Time to be awesome? ...some light reflection on the heavy state of the world (185 words)
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Themes of resistance are coming up a lot lately, and also the simultaneous acknowledgment that we all need to prioritize self preservation, with also the duty of those of us in relative safety to stand up and speak out.
Some time ago, a friend of mine posted a meme you may have seen: "Be yourself, unless you can be a dragon. Then be a dragon."
A few days ago, a different friend posted a link to this (heartbreaking) essay on cockroach mode:
https://www.everywhereist.com/2024/11/it-is-time-for-our-cockroach-era/"I simply have one request of all of you: survive."
But a lot of us have a duty to do more, actions big and small, and Saturday night I awoke in the night with the phrase "time to be awesome" already in my head, and a moment later my heart was racing.
So here a message for anyone who needs to hear it:
If you need to be a cockroach, then be a cockroach. If you don't need to be a cockroach, be awesome. (If you can be an awesome cockroach, that's cool too.)
Anyway, here's Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: