I've been productive again for a change. Productive enough to have something to offer.
Recently, I've put out the first five boxes with #
Clutterfly items which I've upgraded to #
SFposer. The first two of them contain stuff I've converted months ago already.
My first SFposer conversions were the bean bag chairs. Linda herself had already converted them from MLP to PMAC. The Clutterfly OAR still contains the original MLP versions of everything, but I've got two sources for the PMAC conversions. In theory, conversion from PMAC to SFposer is easy; both use the same notecard format, and you only have to remove the PMAC script and add a few SFposer items. In practice, I usually clear the items of all remains of older sit scripts and customise the settings for the specific use-case.
Next came the bathtubs, my only conversions from MLP so far. Linda didn't convert them to PMAC because they've got props controlled by the sit script which PMAC doesn't support. SFposer does, but the coordinates for the props have to be converted into a different format. It took me a while to figure that out. In fact, unlike MLP, SFposer even supports attaching props to avatars, so I changed the magazine from a static, hovering prop to one that attaches to the avatar's right hand. Eventually, I could get the bathtubs done after planning and eventually discarding new features which turned out not to work as planned, if at all.
I've packaged both sets on Sunday. And while I was at it, I've also converted the beach towels, the innertubes and the pool floaties from PMAC to SFposer and packaged them.
For now, you can get them in #
DorenasWorld in
Santiago at the Kaufrausch Mega-Store. They can be found on the ground floor where you rez on arrival anyway, placed inside my own prim shelves which you can get there, too.

In case you're wondering why I've done all that: The advantages of SFposer over PMAC are a) support of prop rezzing and b) all avatars being able to adjust their positions, not only the owner.
The advantages of SFposer over MLP include but aren't limited to a) way easier setup and customisation, also due to fewer notecards, b) only one script instead of loads of them, therefore much much less load on the grid server, c) no need to start up the scripts first and waiting for one or multiple poseballs to rez before sitting down, d) more flexible prop handling and, again, e) all avatars being able to adjust their positions.
SFposer even has advantages over AVsitter. For example, AVsitter needs a minimum of one basic script plus two per avatar plus extra scripts for extra features. SFposer covers everything with one script, even if you were to build a dance floor for 99 individually adjustable avatars. This also means that SFposer comes with NPC support out-of-the-box; in the case of AVsitter, you'll have to hunt down rare NPC-equipped furniture to obtain that extra script. Finally, SFposer doesn't make you fumble around with coordinates in notecards. Avatar positions are as easy to adjust as with PMAC.
I guess #
OSSL does have some useful extra features that #
LSL doesn't offer.
OpenSim #
OpenSimulator #
Metaverse #