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2023-12-09 15:06:00
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Matthias Pfefferle
Fediverse Report
what do we have to do to make the
plugin attractive to more
users? We are currently at 4000+ active users on + the users.
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2023-12-09 14:50:14
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Robert @ Tech Addressed
I've tried multiple times to get it working on my WP site and it never seems to work and I haven't really had time to devote to troubleshooting it.
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2023-12-09 14:59:13
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I have a WordPress site to do it too but have not yet done it as there were limitations on which account it connected with iirc. The support team at WordPress didn't know much about it.
Like I didn't want it to connect to a new instance i set up related to the wordpress account, but an already existing fedi account
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2023-12-09 15:10:58
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Adam S. Smith
I think I've suggested it previously, but since hashtags are crucial for discoverability,
the ability to add additional default hashtags (to supplement those generated from the Wordpress categories and tags) would be very attractive.
Similarly, for sites with custom taxonomies beyond the default tags and categories, it would be great if those custom taxonomies were also converted to hashtags.
Luca Sironi
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2023-12-09 15:12:58
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Paul de Ferney
I have a site I'd like to add it to, but it's not primarily a blog and I need to auto-publish other WP post types. I also need to understand better which account can be linked to it as well as the fediquette around automatic toots.
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2023-12-09 15:20:17
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Nathan Schneider
I ended up going with Post to Mastodon on my most recent WP site because I want features like replies and the like, but I don't want them as comments on the site. Also, the site is a subset of a larger org, so I want its posts to go on the parent org's account.
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2023-12-09 15:20:45
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Simon Wood
I think the recent threaded comments release will really help. Also maybe federating replies from logged in users? Enabling local and fedi commenters to interact with each other more should help catalyse discussion and engagement.
Luca Sironi
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2023-12-09 15:21:44
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is it available to users? If not, enabling that would help.
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2023-12-09 15:21:45
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Nathan Schneider
to me it also takes a kind of shift in mindset to think of the blog as coterminous with the social node. I am interested in that approach but feel cognizant of the fact that I am not there yet in my thinking.
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2023-12-09 15:22:12
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Mastodon Migration
A few things:
1. From a technical standpoint one thing that would help if it is possible is for the fediverse versions to show up immediately once the wordpress fediverse account address is followed. It is pretty tough to say follow this account, now wait for them to post something new. Understand that this may be impossible.
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2023-12-09 15:23:26
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AP is like RSS on steroids, should be activated by default.
Mike Macgirvin 🖥️
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2023-12-09 15:24:24
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Joachim Ziebs
Somehow make me write something on my wordpress blog again?
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2023-12-09 15:28:55
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Luca Sironi
Adam, do you mean for blog posts to have also an automatic
hashtag, for helping us to search ?
That's a good idea for microblogging users, to find out blog sites to follow.
Also, but this is more extreme, I wonder if this must be something to turn on and not, eventually, to turn off.
If a blogger enable comments on posts, shouldn't care from where those comments came from, and should be happy to see interactions!
Too much communication emphasis on this techie, strange thing, it's just their website will result more discoverable
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2023-12-09 16:45:15
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Matthias Pfefferle
it is available to all users.
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2023-12-09 16:50:12
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Marty Fouts
the thing that would make it more attractive to me is probably out of scope for you: I host my blog at Dreamhost and their tools mean that your plugin won’t work out of the box there. I don’t have the bandwidth to debug this so I don’t use the plugin.
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2023-12-09 16:53:06
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Matthias Pfefferle
I already tried to get in touch with some of the big WordPress Hosters to see how we could get it to work on their infrastructure, but mostly it was frustrating. I think ActivityPub (in the WordPress area) is not present enough to force Hosters to support it.
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2023-12-09 16:59:19
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Marty Fouts
I suspected as much. I think the only solution is for customers of the hosting companies to contact their tech support to work out a solution. The only role you might play in this would be to add such solutions to a FAQ. But that requires a user who wants to both work with the hosting company and help document the solution.
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2023-12-09 19:29:51
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Mark Connolly 🍻 🚴🏼♀️ (he, him, his)
FWIW, I installed the plugin some time ago but can’t follow the blog from my Mastodon account. I just see an endless “pending” state.
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2023-12-09 21:48:38
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Decouple the user experience from WordPress?
WordPress can still be the engine but shouldn't posting, reading and reacting happen in one unified UI, like people know from other social media?
I understand ActivityPub puts my WordPress site on the Fediverse but does it provide me with an integrated user experience to publish and interact? Or am I getting it completely wrong and missing something?
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2023-12-10 02:33:04
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Colin Devroe
is there a video that explains how it all works and how to set it up?
