hi everybody. perhaps there is someone out there who could help me with vim, or rather vimwiki.
i have to switch my documentation method and was thinking about something generic. i ran into
vimwiki. that looks like something i could use but at the moment i'm fighting with vimwiki's docs. i try to find a way how to indent list items within vimwik and i alway run into this documentation:
*vimwiki_gll* *vimwiki_gLl*
gll Increase the level of a list item.
gLl Increase the level of a list item and all child items.
To remap: >
:map >> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
:map >>> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem
i really don't get it. what key is this
gll?. it's definitively not the keys g L l. i found a different way how to do what i want, but this here still leaves me wondering. searching the web for
gl* is somewhat pointless. and even the vim help ist not helpful there.
if anybody could help me there i would be really glad.
thanks in advance ..
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