Hi Jay, The recent story seems to heavily imply that the Ravnican population as a whole are pissed off with *all* planeswalkers for not coming to their aid during the Phyrexian Invasion. Are they all being entitled ass-hats (what with the number of planeswalkersImagine you are an average Ravnican.
Imagine if the most important position in your government was taken by a being from outside of your world, and they disappeared for long stretches off-world. You've never heard of a planeswalker before.
Imagine if within the span of a few months, half your other heads of state were replaced by planeswalkers just like him, most of which because of assassinations... carried out by these same planeswalkers. Most at the behest of ANOTHER planeswalker, a massive evil dragon who launches an invasion with off-world murder zombies and wreaks havoc on your world. You finally know the name planeswalker, and associate it with the worst tragedy to happen on your plane in millennia.
All to get at these planeswalkers. And at the cost of thousands of lives - YOUR lives, YOUR people, the ones that the dragon AREN'T after, they win. Every single one of those planeswalkers owes their lives to the citizens of Ravnica. Every. Single. One. Dozens of planeswalkers, deep in Ravnica's debt.
Two years later, one of those planeswalkers, a supposed local, launches yet another invasion. Worse than the last. And where were these planeswalkers YOU saved in THEIR hour of need, now that YOU need them?
Not a single one of the dozens whose lives were bought with the blood, sweat, and tears of average Ravnicans could be bothered to show up. Even the Orzhov Guildmaster couldn't even be bothered to show up. The only one that did was the Izzet Guildmaster.
Azor's beard. These ungrateful assholes. Planeswalkers suck. We hate them.