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2023-12-10 08:52:16
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Matthias Pfefferle
that's exactly what i tried to avoid. i didn't want to turn WordPress into a social network, but to make WordPress part of a network. my idea was that it should simply work and that everyone (in the best case) should be able to continue using WordPress as before. with the small addition that you can now subscribe via ActivityPub in addition to RSS and the small but nice addition of the backchannel.
But maybe I was wrong!?!
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2023-12-10 09:13:32
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I see, so I got it backwards. ? Also just re-read your post and deleted the rest of this reply I had typed up earlier. Partner with canonical players (if not happening already) to do this user research in their communities perhaps?
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2023-12-10 09:33:32
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Kev Quirk
I think it’s a combination of things. Firstly, not many people have heard of ActivityPub (relatively speaking). Second (and probably more importantly) for many people I think a website/blog and social media are 2 separate use cases, so they may not want to integrate the 2. ?♂️
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2023-12-12 11:38:08
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Rodrigo Ghedin
Here's an idea, not sure if it increases usage, but would be neat: allow custom post content configuration for each post type available.
I publish, besides posts and pages, podcasts and forums topics (each one with specific post types) in my WordPress instance.
I'd love to add forums topics to ActivityPub, but I can't right now because their need some indication that it's a forums topic, and not a post.
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2023-12-12 11:40:27
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Matthias Pfefferle
good point... I think this is mainly an UI issue... I have no idea how to do that nicely... just talked about that with
maybe we should add that to our thoughts about using Block-Editor-Templates for that.
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2023-12-12 11:41:07
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Rodrigo Ghedin
I guess this besides the point of the plugin. Its purpose is to transform a WP site in a fediverse instance.
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2023-12-12 11:42:53
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Rodrigo Ghedin
Awesome! I jut hope an eventual implementation doesn't rely entirely on blocks/Gutenberg. I, for one, don't use it — instead, I'm still using Classic Editor and hope to keep this way for the foreseeable future
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2023-12-12 11:43:56
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Matthias Pfefferle
oh! I think it is hard to resolve it the classic way! there is a possibility to handle that using filters, but that requires some code...
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2023-12-12 11:46:39
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thing is I have a mastodon account already...all I want is to connect my current mastodon account with my current website...the rest, while I understand it's function, is too much work. It needs to be as easy as adding a "publish to facebook" button using whatever acounts they want to have people use it in a bigger way.
Maybe it's the wrong plug-in for this then
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2023-12-12 16:20:31
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André Menrath
Or a custom transformer shipping with a custom template engine. That should be totally possible in the future!
That custom transformer could then be handled by a another plugin... :tux:
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2023-12-12 17:25:55
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Rodrigo Ghedin
I'm fine with some code :)
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2023-12-13 09:44:45
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Matthias Pfefferle
Thanks a lot for all your feedback! ❤️
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2023-12-13 09:49:59
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enabling by default would be ideal imo, albeit maybe not the most realistic
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2023-12-13 10:09:57
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marketing 101: the people need to know the product exists and then they need a reason why they should spend time and effort on it. i'm not deep enough in the wordpress space to have any good strategy suggestions yet
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2023-12-13 12:16:07
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Dan Thornton
I've attempted to get it working on a couple of different sites, and for some reason, I'm having issues with it (and getting verification to work at all)...
Tried some trouble shooting, but basically anything that makes it quicker, easier and requires less technical input to get it up and running would make it much easier to recommend (especially to clients, who might not be convinced by Mastodon enough to devote lots of time and energy until they have something up and running)
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2023-12-13 12:25:25
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Matthias Pfefferle
that's totally true, but the current (shared) hosting environments are playing a significant role in that "game". Quite a lot of tweaks are required because of caching, limited mod-rewrite possibilities because of custom letsencrypt setups, blogs in subfolders or traffic limitations.
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2023-12-13 14:04:15
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Sylkeweb Testing The Fediverse
What you are looking for should be the setup under Marketing Tools. Here you connect your existing Mastodon (or other social media) account to your blog. Once you‘ve done that you should be prompted during the post publishing process to create a post to be sent to your Mastodon account. I described this (with screenshots) in my blog post a while ago, look for “Connecting your Mastodon account to the blog“:
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2023-12-13 14:15:51
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Matthias Pfefferle
oh, nice post! vielen dank ?
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2023-12-13 14:17:56
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Sylkeweb Testing The Fediverse
Danke, und bitte drauf verweisen, wenn nötig. ? Es geht mit nicht darum, ihn anzupreisen, sondern damit anderen zu helfen.
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2023-12-13 14:20:21
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Matthias Pfefferle
? ☺️
Schön dass du dir auch die mühe gemacht hast, beide möglichkeiten auszuprobieren und zu vergleichen!
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2023-12-13 15:20:02
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Mastodon Migration
Great post! Thank you!
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2023-12-13 16:16:04
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DJM (freelance for hire)
I don't think you were wrong. Those who write a lot will mainly stay in WP to publish. Then there are users who just want to post short notes or share links. I'd say their needs of WordPress as the engine is minimal, but they might need it as a kind of repository.
