Slowly the skate-season begins.... very slowly :-D In Berlin it has been grey and wet nearly all the time, but luckily I was able to go for skating yesterday and even if it's cold outside today... it is quite dry and the sun is shining as well \o/
I'll go for a short session later today, too :-)
I have started to create wiki on this instance of hubzilla about #
skate related topics in #
berlin's not much content yet, but I'll put more when it's really possible to go out for skating again. There are many spots in Berlin that I want to discover this year. The spot at #
HeidelbergerPlatz, the #
mellowPark and some spots that I want to visit again like the one at #
Hasenheide a.k.a. #
Columbiadamm or the #
DIY-spot near #
GreifswalderStrasse, the awesome halfpipe in #
Fennpfuhlpark, the bowls at #
eLok in #
Laskerstrasse and #
VolksparkFriedrichshain - so quite much input for the wiki then :-D