We shall not forget…
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
What a surprise… The Islamic terrorist responsible for yet another massacre in Paris is a pakistani “refugee”, who had invaded Europe, with the complacency and support of the European Union authorities, disguised as an “unaccompanied minor refugee”…
There is no more time to waste: all these “refugees” must be deported to their countries of origin. Countries that, curiously, are always muslim majority States, which, in addition to constituting totalitarian, misogynist, pedophile and intolerant regimes, do not have the slightest respect for freedom and human rights, nor have the least degree of culture and civilizational development.
At the same time, and once and for all, islam must be banned.

Islam #
Muhammad #
Refugees #
Terrorism #
Totalitarianism #
Politics #
Society #
EuropeanUnion #
Freedom #
FreedomOfSpeech #
Democracy #