English again. I'm getting internationaller and internationaller ...
15. Science Fiction again
My tolerance level for science fiction books is relatively high. So I read quite a lot of them without really liking it. I see myself as a kind of gold prospector digging through tons of mud always hoping to find one or two nuggets now and then. And it works. I draw the line at Perry Rhodan, of course, but often enough I really do find nuggets. Sometimes even diamonds.
I don't have much space left at home for storing books so some years ago I tried ebooks for the first time. And regarding science fiction pretty much all of my new books are now ebooks. One reason for that is that here in Berlin most small bookshops have closed pushed aside by germanwide book shops like thalia or hugendubel. These shops don't have much sf literature on show and at least some years ago they flatly refused to accept orders for special books in english (
special just meaning books their main distributor didn't have in its catalogue). And another reason for ebooks was that back then I hadn't yet discovered the glorious book shop
So now most of my sf books come in english, and since they are relatively cheap compared to german ebooks I can afford to read quite a lot.
And one of this lot was this author. I love the way she tells the story, I love the setting. I really adore what she has made of the premisses of the setting. I was so enthused that I tried to nudge some colleagues of mine to read these books, too. Well, they were bored ...
Nonetheless, now I bore you.
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