Beschreibung: Political activist. UK based. LSE Postgrad. European in all things. Well travelled. Experienced campaigner.
Alter: 70
Ort: Pembrokshire, Wales
Heimatstadt: Pembroke
Schlüsselwörter: Europe, Politics, Photography, Tech
Über: Now in semi-retirement. Previous careers in the City of London (Shipping) and Advertising (Creative). Also RHS Diploma (Gardens/Landscapes). Wesleyan Methodist Lay Reader.  My degrees are all related to Social Anthropology. Well travelled for research and 'Camino'. I wish someone had let on that it was possible to make a life from taking photographs. #ForeverEUropen original core #SODEMAction activist. #RefugeeAssistance #RejoinEU No FB / META / X
Ort: Spain Portugal
Schlüsselwörter: Europe, Politic, War, Military, Latinoamerica