Wonderful pictures.
I have only ever bought Tempeh, never made it myself. I should start after all.
Tempeh in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (2021, fermentedaway.blogspot.com)You may have heard of (and eaten) tempeh - an Indonesian fermented soy product - high in protein and very delicious. Cooked soybeans (sometimes also other beans) are bound into a cake by a culinary mold called Rhizopus Oligosporus. The mold grows on the beans and pre-digests them, producing a range of flavorful compounds.
Edit: link update
Tempeh (Wikipedia) Rhizopus oligosporus (Wikipedia) How to make Betsy's Tempeh (makethebesttempeh.org) Making Tempeh at Home or in a Community (books.google.it, page 103, The Book of Tempeh)