We shall not forget…
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Europe needs to be liberated once again from the genocidal islamosupremacist colonizers!
Muslims don’t belong to a democratic, humanist, free and civilized world.
This situation calls for a strategy of reconquest. Islamism is a bellicose ideology whose means of conquest is terrorism.
In the meantime, some 51 “muslim aid” organizations will be targeted by the police this week, the french interior minister said, some of which would be dissolved at Mr. Macron’s request. Mr. Darmanin rightly called the most prominent of them, “Collective Against Islamophobia”, the C.C.I.F., which compiles a register of anti-muslim acts, “an enemy of the republic".
French police raid dozens of targets suspected of extremism after teacher beheaded
Days after a suspected Islamist beheaded a French school teacher, police on Monday raided Islamic associations and individuals suspected of extremist religious beliefs, arresting dozens of people, sa…
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