LibreOffice Base is a free and open-source database development and administration tool for relational database management systems that is part of the LibreOffice office suite. Base includes software wizards to assist users with various aspects of the program. LibreOffice Base requires Java in order to create databases with forms, wizards, and more. This useful functionality has long been a part of LibreOffice's functionality.
As of LibreOffice Base version 7.4.3, the following external database or datasource are supported:
- Oracle JDBC
- Groupwise
- Evolution LDAP
- Evolution Local
- Spreadsheet
- Firebird External
- Text
- MySQL/mariaDB
- Writer Document
Apart from the usual office functionality, LibreOffice also has excellent draw and charting functionality, called LibreOffice Draw.
Create Database and Table in LibreOffice Base [Beginner's Guide] -
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LibreOffice #
database SImple tutorial showing how you can create databse and tables in LibreOffice Base with easy to understand and step-by-step guide.