MaRo has stated numerous times that he can’t look at unsolicited card designs from the community. Are you, as a consultant, or the Creative Team similarly restrained from unsolicited story ideas/ head canons/ theories/ etc.?Not as far as I'm aware. At least, no one has ever told me not to, and generally I offer some input into things I think the community would like to see (please don't send me unsolicited 'I want to see this' stuff).
The thing is, I usually don't look to hard at fan speculation and I don't read fan fiction anyway. Part of that is if I start doing it, people expect it. The other thing is, the part of my brain that remembers random stuff will get confused by it and I might make mistakes because of it.
But what you have to understand is, the broad story beats are already mapped out going years in advance, and usually (right now is an exception because they unveiled a multi-year plan) the story is pretty much done around the time you know about the set. Any theories you all have? Outside of very long term stuff, I already know the answer, so I'm more looking for amusement to see who did best.