they could have used their god-mode to set all that content to full-perm. And then they could have hung it up in their own store and offered it for free. Even to Second Life users. In fact, they could have gone one step further, made new box art and made themselves the "creators" of this content. And Linden Lab could have tried to DMCA them all they wanted, but to no avail if that grid and its owner were located someplace where U.S. laws don't apply.
In addition, the Open Grid connection would have been bad for Second Life's land rentals, one of Second Life's main sources of revenue. In order to visit friends in Second Life or attend events in Second Life, you would no longer have had to live in Second Life. You could have had not only your avatar in OpenSim, but also your land. More land area and a much higher prim allowance for a fraction of the costs in comparison with Second Life. And in fact, even the friends and the events might have moved to OpenSim, the events particularly because event locations could have been built bigger with more prims on cheaper land.
Creators would have set up at least second homes in OpenSim. There, they would have been able to create and experiment without paying upload fees to Linden Lab. Once their creations would have been done, they simply could have sent them to their Second Life avatars that would have adjusted the permissions and offered them for sale.
All in all, the Open Grid connection was probably recognised to be costly for Linden Lab in various ways. It would have cost a fortune to implement and make stable, also because Second Life would require the majority of changes. Unlike OpenSim, it was not designed to connect to other grids. And after its implementation, Second Life's revenue would have tanked because OpenSim would have provided cheaper or free alternatives to almost everything.
Tying an overambitious corporation down
I'm pretty sure that Linden Lab was well aware of at least some of these potential consequences, if not all of them. Under no circumstances was any of this allowed to happen. But IBM wanted it to happen. They didn't know about these consequences because, truth be told, they didn't know much about Second Life and OpenSim in general. And just telling IBM, "We don't want to do it because it'll ruin our revenues," would have looked bad.
At the same time, IBM not having have a realistic idea about what was possible and what wasn't, especially not what was possible or not for Linden Lab, turned out to be an advantage. And so Linden Lab put up a show that demonstrated that what IBM wanted was allegedly basically possible (to satisfy IBM a little), but not very feasible (to disappoint them just enough that they wouldn't follow the Open Grid idea any further). It must have been convincing enough that IBM changed their plans.
That is, IBM didn't drop out of virtual worlds entirely. They continued to support and even develop OpenSim until 2011, hoping to create a free, open, decentralised metaverse without Second Life, only based on OpenSim. I'm not sure what caused this to end. Maybe it was IBM losing interest. Maybe it was IBM not making any money off of it.
If Linden Lab could actually foresee what terrible consequences an Open Grid connection to OpenSim's Hypergrid would bring with itself, it's strange how they could not foresee the consequences when they published the Copybot source code in 2009.
Not that these tables need to get bigger, but one comparison point that I do think is pretty important is whether or not the platform enable bulk import / export of contacts lists. If I recall correctly, Friendica gives a pretty smooth import process. Hubzilla doesn't currently do import of contact lists at all (channel cloning is not the same thing).
I know you've previously expressed skepticism about the tractibility of importing Hubzilla contacts, but I think it can be done.