Description: I make software
Age: 24
Location: Kerala, India
Hometown: Thrissur
About: I love to make software
Description: I'm a passionate about programming, Linux and open source.
Location: Uruguay
Keywords: linux, foss, dev
Description: I'm an EFL teacher from Abrantes, Portugal.
Age: 55
Location: Portugal
Hometown: Abrantes
About: Olá!

Eu sou português, casado com uma mulher adorável, Isabel, pai de duas lindas raparigas, Beatriz e Daniela, e sou professor de Inglês.

Gosto de muitas coisas, como podem ver na minha lista de etiquetas.



I'm Portuguese, married to a lovely lady, Isabel, father of two beautiful girls, Beatriz and Daniela, and I'm an EFL teacher.

I'm into many things, as you can see in my tag list.
Location: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Hometown: Cape Town
Description: I'm a 19-year-old student from India
Age: 20
Location: West Bengal, India
Hometown: Duttapukur
About: My interests include IGI (a video-game that really describes my personality), Math (obviously we have to respect our universe’s language), Computer science and programming as usual.
Linux user, FOSS supporter and technology enthusiast.
Lastly, I hate the current education system a lot.
Location: Deutschland/Germany
About: Freund freier Software. Langjähriger Arch Linxu User.
Description: easy going libetarian if there is such a thing
Location: Denmark
Keywords: Linux, FOSS, Libertarian
About: Easy going freedom seeking ex military dude looking for a place to settle down
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Location: Switzerland
Location: Baden-Württemberg, DE
Description: "El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser útil, des del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no val la pena viure'l" A. Camus
Location: Catalunya does NOT want to be Spain, Països Catalans
About: Al fons, a l'esquerra, quan no, a la Lluna de València