Hubzilla has integrated the #
WebDAV, #
CalDAV and #
CardDAV protocols. (#
streams just WebDAV)
This protocols extend the functionality of #
Hubzilla and #
streams in some very useful ways. Unformulated this not very well know.
I will start here a series of posts about
WebDAV & CO where i will give some examples of this extended use.
If you follow this posts it will become clear to you that this functionalities are the door to a world of interactions no other Fediverse app does offer.
As a start here a quot from Wikipedia:
WebDAV began in 1996 when Jim Whitehead worked with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to host two meetings to discuss the problem of distributed authoring on the World Wide Web with interested people. Tim Berners-Lee's original vision of the Web involved a medium for both reading and writing. In fact, Berners-Lee's first web browser, called WorldWideWeb, could both view and edit web pages; but, as the Web grew, it became a read-only medium for most users. Whitehead and other like-minded people wanted to transcend that limitation.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAVSTAY TUNED and keep following