I tried the "Enable Mastodon Apps" WP plugin with Elk and this is interesting: posting from Elk, or editing posts, and find them back among the WP posts...
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2023-12-13 17:07:34
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Sylkeweb Testing The Fediverse
ich bin da ja eher zufällig drüber gestolpert, hab aber sofort kapiert, dass vielen Leuten gar nicht auf Anhieb klar sein wird, wie sich das unterscheidet, vor allem, wenn das als Marketing Tool daher kommt. ? Ich poste schon seit bestimmt 10 Jahren Content von verschiedenen Websites zu Social Media Konten und kenne mich da mittlerweile ein wenig aus, verwende zum Teil auch Buffer um das zu automatisieren. Vielen ist das alles schon „zu technisch“, mir macht es Spaß.
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2023-12-13 17:37:18
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Somehow market how many more followers that would give them and how it would improve their readership? I guess it depends on the general motivation for these folks having a Wordpress site to begin with…
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2023-12-13 20:47:31
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Dan Thornton
Yeah, I've worked on a large scale WordPress plugin in the past (on the marketing/content/product dev side, not code), so I appreciate how difficult it is to account for hosting/other plugins etc...
So I can understand why it's not easier, but at the same time, with my marketing hat on, it's the main reason why it's not more widely adopted...
If I can't get it working after going through all the help files I can find, I can safely say no client is going to bother...
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2023-12-13 22:20:55
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Jason Tucker
I havent tried in a while because I gave up on having this work on my website but getting ActivityPub to work with a website using Cloudflare so the type doesnt change on the response… if I remember correctly. I'd need to look back at my old Masto posts to see what was the hangup.
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2023-12-16 13:07:14
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Dennis 🆙
the one thing I’m missing is to have different post templates for different content types. It’s difficult to manage picture/video only content with the same template as blogposts.
Aside from that, is there a way to have more option to customize the visible profile? Name, URLs, Picture etc. no I need a third party plugin to upload a custom image if I don’t want to use gravatar.
Never tested, but does audio publishing work with ActivityPub? Might be nice for podcasts.
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2023-12-16 13:52:08
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Matthias Pfefferle
Audio and Video is working when using the block editor.
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2023-12-16 13:54:53
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Matthias Pfefferle
you can change templates using a filter. Besides of that: we are planning a complete rewrite of the templates using the block editor. Maybe templates to add to your (custom) theme would also be an option.
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2023-12-16 13:56:17
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Matthias Pfefferle
is also working on an profile editor
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2023-12-16 21:34:02
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Hilda Bastian
I don't have an expensive enough plan for plugins, so I assume it's not accessible to me for my personal sites.
(I keep a simple plan so that it can stay online unchanged once I stop paying.)
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2023-12-16 22:15:42
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Matthias Pfefferle
where do you host your blog?
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2023-12-16 22:59:37
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Hilda Bastian
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2023-12-17 08:33:43
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Matthias Pfefferle
I mean who ist hosting your WordPress site? If, then you can use the feature in every plan.
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2023-12-17 09:30:57
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Hilda Bastian
Thanks! It works! I thought because it said plugin & I couldn't send automatic Mastodon notifications that I couldn't.
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2023-12-25 09:51:05
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I installed
-Plugin this on my website
Unfortunately, I can't find fediverse users by searching on the Wordpress site and then follow them.
How can content from fediverse be automatically published on the Wordpress site? For example, my account on Mastodon.
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2023-12-25 09:58:31
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I could find it easily
Your wp username
Maybe your instance was not federated with it yet.
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2023-12-25 10:09:27
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What I mean is that I can't find an account on the Wordpress site.
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2023-12-25 10:14:02
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Matthias Pfefferle
this does not work! You can‘f follow fediverse users on mastodon (yet). The focus is still on publishing and if we have a solid state there we think about the next big step: following!
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2023-12-25 10:21:52
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I believe there are no features like that with the plug-in, but maybe I am wrong. Hopefully,
can clarify it.
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2023-12-25 10:22:56
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Very good. I'm looking forward to it.
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2023-12-25 11:22:54
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Jupiter Rowland
Matthias Pfefferle
Although I'm wondering if it'd make sense to make WordPress into a fully-blown Mastodon-like bidirectional micro-blogging service.
Just because it has ActivityPub, doesn't mean it's Mastodon, or it works like Mastodon. See also WriteFreely and Plume.
CC: @
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2023-12-25 12:00:50
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Matthias Pfefferle
that’s why I started with publishing ☺️
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2023-12-25 15:15:08
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No, I don't want that either. But I would like my posts and other accounts on the website to be displayed automatically. Also sorted by hashtag and lists.
In keeping with the blog post on the Wordpress site, see the current discussion in Fediverse.
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