to all youtube creators who think it's a good idea to activate auto-dubbing for the videos they are uploading: please don't. you might think you reach a larger audience but at least for the german auto dubbing the translations are bad, sometimes outright wrong and the voices sound awfully off putting. i don't know about other languages, but for a german audience it is doubleplus ungood!
the german it magazine heise has this comment:
Incidentally, the only people who can protect users from poor synchronization are the YouTube creators themselves: They have the option of switching off auto-dubbing or not allowing it to run automatically over their videos. However, a surprising number of people don't do this - either out of ignorance of the quality or because they hope that they will find more users who don't understand the language they use and will stick with it anyway.
Translated with (free version)
Die Einzigen, die die Nutzer vor den schlechten Synchronisationen schützen können, sind übrigens die YouTube-Kreativen selbst: Sie haben nämlich die Möglichkeit, das Auto-Dubbing abzuschalten beziehungsweise nicht automatisch über ihre Videos laufen zu lassen. Das machen aber erstaunlich viele nicht – entweder aus Unkenntnis über die Qualität oder auch, weil sie hoffen, dass sie so mehr User finden, die die von ihnen verwendete Sprache nicht verstehen und dann eben trotzdem dranbleiben.
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