RaccoonForFriendica version
0.4.1-beta11 has been released yesterday and is available for testing.
Its "latest and greatest" are:
- tags in post headers in your timeline (if that post is included due to you following one orore hashtags);
- new post detail layout which makes it easier to view relationships between posts and replies and load more replies on demand.
The initial depth of nesting (higher values imply loading will be less performant, lower values imply you'll see more often the "load more replies" button due to threads being partially downloaded).
It is the best I can do with the current Mastodon APIs but it looks ok-ish and, which is more important to the user who asked for this feature I guess, it makes it easier to follow conversations.
Let me know what you think, and if I accidentally broke anything and in the meantime, as usual, #
friendica #
friendicadev #
androidapp #
androiddev #
fediverseapp #
raccoonforfriendica #
kotlin #
multiplatform #
kmp #
compose #
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opensource #
foss #