The International Year of Indigenous Languages is a United Nations observance in 2019 that aims to raise awareness of the consequences of the endangerment of Indigenous languages across the world, with an aim to establish a link between language, development, peace, and reconciliation. To bring awareness to this important cause students at Allison Bernard Memorial High School in Eskasoni, Cape Breton recorded Paul McCartney's Blackbird in their native Mi'kmaq language.
Ads by the chicken lobby may convince people to eat a bit more chicken, but an avalanche of Tony the Tiger ads can get tens of thousands of children to eat Frosted Flakes every morning for years.
Be vigilant. Breakfast is the most marketed meal of the day.
Americans eat a narrower variety of foods for breakfast than anyone else. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Katogo is a traditional breakfast dish in Uganda. It is served in most regions of Uganda and is defined as a mixture of ingredients. The main ingredients of the dish are matooke and a sauce (beef, ghee, offal, beans)
There is no single “cancer diet.”
In other words, a low-sugar diet could help combat some cancers, but it’s certainly not as simple as Cancers eat sugar, so low sugar stops cancer.
“It’s not ‘starving’ the cancer, but rather finding precise vulnerabilities that make metabolic therapies feasible.”
But focusing on specific patterns of eating will likely be part of many cancer-treatment guidelines in coming years.
ConclusionsIn conclusion, despite the “rumors” of marketing and media, the benefit of fasting and calorie restriction in CT patients, represents only a promising intuition, which requires proper effort and time to be validated by evidence-based clinical data. Indeed, the first step should be the identification of the right set of patients to whom this approach could be applied and who could really benefit from it. Meanwhile, we believe that priority should be given to guarantee to all cancer patients the right to receive comprehensive evidence-based clinical information on their nutritional status, together with prompt and appropriate nutritional counseling and/or support, apposite to their ensuing anticancer treatment while effectively treating or preventing malnutrition and sarcopenia [31].
“La prescrizione è atto medico e terapeutico, vietato improvvisare”
“I risultati di questa ricerca, per quanto estremamente preliminari – conclude Muscaritoli – sono certamente interessanti e incoraggiano nuove ricerche. Purché i risultati non siano usati al di fuori del contesto clinico e specialistico con tentativi e regimi improvvisati quanto pericolosi per la salute. In pratica, la restrizione calorica sembrerebbe proteggere le cellule sane da fattori di rischio e stress come la chemioterapia, mentre le cellule malate invece non sono in grado di proteggersi e adattarsi alla scarsità energetica e per questo subiscono quello che viene chiamato ‘sensibilizzazione allo stress’ (Dss)”
La presión constante por publicar (el famoso “publica o muere”) fomentada por el exigente sistema de evaluación académico y la mayor competición entre el creciente número de grupos de investigación son algunas de las causas de esta sobreproducción de artículos y revistas. Por otra parte, hay que destacar también la aparición de revistas y congresos “depredadores” con las que algunos investigadores, ávidos por aumentar su número de publicaciones, intentan hinchar sus currículums con contribuciones científicas carentes de rigor y con una escasa revisión por pares.Oras consecuencias de esta aceleración en la producción científica son el despiece de un mismo estudio científico en el mayor número de artículos posible (salami slicing”), el plagio y la publicación de resultados difíciles de reproducir o incluso erróneos, muchas veces debidos a la precipitación a la hora de publicar.
Die Menschheit ist nur ein verschwindend geringer Teil des Universums und bei weitem nicht so einzigartig wie wir denken. Von den unendlichen Weiten des Univ...
Est-elle d’autant plus célèbre qu’elle reste inachevée ? Chef-d'oeuvre de Gaudí toujours en chantier, la basilique de la Sagrada Família continue de mettre à l’épreuve les successeurs de l’architecte. Une enquête enrichie d’une reconstitution en 3D de l’atelier du maître, détruit en 1936 par un incendie.
The word ‘Syntropy’ in an agroforestry concept which refers to “increasing complexity” or bio-diversity within the system.Syntropic Farming is an innovative approach to regenerative agriculture which allows us to create dynamic, successional, and economically viable ecosystems that restore degraded soil biodiversity. By understanding and respecting nature's complex system, Syntropic Farming imitates the natural regeneration of forests and provides a harmonious integration of our food production systems.