Do you know Sinus?
You don't? I can't blame you. Sinus is one of the oldest and most obscure sims in #
CraftWorld, and as far as I know, #
OpenSimWorld has never listed it. But it's also one of the most interesting ones.
Sinus may be old, as may be what it has to offer. But most of what it offers is exclusive to here, and everything is exclusive to Craft-World.
One good reason to go here is layer clothing, especially for the ladies. Whether you still have a classic system avatar or a mesh body with #
BakesOnMesh, you're likely to find things that are hard or out-right impossible to find elsewhere. Especially grid founder Tosha Tyran's shop, Faire Belle, offers a lot from lingerie to sheer hosiery to knit stockings and tights for cold winter days.
Everything I'm wearing in this picture is being offered in shops on this sim. The boots are by Ada Wong; I've actually acquired them during this visit. The velvet shirt and the stockings are by Tosha. The jacket and the skirt are by Eva Kraai, based on meshes by Damien Fate. That is, unfortunately, the jacket cannot be copied, but a red version of it is available at the Craft-Store, and if you re-tint it from red to white, you get the same thing.
There's also a lot of home decoration to find here. If you should get hungry or thirsty, there's also a ristorante. And when you're done, you can explore the neighbouring sims or use the teleporters.
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