Turns out I can hashtag the real new logo recently given to #
Twitter without having to resort to #
?Sometimes I really love the hashtag system on #
Hubzilla that lets me put all kinds of characters into hashtags.
Still, I'm waiting for #
ElonMusk to sue the #
XorgFoundation, maintainer of the display manager #
Xorg that won't fully replace #
Wayland for years to come, over the name, the logo and the domain
x.org. The X.org Foundation has been around for almost 20 years under that name, and their logo is that of the #
XWindowSystem which is almost 30 years old.
May #
Musk go broke over pumping billions into his lawyers trying to fight against #
PriorArt before he makes himself the laughing stock of the Internet even more trying to buy out a non-profit foundation in a hostile takeover.
(Hashtagged #
Linux so that this post won't appear in the timelines of people who have blocked this tag so they won't get "bombarded" with techy nerdy stuff.)