there is no native app for the social network
hubzilla on smartphones. this is a severe problem for twits. they always assume the app in their mobile is the social network! many can't be made to test other social media since they are originally made for interaction via normal computers and browsers. twits don't appreciate this.
hubzilla was built for the normal pc browser! but in addition to a nice web interface for a browser you can also "install" hubzilla as a web app on your mobile. hubzilla's UI is very adaptable and i think it's perfectly useable on my phone though i still prefer the normal web interface on my pc.
PepeCyBs Welt has created a howto, a walkthrough for hubzilla as such a web app. unluckily it's only in german. but since german isn't too difficult and it only takes several months to get started reading this howto and the howto has lots of screenshots it should be good as a starting point for hubzilla on a mobile!
just check it out!
PS: now there is an english language version too:
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handy Keine Hubzilla-App?
Keine Hubzilla-App? - PepeCyBs Welt
Keine Hubzilla-App?Es gibt keine Hubzilla-App für mobile Endgeräte. Na ja... es gibt schon eine für Android. Sie hört auf den schönen Namen 'Nomad' (heißt also so,…