Starke Brände in Australien bringen auch die Metropole Sydney in Gefahr. Obwohl sich wissenschaftlich zeigen lässt, wie der Klimawandel die Katastrophe anheizt, verweigert die australische Regierung die Diskussion.
Thousands of koala bears died in the ferocious bush fires that devastated large portions of Australia between June 2019 and March 2020. Experts and volunteers battled to save as many of the dwindling species from the flames and to nurse them back to health.The bush fires in Australia have devastated millions of hectares of forest and killed an estimated one billion animals, including thousands of koalas. The creature is an iconic Australian animal, a national symbol - but their numbers have been long in decline. Amidst all this death and destruction there is also cause for hope. There are the stirring stories of volunteers doing all they can to help protect the koalas and save them from possible extinction. This moving documentary shows just how closely connected we are with the natural world and how dependent that we are upon it.