SaphalaEkadashi timings for #
Tokyo, #
MahaDwadashi is Tuesday Dec. 20
• Sunrise 6:46am Dec. 19, #
Ekadashi tithi from 7:02am Dec. 19, ends 6:02am Dec. 20
• #
Dwadashi tithi sunrise 6:47am Dec. 20, ends 4:15am Dec. 21
• Parana: Pratahkal, 6:47am to 8:44am Dec. 21
Saphala means "finding success" in Sanskrit. Saphala Ekadashi marks the redemption of an exiled prince through a hermit's charity
? Jasmine garland with diyas by Ambika Sudhakaran (
Hinduism #
photographyNote: Originally posted Dec. 17, 2022